Andrew Sixsmith, Deputy Director

Andrew SixsmithAndrew Sixsmith was appointed Professor and Director of the Gerontology Research Centre at SFU in September 2007 and a Deputy Director of the IRMACS Centre in 2013. Dr. Sixsmith has been a member of the British Society of Gerontology Executive Committee and has been UK representative on the EU's COST-A5 Committee on Ageing and Technology. Since 2000 he has developed research and teaching links with 26 universities worldwide and has actively collaborated with over 30 major commercial and government organisations.

Dr. Sixsmith's research has two main themes. Firstly, he has extensive research experience within the area of health and quality of life of older people and the role of health and social care services. Recent work includes: the development of management tools for health and social care performance evaluation and decision-making (EU-funded CareKeys project) and; the links between the home environment and health and well-being outcomes (EU-funded ENABLE-AGE project). Secondly, he has been particularly involved in the strategic development of research in the area of technology for independent living. Andrew has used gerontological knowledge, theories and methods to provide input into user centred design and development of community care technologies (telecare) to facilitate and deliver health and social care services for older and disabled people. Currently the EU-funded SOPRANO project aims to explore the potential of "ambient assisted living" (intuitive interfaces and smart environments) to support independent living.

Andrew Sixsmith's Contact Details

T: 778-782-5375
F: 778.782.7065

sixsmith (AT)

Room ASB 10905.07

Associated Websites

Personal website