Tillamook Forest Interpretive Center
Data Acquisition

Data Acquisition

Oregon Department of Forestry

This website provided all the data that was used in the project. These files consisted of land bases, counties, management basins, ecoregions, railroads, roads, streams, and stand information from 2001 and 2002. All these files were in zip format and were extracted to open the usable files.

Statewide DEM Dowloads

This website provided downloads of 10m resolution digital elevation model of northwest Oregon. This high resolution was not necessary for this project and was later reduced in IDRISI. This was required for any further analysis with operations such as overlay in IDRISI.


The data was in shapefile format. ArcMap was used to convert this data into IDRISI raster files. When the shape file was displayed in ArcMap right clicking on the layer name opens a drop list (Data – Export Data)  Import into IDRISI requires (File - Import – Software-Specific Format – ESRI Formats – SHAPEIDR). The reason for this conversion is due to the limitations to the IDRISI program. Complex models can be created but the files all need to be converted from shape files to either raster or vector. A problem that arose was that the all the data from the Oregon Department of Forestry was in shape files that was later converted to vector files in IDRISI.

In order to convert vector files to raster form a base raster file must be obtained to use the maximum and minimum coordinates and the resolution which is custom assigned. The extent of coordinates is taken from the limits from the base map. A Macro Modeler was created to convert and crop all the vector images to raster. At the same time all the images are clipped to the same size and same resolution.

 Raster Conversion