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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Microsoft Headquarters
BIG Company Interviews - Microsoft

The Online Learning Community takes a focus in  this article on how to tackle an interview with one of the biggest - Microsoft.

Your 101 Guide on Working Out-of Province

While it is difficult to secure a co-op or internship placement in today’s declining job market, out-of-province work experience is even harder to come by. If you are going to relocate soon or are thinking about doing an out-of-province co-op or internship, here are some must-know tips and information to help you make the transition smoothly and successfully!

two people shaking hands, smiling
5 Must-Know Tips for Successful Job Search

Finding a job after graduation is definitely a nerve-wrecking thought and thing to do. However, with some preparation and tips in advance, job searching can become less tedious. Find out how you can prepare for job searching and what you should expect during your job seeking journey!

coins spilled out of jar
Black Friday & Value(s)

Today is Black Friday - the frenzied "first day" of holiday shopping following Thanksgiving day in the States. So naturally, value is on a lot of people's minds, as stores are now known to drop prices so low that shoppers have literally killed each other in an effort to save money. But it's another kind of value that motivated this article.

hands holding wrists
Volunteer For Your Student Unions

Looking for volunteer opportunities on campus? Sabrina has the answers for you! Learn all about why volunteering for your department's student union is beneficial and how you can get involved. Also hear about Sabrina's personal experience volunteering for her department!

A person working on their laptop in a coffee shop
How To Use Interviewstream To Land The Job

Interviewstream has compiled a database of extremely relevant questions, similar if not identical to what professionals would ask you.

two people shaking hands
Networking 101: Building Relationships and Selling Yourself!

The main benefit of networking, allows you to find jobs, meet new people, and build long-lasting relationships for mutual benefit. Knowing the right people allows you to get to places that you might not be able to reach otherwise.

the back of a man sitting in his graduation gown
Nailing Job Interviews | Part One | Pre Departure

While some students attended class and others continued their research or homework, a group of students gathered in the depths of the Maggie Benston Centre at Career Services headquarters. Here, we were trained, equipped and armed – ready for our next mission: an Interview.

student in professional attire
4 Reasons Why You Should Work At A Start-up Company

Today, it is fairly difficult for students or new graduates to successfully find an internship, co-op or full-time position. However, start-up companies create a majority of employment in B.C., making them a perfect place for you to set your foot in the door in the industry you want to work in.

Image of a girl in a blue blazer getting interviewed by 2 offscreen people
Dealing with Interview Rejection

Dealing with interview rejection is not always easy, but don't let it stop you from landing your dream job! Read on to find out how to deal with job rejections and how you can improve your future interview performance!

a beautiful photo of Vancouver with clear skies
Five Great Volunteer Organizations in Vancouver

Are you one of the many students who have found difficulties in finding volunteering opportunities, especially in your first year? Karen has compiled some of her recommended organizations, which provide you with great opportunities to develop skills and build on your resume.

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Personal Branding: You’re a Marketable Brand!

With the rise social media, personal branding is a hot topic that is discussed constantly. Your personal brand is basically how people perceive you, and how you market yourself to others. Many students may not be aware of the fact that they need to conduct themselves professionally online because their future employers are now looking at their online presence.

multiple pieces of a deconstructed electric razor
The Key to a Great Cover Letter: Deconstructing the Job Description

Feeling nervous or unqualified as you apply for a job? Struggling to set yourself apart? Learn how to deconstruct the job description so that you can feel comfortable marketing yourself in your cover letter!

a side way image of someone using a Microsoft surface
Helpful Hints for Cover Letters

Cover Letters can be difficult to understand how to write or even what to write.  If you feel stuck or if you simply need more advice, here are some helpful hints from SFU Career Services.

closeup up a hand using a desktop mouse
Writing an Effective Cover Letter

A cover letter is your chance to show enthusiasm for a particular job position and a complementary marketing document to your resume. Like the resume, a cover letter should stand out, be easily readable, relevant and avoid any spelling mistakes!

a girl focusing on her computer screen working
Time Management On the Job

Having a difficult time completing your tasks on time at school or work? Natalie has 3 must-know time management tips to help you manage your time better and work more productively. 

a group of people talking to each other in the workplace
Working for an International Company

Working for an international organization has its perks and challenges. Check out what Natalie thinks are the most interesting aspects of working for a global company and how she overcomes the challenges she encounters on the job.

a flatlay of someone using their tablet browsing the news
Communication Portfolios

Hear what this co-op student had to say about the Communication Co-op's annual "Get the Edge" event. This year's focus was all about portfolios! Read on to see what communication professionals have to say about the importance of having a portfolio and creating a personal brand.

Image reads, "Rejected" in red block letters, with a large X over the word "resume"
Five Reasons Why Your Résumé Might Get Tossed Out (and Other Resume Don'ts)

Your résumé is your first chance to impress a potential employer. A few avoidable mistakes, however, might force a potential employer to toss out your résumé in the “NO” file. What are the most common mistakes applicants make with their résumés? Avoid these common pitfalls to increase your chances of getting an interview!

A graphic of a future city
The Resume of the Future

What will the resume of the future look like?  Considering how many other things have changed in the world of career development, it's kind of surprising to me that many of the conventions that apply to resumes and cover letters seem to be alive and well.

a older man and a women sitting at a table having a conversation
Resume Tips from the BC Public Service

Getting your foot in the door with an organization isn’t always easy, but there is help. If you’re looking for a position with the BC Public Service, they’ve offered up some resume tips to help hopefuls get to the next stage of selection.

empty notebook
Writer's Block: A Bitter Blankness.

Blank. That's pretty much all I've experienced whenever I've sat down in front of a computer screen with the intention of writing a blog post. What is this experience?  What happened to the sense of flow I had gotten so used to every Friday morning - that carefree time warp of productivity I seem to have taken for granted?

two people shaking hands
Acing the Job Interview

You submitted a stellar resume and landed an interview. Great! Now you have to ace the interview. At the interview, you will want to make a good impression, so make it count!  Here are some tips to give yourself an edge!

Chee Mamuk symbol
Chee Mamuk Aboriginal Program

“We have many strengths as Aboriginal people. We can use these strengths to raise awareness and prevent HIV/AIDS and STIs.” – Melanie Rivers, Chee Mamuk Aboriginal Program

a group of interviewers interviewing a candidate
Nailing Interviews | Part Two | In the Interview

We last left off during the pre-departure training for the grand mission known to everyone as an interview. Catch up with the trainees as they go into their next campaign - the actual interview.

a flatlay of a piece of paper with a pencil and a pencil sharpener
Put Your Cover Letter at the Top of the Stack

While it may take a while to master it, keep working on your cover letters and continue to try new things. Writing cover letters is an art -- the only way to get good at them is through practice.

a woman smiling with her work screen in the background
How To Make Your Resume Stand Out

Your resume represents many things. It is a slice of your life that highlights to an employer the most relevant things you’ve done, experiences you’re proud of, and the skills you’ve acquired. Still, writing one can be tough! Fortunately, there's one thing that can help you write an amazing resume: the job posting!

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FREE Jobpostings: Aboriginal Issue

Aboriginal inclusion in the workplace is a crucial part of the overall discussion that is taking place around diversity and inclusion in the current Canadian jobs scene. At Jobpostings, we commend those companies that support workplaces where everyone— especially those within the Aboriginal community—can be their authentic selves.

First Nations Logo
[Indigenous Employer] Chee Mamuk, Aboriginal Program

“We have many strengths as Aboriginal people. We can use these strengths to raise awareness and prevent HIV/AIDS and STIs.” – Melanie Rivers, Chee Mamuk Aboriginal Program

image of a stethoscope
Pre-medical Symposium

Are you a non-traditional student who is considering medicine? If so, we would like to invite you to attend our symposium.

LYNX logo
LYNX: Aboriginal Student Career & Employment Program

The LYNX Aboriginal Student Career & Employment Program provides an opportunity for Aboriginal Students from various universities in Western Canada to connect directly with potential employers.

a meeting between three women with a focus on one
The Dirty Dozen Interview Questions

Needless to say, we all want to succeed while being interviewed. Yet it seems no matter how much we prepare, we always come across at least one question that stumps us. Part Three, the final portion of our multi-part series explores the last four of the 12 most commonly asked, commonly-feared interview questions.

man standing on rock looking at sky
Finding Your Passion: Doing What You Love

70,000 hours. To do what? Well, according to Gillian Watters, director of programs at KEYS Job Centre in Kingston, Ontario, 70,000 hours is the amount of time you will spend at your job over the course of a lifetime.  Read on to find out how you can spend 70,000 hours doing what you love.

a woman smiling at the paper she's holding
How-To Succeed & Have Fun On the Job

Natalie wanted nothing more than to do well at her first co-op placement. Here are some things she picked up to make her work term fun and more successful! 

the back of two women staring at a laptop screen
What to Expect During a Site Visit

I had no idea what to expect for my first co-op site visit, did you? In this blog post, I reflect back on what happened during my first site visit, to help prepare you for what might happen at yours!

A photo of Mike with his colleagues
Want to Work for the Non-Profit Sector? 4 Reasons Why You Should!

People often overlook the non-profit sector, as an option to carve out a career, yet the sector can offer a lot of rewarding opportunities that may not be available in the public or private sector.

A photo of a man standing in the middle of a field
5 Reasons Why Volunteering is Splendid and How it Can Reverse the Signs of Aging.

Find out the 5 reasons Alex has for why volunteering is splendid! Figure out ways to get great experience and skills for your resume that won't cost you a dime. Also discover how volunteering can reverse the signs of aging...

Letter with a pen
3 Mistakes & 3 Tips - Cover Letters

It's been an hour, and there's nothing but a blank screen staring back at you. The job posting closes in another couple hours, and you need to submit a cover letter to go with your resume. But where oh where do you start? Here's 3 things to avoid, and 3 tips for writing your next cover letter!

Diary of a Marketing Co-op: Stand Your Ground
Stand Your Ground

In this segment of Diary of a Marketing Co-op, I look back at the need to be assertive to meet never-ending deadlines and how to balance this with the ability to know when to go with the flow.

Bull attacks
OLE! Targeting Resumes and Cover Letters

This is the time to grab the bull by its horn.  Learn to target your resume and cover letter to win your dream job.   

person using apple pen to write on ipad
Three Mistakes and Three Tips: Cover Letters

It's been an hour, and there's nothing but a blank screen staring back at you. The job posting closes in another couple hours, and you need to submit a cover letter to go with your resume. But where oh where do you start? Here's 3 things to avoid, and 3 tips for writing your next cover letter!

A photo of a studio
Quarter-Life Crisis: It's Real

It's no secret that young people entering the workforce today are facing very different challenges than generations past. "Quarter-life crisis" emerged to describe the experiences many young people were going through as they struggled to establish themselves in adulthood. But what does this phrase really mean?

Graduation ceremony
Convocation! 3 Things to Think About When Graduating

The world is your oyster. How many times have you heard that already? In two days, you will have walked across that stage with your parchment in hand: a result of your four to five (or more) years of hard work. While we will leave all the emotional, heartfelt speeches to the esteemed speakers on stage, we decided to write a congratulatory and advice piece for those that will be receiving their diverse degrees, as well for students who will be graduating in the near future.

Business man with his arms up looking at the sky
Business Career Management Corner: Professionalism in the Workplace

Landing the job is only the first step. Once you arrive for work you not only need to make a good first impression, but create a lasting professional reputation.

three people wearing professional attire standing side by side
5 Tips for Making a Successful Transition from School to Work

Students are often hoping to quickly graduate and find the job of their dreams, but school and work can be extremely different and the gap can be fairly difficult for some to adapt to. Here are five tips to help you prepare for the work force! 

a closeup of a woman concentrating in her work space
The Office Culture: What School Doesn’t Prepare You For

There are many things school doesn't teach you about working in a corporate environment. Check out 3 areas Natalie wants you to pay attention to when you are on your job and tips to help you improve your work performance.

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Top Ten Tips for Co-op Work Term Success

John Grant, an SFU Communication Co-op Alumus has five work term experiences in his portfolio and shares his top ten tips for completing a successful and fulfilling Co-op work term.

a girl networking with her colleagues
Top Tips for Workplace Transition and Performance

Are you starting your first co-op work term soon? Here are some top tips to help you transition from school to work smoothly and successfully and improve your work performance and professionalism.

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Conquering my Fears of the Adobe Creative Suite

Finding it hard to find a co-op job that doesn't require any web or design skills?  Read on if you're interested in learning how this co-op student conquered her fears and learned how to make the most of her work term using the design skills she learned in just a few short weeks! 

Decolonization Workshop Series

SFPIRG is offering a series of Decolonization Workshops this fall: Decolonization 101, Beyond Residential Schools, Resistance and Resiliance in BC and Matrilinealism  The workshops are open for anyone who is interested. 

picture of the community hall
Citizenship, Business and First Nations: Finding a Way Forward

Net Impact as part of their mission statement as emerging business leaders is to make a positive environmental, social and economic impact in the Vancouver community by advocating responsible and sustainable business practices.

Dennis as a freshman with his friends
Must-know Tips For A University Freshman | Part Two

Making the transition from high school to university can be exciting but difficult, check out some useful tips and advice from a senior student so you can make the most out of your first year at SFU!

workplace environment with a bunch of people sharing a work space
Natalie's First Day at Allied Vision Technologies

Are you starting your first day at work soon? Getting anxious because you don't know what to expect? Read on to learn more about Natalie's experience and her tips on making the most out of your first day.

one person at the head of a table leading a meeting with 7 other members
Top Ten Ways to Wow Your Boss

You impressed your boss during your job interview, but now it’s time to really show what you are capable of. A good business relationship with your boss is one of the components of a positive work experience. Here are the top tens ways to dazzle your new employer.

First Nations Student Association at SFU Orienatation

The First Nations Student Association was part of the Orientation for the first time ever in the history of SFU this year a great step in the right direction for not only the FNSA but the SFU Orientation program as well.

UNBC logo
UNBC to Lead National Urban Aboriginal Knowledge Network in Western Canada

The University of Northern British Columbia is partnering with the National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC), government ministries, and regional research centres across Canada to develop the Urban Aboriginal Knowledge Network (UAKN) and research the policies and issues that affect Canada’s city-dwelling aboriginal population.

Someone singing
Coast Salish Singing

Karen went to the Coast Salish singing workshop for several reasons. First she was aboriginal, new to SFU and thought it would be fun. Also she would be able to meet some other aboriginal students. Find out more about Coast Salish Singing...

A poster of the Big Fair
Do's and Don'ts for the Big Fair

Check out this list of "do and don't" tips for the upcoming SFU Big Fair!

Dennis as a freshman with his friends
Must-know Tips For A University Freshman | Part One

Making the transition from high school to university can be exciting but difficult, check out some useful tips and advice from a senior student so you can make the most out of your first year at SFU!

Elizabeth and coworker smiling beside each other
Seeking Approval

The latest entry of the Diary of a Marketing Co-op series looks at the need and importance of aquiring endless rounds of approvals, and what it can teach you.