Fighting Extreme Cold


Cold Injuries and Sicknesses


An example of hypothermia

Hypothermia is a sickness which takes place when the body loses heat faster than it can produce heat. It is caused by heat loss to the environment. It can be caused by anything that increase the rate of heat loss, such as exposure to water or wind. It can also be made worse by some mediacal conditions, and substances such as alchohol and drugs. Conditions that affect a person's ability to feel cold are also considered risk factors for hypothermia.

To learn more about hypothermia, please click on the following link:

All About Hypothermia


An example of frostbite

Frostbite occurs when a part of the body freezes. This may occur as shallow as the skin, or down to the body’s flesh. Frostbite is most common in the fingers, toes, and ears - areas furthest away from the body's core or center. Frostbite is normally caused by exposure to very cold weather, however it may also be caused by contact with freezing metals, ice, or very cold liquids. Frostbite is a major risk at temperatures below -15 degrees Celsius and can lead to nerve damage, gangrene infections, and loss of limbs if allowed to progress.

To learn more about frostbite, please click on the following link:

All About Frostbite

Trench Foot

Trench Foot
An example of trench foot

Trenchfoot is a condition caused by exposure of your feet to damp. Trenchfoot is most commonly caused by wearing inadequate footwear and socks. If left untreated, it can develop into a severe condition and may lead to loss of sensation in the foot or loss of limbs. Signs of trench foot include changes in the color of the foot, numbness, and swelling. Tissue and nerve damage may occur if left unattended for long periods of time.

To learn more about trench foot, please click on the following link:

All About Trench Foot