Craig Miller

Senior Volcano Geophysicist
GNS Science, New Zealand

Areas of interest

Volcanology & Geophysics


  • B.Sc. Hons, Auckland, 1995
  • M.Sc., Auckland, 1996
  • Ph.D., SFU, 2017


  1. Wespestad, C.E., Thurber, C.H., Andersen, N.L., Singer, B.S., Cardona, C., Zeng, X., Bennington, N.L., Keranen, K., Peterson, D.E., Cordell, D., Unsworth, M., Miller, C.A., Williams-Jones, G. (2019) Magma reservoir below Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field, Chile, imaged with surface‐wave tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 124, doi: 10.1029/2018JB016485.
  2. Miller, C.A., Currenti, G., Hamling, I., Williams-Jones, G. (2018) Mass transfer processes in a post eruption hydrothermal system: parameterisation of microgravity changes at Te Maari craters, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 357, 39–55, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.04.005.
  3. Witter, J.B., Miller, C.A., Friend, M., Colpron, M. (2018) Curie point depths and heat production in Yukon, Canada Proceedings, 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 12-14, 2018 SGP-TR-213.
  4. Miller, C.A., Le Mével, H., Currenti, G., Williams-Jones, G., Tikoff, B. (2017) Microgravity changes at the Laguna del Maule volcanic field: Magma-induced stress changes facilitate mass addition. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, doi: 10.1002/2017JB014048.
  5. Miller, C.A., Williams-Jones, G., Fournier, D., Witter, J.B. (2017) 3D gravity inversion and thermodynamic modelling reveal properties of shallow silicic magma reservoir beneath Laguna del Maule, Chile Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 459, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.11.007.
  6. Miller, C.A., Williams-Jones, G. (2016) Internal structure and volcanic hazard potential of Mt Tongariro, New Zealand, from 3D geologically constrained gravity and magnetic models. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 319, 12-28, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.03.012
  7. Singer, B., Andersen, N., Le Mével, H., Feigl, K., DeMets, C., Tikoff, B., Thurber, C., Jicha, B., Wespestad, C., Cardona, C., Córdova, L., Amigo, A., Unsworth, M., Cordell, D., Williams-Jones, G., Miller, C.A., Fierstein, J., Hildreth, W., Sruoga, P., Costa, F., Peterson, D., Keranen, K. (2015) The large, restless, rhyolitic magma system at Laguna del Maule, southern Andes: Its dynamics and hazards. In: Proceedings of the XIV Congreso Geologico Chileo.