
  • The result of this project is presented in the following map.

  • This map is produced by overlaying three raster images with the base map image (World Street ArcGIS). Those three raster images are:
  • - Reclassed suitable areas (result of spatial analysis)
  • - Reclassed population desity: all areas with population density>5000/square km
  • - Emergency response route
  • (click the image for large map in pdf.)











- In the MCE analysis, the population density data of City of North Vancouver is not included. Thus, all the densely populated areas are distributed in District of North Vancouver

- Suitable locations for emergency facility are evenly distributed within 1 km of all the densely populated areas. So a further analysis of best evacuation route is not necessay.

- The suitable location rating have a value range from 0 to the highest score of 91. This value range is evenly reclassed into three categories, namely, Class 1 (0-30), Class 2 (30-60), and Class 3 (60-92).



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