Fighting Extreme Cold


About Extreme Cold

What Is It?

This is Extreme Cold
Extreme Cold in Vancouver

Extreme cold is issued when the temperature or wind chill is expected to reach -35 degrees Celsius for at least two hours.

Vancouver is considered a temperate region of Canada. Severe cold weather events in Vancouver are defined as snowfall, extreme cold, winter storms, freezing rain, or blizzards. At the same time it is only a short drive away from some of the coldest regions in the country, with the coast mountain range to the north, and the upper Fraser and interior regions to the east, where temperatures regularly reach -10 degrees Celsius. Within the city temperatures can drop to -3, while regular wind and rain make the effects of cold a real concern for residents. Even the gulf Islands, access to communication and electrical power outages a concern. The water ways that surround Vancouver also carry a because of the variety of regions and activities accessible to residents.

If you are a new resident or an immigrant coming to Canada and you need to learn more about Vancouver and its climate, please click on the following link:

Information For New Residents

Who Are Vulnerable?

These vulnerable populations need to be taken care of and looked out for at all times.

Individuals Suffering From Social Isolation
Individuals Suffering From Social Isolation
Living With Mobility and Health Issues
Living With Mobility And Health Issues
Homeless Populations
Homeless Populations