No Receipt Notification / How to Enter a Receipt

If you receive a 'no receipt' email, it means that Finance has received an invoice but there is nothing in FINS (a receipt) to show that the item/service was received.  

Most purchases in Science are shipped to Science Receiving.  For these items, the staff in Science Receiving will enter the receipt information in FINS when the shipment arrives.

Items that aren't shipped to Science Receiving still need to have a receipt entered into FINS to show that the item was received or service was rendered.  In these cases, the individual that initiated the Purchase Requisition will need to enter a receipt in FINS.  Instructions for how to enter a receipt in FINS are available here.  There is also online FINS user training available.

Important note: A receipt should only be entered after the items have been received or services have been rendered.  Sometimes the vendor sends the invoice before the items are received - in these cases you can ignore the system-generated email until the item has been received.