The Fold: From Your Body to the Cosmos is out from Duke University Press!

The Fold is a book of practical philosophy about living in a folded cosmos. Because it begins with the body and the senses, this philosophy is an aesthetics, which I call enfolding-unfolding aesthetics. It proposes a theory of mediation as contact and connection and offers a set of embodied methods for detecting cosmic connections. Key thinkers that contribute to this concept of the folded cosmos include German 18
th C philosopher G.F.W. Leibniz, British quantum physicist David Bohm, and Martinican poet-philosopher Édouard Glissant.
I suggest that the folded substance that constitutes the cosmos is composed of everything and everyone, all of us living beings. I argue that living beings include from humans to particles, sandwiches to stars, and thoughts and images too. I argue we compose and recompose in ever-shifting assemblages. Introducing the concept of the soul-assemblage, The Fold suggests ways to strengthen connections to the cosmos.
My cosmology includes human-made entities, which allows for more analysis of culture and of power relations. Thus I engage extensively with contemporary thinkers of culture and technology in the age of information capitalism. I propose ways to counter the dominance of information folds by “unfolding differently.”
The Fold’s philosophical, embodied, and cosmic journey is accompanied by numerous movies that act as hosts and thought-companions, as well as beguiling diagrams.

An excerpt, "Soul-assemblages--from your body to the cosmos," is on the Selected Writings page.
2.5 diagram, six monads in an open cosmos copy
six monads in an open cosmos

Here's the table of contents:
Living in a Folded Cosmos
            Riding a common wave — The goal of life in the folded cosmos — Bus-stop philosophy — Monism — Leibniz, Carr, Deleuze: being a monad, being a microcosm — Bohm: the implicate order — Glissant: history enfolds relations, relations enfold history — Only a model — Chapters to come
            Boundedness, or ensouled matter — What rocks know — Naming souls — Soul-assemblages — Disquiet — The vinculum, the dominated monad, and the soul-assemblage — Object or monad? — Singularities, local manifolds, and unfolding differently — The open cosmos — The politics of folds — From your navel to the stars: cosmic soul-assemblages 
The Information Fold
Information flows, modulates, reinforces, and disperses — Information and capital — Information arises to a point of view — Information-images and computational perception — Information models the future on abstractions of the present — What information enfolds — Taking the shape of information — Information’s toxic materiality — Unfolding differently — Stay under the radar? — Only moderately paranoid — Cinema of folds — Unfolding differently with algorithmic media — Collapse informatics and small-footprint aesthetics — Media soul-assemblages
Invisible Media (2003)
            Enfolding/unfolding — War and invisibility — Experience : Information/Capital : Image
Aesthetics: Training perception and affection
            Artworks connect the body to the cosmos – Embodied methods — Affective analysis: a method — Case study:  “Can anyone really register trauma?” — Case study: Workshopping for ideas
A Noisy Brush with the Infinite
            Media are connective tissue — Recap of enfolding-unfolding aesthetics — The infinite and noise — Information and noise — Informed material — Virtue of noise — The noisy potato — What to unfold
The Feelings of Fabulation
            Powers of the false — Fabulation: a method — Real-time fabulation — Fabulation begins at home — Feeling fabulation — Fabulation and the great refusal
I Feel Like an Abstract Line
            Feeling like an abstract line, circa 1900 — Vernon Lee and Kit Anstruther-Thomson feel like abstract lines — Kinaesthetic empathy with kinaesthesia — And when empathy is colonized by information?
Thinking Like a Carpet, Feeling Like a Pixel
            The interval: perception of a point — Being algorithmic — Carpets imagine the cosmos — Feeling like a carpet — Living algorithms — Azadeh Emadi: Feeling like a pixel
Monad, Database, Remix: Manners of Unfolding in The Last Angel of History
            Unfolding new embodiments — Unfolding from ruins — Aniconism: refusing to unfold — Unfolding from a database — Montage: unfolding from monads — Unfolding counter-discursive fragments — Fabulation: inventing folds — Unfolding deep time — Unfolding as remix
Information, Secrets, and Enigmas: An Enfolding-Unfolding Aesthetics for Cinema
            Shapes of information, shapes of conspiracy — Forces of folding and unfolding — Earth of endless secrets — Inexhaustible enigma
The Monad Next Door
            Answers for monado-skeptics — The monad enfolds the cosmos — The soul’s reading room — Disquiet: the monad’s body — Upstairs and downstairs — The monad’s guts — Monads and their bodies in Neighboring Sounds — The monad’s mortgage
Conclusion: Recognizing Other Edges
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