Data Acquisition

The use of a three-step evaluation process was preformed using ArcGIS and IDRISI interrelatedly. Other programs used to produce the images is Paint and NVU was used for the web design. When using all these tools efficiencies and deficiencies can be quickly determined. Each program is produced differently to provide ease for the user and preform GIS analysis to answer questions using data.

ArcMap provides a versatile utility that can manipulate data that is in shape file format. This program displays datasets in layers and various entities can be displayed at once. The functions are similar to IDRISI such as Standard Query Language operations. The ability to display map layouts is a great visual tool that is more user friendly than IDRISI. Simple queries are easier to preform in such as selecting by attributes where text attributes can be displayed. ArcToolbox enables the user to preform a multitude of operations quickly and efficiently. For this project the conversion and append operations were used.

The more complex queries were processed through IDRISI.  With multi-criteria analysis various questions are applied in a similar fashion to various factors that apply to the study. The Marco-Modeler is a tool that allows for visual map of all the manipulation data goes through to produce particular maps. Another feature that deals with multiple factors is the decision wizard. Two main types of images constraints and fuzzy factors in any combination can be used to preform an analysis.

These methods will be discussed further on the following pages.