Fighting Extreme Cold


Actions To Take

As always, safety is our priority. Please ensure you are wearing necessary personal protective equipment, try to use a buddy system, and if you come across any hazardous areas, stay clear and be safe. Please do not put yourself in harm’s way.

Plans For Severe Weather

Person shovelling a sidewalk.
Resident shovelling snow out of their driveway.

Vancouver Public Works have gathered information and created a plan to lessen the chance of its citizens getting hurt from severe weather, such as Extreme Cold. In their plan, they describe street priorities, traffic signal outages, garbage and recycling updates, and their priorities for Vancouver's streets and neighbourhoods.

To learn more about Vancouver's Severe Weather Plan, please click on the following link:

Vancouver's Severe Weather Plan

Other Ways to Fight Extreme Cold

Shovel and clean snow.

Snow can be fun, but can be dangerous for drivers and pedestrians if they are not prepared. It is also your legal obligation to clear the sidewalk and driveway in front of your home after snowfall. Not doing this is a fine-able offense.

New residents should purchase the following items in preparation for snow:

  • A snow shovel
  • Road Salt
  • Snow tires for their vehicle
  • Home cold weather insulation (If you are able to renovate your home)

Wear the right clothes.

When dressing for cold weather, remember the three layer rule. The principle is vital whether you are dressing for mild cold or severe cold, although the type of clothing you need will be different.

It is also important that you have clothing that:

  • Protects you from wet weather and precipitation
  • Covers extremities, such as hands and feed

Some form of head gear is important, since heat escapes fastest from the top of your head.

To learn more about wearing the right clothing, please check out this link: All About What To Wear And Bring

Stay informed and look out for others.

The City is encouraging everyone to continue listening to the news and checking out this website to be aware of the current weather situations. It is also encouraging everyone to look out for others, especially vulnerable populations such as the elderly, homeless, persons with underlying health conditions and mobility challenges.