Summer 2023 - MSE 411 D100

Capstone Design Technical Project II (3)

Class Number: 1498

Delivery Method: In Person


  • Course Times + Location:

    May 8 – Aug 4, 2023: Fri, 9:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.

  • Prerequisites:

    MSE 410. Must not be taken concurrently with MSE 493 or MSE 494.



Students will apply their technical knowledge to develop a prototype system representing a product that was designed earlier in MSE 410. Students will then present it to a panel of engineers, faculty and student members. Students with credit for ENSC 440 or SEE 411 may not take MSE 411 for further credit.


Welcome to MSE 411 (MSE Capstone Project 2). Together with MSE 410, these courses provide you with an opportunity to integrate the technical, project management, communication, and people skills that you have learned over the past four years. Working in groups of 4-5 people, you will be responsible for proposing, conceptualizing, designing, building, and demonstrating an engineering project of some significance. Topics covered include the following: creative thinking, group dynamics, collaborative writing, group oral presentations, project documentation, engineering design processes, engineering standards, and entrepreneurship. By the end of the courses, you will have mastered the design process and the documentation and group work that enables that process.

The Capstone Project Course is the essential requirement for the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB).

Electronic Communication:

Capstone Website


Objectives and Outcomes

The aim of this course is for students to demonstrate their capacity to apply engineering principles in the design of a novel system, solution or software. Participation in this course will help in developing the following attributes required for graduating as an engineer.

  • Knowledge Base
  • Problem Analysis
  • Investigation
  • Design
  • Use of Engineering Tools
  • Individual and Team Work
  • Communication Skills
  • Professionalism
  • Impact of Engineering on Society
  • Ethics and Equity
  • Economics and Project Management
  • Life-long learning.

Several indicators are used to measure student competency in the course outcomes. A complete list of indicators is available on the course website.


  • Weekly progress reports 10%
  • User Manual or Technical Manual 30%
  • Demo Poster Presentation 30%
  • Final Comprehensive Report and Journal 30%


Deliverables / Assignments


Week / Date Due

Weekly progress reports


Once a week starting May 19 Due the day before weekly meetings (TBA)

User Manual or Technical Manual


June 30 (Word file only)

Demo Poster Presentation


August 5 (this term the comprehensive demo must be presented through a video submitted through Canvas)

Final Comprehensive Report


August 8 (Word files only)

Project Journals


August 8 (drop off at MSE main office)


Students are expected to meet with their project technical supervisor once per week during the semester.
In addition, regular meetings will be scheduled with the course Instructor, Dr. Golnaraghi. The scheduled times are:
Thursdays 2 – 3 pm
Fridays 10:30 – 12:30 am
The TAs will schedule these meetings

There is no lab for this course.
SRYC 3340 has been designated as the Capstone room for the students who need to use the storage or workstation facilities. The process includes signing up using the lab schedule already posted and managed by the TAs. Only one student per group would be allowed to use the room, and the rest could participate online to exchange ideas.

Outline of the Course Safety Plan
We will adhere to the safety plan that is developed by MSE regarding space, disinfecting, and PPE.

The students will be required to be familiar with the safety and disinfection protocols as per SFU COVID-19 and FAS COVID-19 cleaning and disinfection procedures for all surfaces.

The TA will enforce maximum room occupancy and ensure the students meet the safety protocols. 2 m physical distancing will be required at all times.
• Non-medical masks must be worn.
• Students and TAs will wash their hands before and after each visit to the lab.
• Hand sanitizer will be made available in the lab.
• Health forms will be submitted online prior to each visit.
• Students will use a signup sheet to access the room.
• The students check with the TA before entering the room at their designated scheduled time.
• The students are asked to disinfect their workstation and equipment after they finish their work.

Financial Support
Each team shall receive up to a maximum of $50 for poster printing costs through reimbursement. For self-funded teams, the School will grant up to $500 by way of reimbursement (amount may vary depending on the funding allocation and the number of claims). To be included in the list of funding recipients, register using the Registration Form: Self-funded Capstone Team form on or before January 31st. Groups participating in the entrepreneurship program may be eligible for additional funding through the entrepreneurship@sfu program (Contact Dr. Amr Marzouk).

The company must fund Industry-sponsored projects. Be sure you have an agreement in place and understand the reimbursement rules before making any project-related purchases. Same for faculty-sponsored projects.

Claim process:
• Each team must submit to the MSE Office c/o Julibeth Fernandez.
• The claim must be supported by original receipts or e-receipts with proof of payment.

Academic Integrity
Students are expected to conduct themselves professionally at all times, including interactions with professors, teaching assistants, and fellow students. Students are responsible for their performance in the course and should approach the professor and teaching assistants for help if they are having trouble with the material. Refer to the SFU Calendar for course withdrawal, academic dishonesty, and other related regulations.

Student Accommodations
Students who require accommodations should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course. The instructor and teaching assistants will do their best to support your accommodations. If you need more information about student accommodations, please visit the Centre for Students with Disabilities website

Intellectual Property Statement
In keeping with the Capstone curriculum’s entrepreneurial spirit, students are encouraged to pursue projects having commercialization potential and are discouraged from entering non-competition and non-disclosure agreements with participating companies without consultation with the instructors. Project results are generally made publicly available through student presentations and final documentation. The University’s Intellectual Property Policy will govern intellectual property ownership, R 30.03, including, but not limited to situations where:

1. a participating company provides a general concept for the Capstone group to use as a starting point or guidance in the project;
2. a participating company offers a specific project that will incorporate the company’s proprietary information;
3. a participating company provides funding to support the Capstone group’s project;
4. the pre-existing intellectual property of either the student or faculty advisor will be the subject of the student’s project.

Capstone group members shall be considered co-creators and, as per the University’s Intellectual Property Policy, R 30.03, 6.5, if Commercialization is anticipated and there is more than one Creator, a written agreement among the Creators should be concluded as early as possible and before negotiations for Commercialization are commenced with third parties.

We have a University IP agreement for Industrial projects, in case the company you are working with demands one.



Your personalized Course Material list, including digital and physical textbooks, are available through the SFU Bookstore website by simply entering your Computing ID at:

Registrar Notes:


SFU’s Academic Integrity website is filled with information on what is meant by academic dishonesty, where you can find resources to help with your studies and the consequences of cheating. Check out the site for more information and videos that help explain the issues in plain English.

Each student is responsible for his or her conduct as it affects the university community. Academic dishonesty, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive of the values of the university. Furthermore, it is unfair and discouraging to the majority of students who pursue their studies honestly. Scholarly integrity is required of all members of the university.


Students with a faith background who may need accommodations during the semester are encouraged to assess their needs as soon as possible and review the Multifaith religious accommodations website. The page outlines ways they begin working toward an accommodation and ensure solutions can be reached in a timely fashion.