Enrollment & Class Composition
Our students are central to realizing SFU’s vision as Canada’s leading engaged university.
enrollment management
Strategic enrollment management considers a complex set of policies and practices that impact the size and composition of our student body, including recruitment, admission, and registration of new students; success and retention of existing students; student credit-loads; and the number of students completing programs. Strategic enrollment planning establishes multi-year goals for these variables and guides enrollment decisions over time as we deliver a welcoming and inclusive student experience and exceptional academic programming that meets diverse student needs.
SFU Long-range Strategic Enrollment Plan
In 2020, SFU initiated a new strategic enrollment planning model, building on the longstanding work of the undergraduate Strategic Enrollment Management Council and the Senate Committee on Enrollment Management and Planning. The Strategic Enrollment Planning Committee (SEPC) was created to coordinate the efforts of strategic enrollment management committees focused on undergraduate (SEMC-UG), graduate (SEMC-GS), and non-credit (SEMC-NC) studies with representation from all Faculties, Graduate Studies, Lifelong Learning, and the Office of the Registrar and Student Enrollment.
Through the work of these committees and consultation, the Long-Range Strategic Enrollment Plan was introduced in 2021. This plan expanded prior enrollment planning work largely focused on undergraduate studies and established a set of Strategic Enrollment Planning Guidelines as a framework for calibrating enrollments over a multi-year planning horizon. Originally intended to set five-year goals, the timeline has since been extended to six years due to the significant impact of the pandemic on enrollments.