Summer 2024 - HSCI 216 D100

Ecological Determinants of Human Growth, Development and Health (3)

Class Number: 2846

Delivery Method: In Person


  • Course Times + Location:

    May 6 – Jun 17, 2024: Tue, Thu, 2:30–5:20 p.m.

  • Instructor:

    Pablo Nepomnaschy
    1 778 782-8493
  • Prerequisites:

    HSCI 100 or BISC 101, with a minimum grade of C-.



Effects that social and ecological factors have on human growth, development and health. Challenges such as epidemics, natural catastrophes, industrialization, globalization, migration, poverty, war, global warming, etc, leading to evolution and adaptations. Relationships between socio-ecological challenges, their health consequences and related gene-population variations and effects on growth, development, sexual maturation, reproductive investment, and senescence and health.


HSCI 216
Ecological Determinants of Human Growth, Development & Health
-- Intersession 2023 –


Instructor: Dr. Pablo A. Nepomnaschy (prefers to be called “Pablo”)

Office hours: TBA


TAs, their contact information and office hours: TBA

To request changes in tutorial assignments (i.e., switch tutorial sections) please contact: DO NOT CONTACT Pablo because he cannot make changes in terms of tutorial assignments or any issues relating to course enrollment and registration.




This course examines the effects that social and ecological factors have on human growth, development and health. How and why do epidemics, natural catastrophes, industrialization, poverty, war, etc, affect the evolution of our bodies and the way they work today? What phenotypic traits have they shaped? Why would it be important to understand the evolutionary history and the ecology of the human body? Would understanding the selective forces of the past help us be healthy in the present? This course explores the links between social and ecological selective pressures of our past, evolution (changes in allele frequencies) and adaptations (modifications in the dynamic interaction between genotype, epigenotype, environment and the resulting phenotype) to modern challenges. By comparing populations exposed to a variety of social and ecological environments, we will investigate how everyday modern challenges can affect growth, development, sexual maturation, reproductive investment, and senescence and health.

The SFU Calendar describes the course as follows:

HSCI 216 Ecological Determinants of Human Growth, Development and Health

Effects that social and ecological factors have on human growth, development and health. Challenges such as epidemics, natural catastrophes, industrialization, globalization, migration, poverty, war, global warming, etc, leading to evolution and adaptations. Relationships between socio-ecological challenges, their health consequences and related gene-population variations and effects on growth, development, sexual maturation, reproductive investment, and senescence and health.


No textbook is required for this course. It is based entirely on journal articles and book chapters available online or digitally posted in Canvas. Slides of the lectures will be available after the day the lecture takes place. PLEASE do not ask for them beforehand. Slides are not ready before I deliver them.



This course includes four main components: lectures, readings, tutorials and a term paper. Reading materials corresponding to each lecture/tutorial are indicated in the syllabus. Students are expected to READ THE ASSIGNED MATERIALS BEFORE THE CORRESPONDING LECTURE. Students can expand on subjects of their interest by accessing the additional materials provided in Canvas.


Communications will take place through Canvas Discussion, Blackboard Collaborate Chat and Announcements. It is your responsibility to check announcements daily. You are expected to receive and deliver all course-materials through Canvas.

This is a large course (enrolment can range from 150 to 275 students). It has only 1 instructor and a few TAs. Thus, please minimize one-to-one communication and use email only for inquiries that are of an urgent, private, nature. All questions related to content or regular logistical aspects of the course must go through the Canvas communication channels described above or asked in person after lecture/tutorial.


Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the basic biological principles that underlie human life history
  • Analyze basic interactions between genotype, environment and the phenotype
  • Understand how ecological (i.e.: social and physical) challenges can affect life history patterns and impact health and well-being
  • Evaluate the role that evolutionary theory could play in medicine and public health

Core Competencies for the BA and BSc Programs addressed in this course include:

  • Core Concepts in Population and Public Health                                                             primary
  • Strategies for Preventing Disease and Promoting Health                                               reinforcing
  • Measuring Health and Disease                                                                                   reinforcing
  • Systems and critical thinking                                                                                     reinforcing




Grade      Grade %               SFU Grade Point


A+      90-100                       4.33

A         85-89                         4.00

A-        80-84                        3.67

B+      77-79                          3.33

B        73-76                          3.00

B-       70-72                          2.67

C+      67-69                         2.33

C        63-66                          2.00

C-       60-62                          1.67

D        50-59                          1.00

F          0-49                          0.00




NOTE 2: In accordance with FHS Grading Guidelines for lower division (100-200 level) courses, the median course grade will be in the B range, with approximately 5% A+s given.  Professors are asked to comply with those guidelines in regular presential courses and those with large student enrollments like this one, tend to naturally present that pattern. The instructor may make changes to this syllabus if necessary, within Faculty/University regulations. This includes the possibility of scaling final grades, if they are too high or too low, to meet FHS grading guidelines.


Tutorials (for details read Tutorial Protocols in Canvas Modules): Tutorials are comprised of two parts: presentations, and participation. The goal of the tutorials is to review the assigned scientific articles for each lecture (see “Readings Schedule” below). These articles are meant to complement the topics discussed during lecture. To achieve this goal, each tutorial will start with brief individual student presentations on one of the assigned articles. TAs will randomly assign articles to students at the onset of the course. Each student will prepare and record a 5-minute oral presentation highlighting the main conceptual points made by the assigned article. The other students will have the opportunity to ask conceptual questions to the presenter in writing, through Bb chat. TAs will evaluate presentations based on the accuracy of the review, overall clarity, succinctness and quality of delivery as well as the quality of the responses the presenter provides to their classmates’ questions. The details can be found in the Oral Presentation Module in the documents Oral Presentation Guidelines and Oral Presentation Marking Rubric.

After the oral presentations, students will have the opportunity to ask their TAs further questions about the scientific articles assigned as well as the materials covered in the previous lecture. These questions together with those they ask to presenters will be the base for TAs’ evaluation of students’ “Participation in tutorial”.

Term paper: Students will write a research term paper (TP) on one of the topics covered in this course. You can find examples of successful TPs from the past in the Canvas module on Term Papers.   To help on you with your TP, we will hold two workshops during the Course .

We recommend you begin the TP by first writing an outline (a skeleton of your argument, perhaps in the form of a flowchart). If you want feedback on this outline, please submit it to your TA early, not later than the third week of May. You are encouraged to exchange drafts with a classmate for review and editing no later than mid June and that you and your peer return each other’s drafts with constructive feedback within a week of submission; providing you enough time to incorporate said feedback before submitting your final version (see deadlines on LECTURES, EXAMS AND PAPERS’ SCHEDULE below).  The final grade of the TP will be based on the quality of the final paper, including the accuracy of the literature review, its overall clarity, structure, succinctness and the quality of analysis (see TP Guidelines and Rubric on Canvas Module Term Paper, and use it to guide your writing process).





Notes and deadlines


May 9

Intro - Evolution and Health

Yes, there are tutorials!


May 11

Genetics and Evolution: a review



May 16

Human Life History



May 18

Ecology and Demography



May 23

Evolutionary Epidemiology

Outline to TA (optional)


May 25

MIDTERM I + Term Paper workshop 



May 30

Ecology of Reproduction (I)



June 1

Ecology of Reproduction (II)


June 6

Dev.Origins of Health & Disease (DOHaD)



June 8

Growth and Development II  


June 13

Transdisciplinary approaches to Research



June 15







The lecturer, instructors and students are all expected to be passionate about wanting to transmit and receive knowledge. Life is too short to take courses that bore you.

All lectures and tutorials will, technology permitting, include a Q&A periods. Asking well thought questions denotes interest in a subject. We, Instructor and TAs, will do our best to answer as many of your questions as the circumstances allow.

Please be respectful of others during synchronous activities, such as tutorials. Disruptive behavior may result in exclusion from the activity.

All lectures are made available to you through CANVAS, however said materials are copyrighted and it is illegal to download, record or share them without your Instructor’s written permission.

Cheating is considered the lowest possible academic behaviour. SFU’s Guidelines for Student Conduct state that “All acts of intellectual dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action by the University.” The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) adheres to SFU policies regarding academic dishonesty. These include having a report submitted for every case to the Academic Integrity Advisor of FHS and SFU. Students should read SFU's general policy on academic dishonesty at Students are responsible for knowing what plagiarism is, as explained here:


SFU advocates a zero tolerance policy for academic dishonesty. Any form of academic dishonesty will result in zero points for that assignment and the instructor will recommend to the Associate Dean Education at FHS that the student get a failing grade for the course. The instructor may also recommend a formal reprimand and possible referral to the University Board on Student Discipline for potential suspension from the university.

If you find for whatever reason that you are tempted to plagiarize or otherwise cheat, don’t do it!Instead, get help. If you find yourself overly challenged or overwhelmed – as can happen to anyone -- SFU has resources to help. Instructors and TA’s hold office hours in which they can assist you with your work. SFU’s Student Learning Commons is providing  online assistance at


Students who need an alternate due date for an assignment or must miss a class quiz must send your TA and me a written request for accommodation during the first week of classes. If you know you are going to be away for an exam, contact me about it as early as possible.


What happens if you miss an assignment or an exam without having send us a previous note?

You can expect to receive an alternative exam or I may give you an oral exam. If you are late with an assignment or absent due to a medical reason or if there is a family problem that you must attend to, I require a written explanation of the reason for your absence, and some means of verification. Timely, professional communication and follow-through are expected. It is your responsibility to keep me posted.

Please note that regardless of the circumstances, if you must make up an exam/assignment, I reserve the right to write a new exam/assignment that could include any formats such as an oral exam, alternate essay, etc. I also reserve the right to increase the percentages of other assignments rather than have you write the missed exam/assignment.


What grade will I get if I miss a quizz  or can’t turn in a major assignment because I am sick?


If you are missing a substantial assignment or exam from your course work, you are likely to receive a letter grade including N or DE.


SFU uses the letter grade N (incomplete) when a student has enrolled in a course but did not write the final examination or otherwise failed to complete the course work and did not withdraw before the deadline date. An N is considered an F for purposes of scholastic standing.


If you negotiate a make-up schedule with your instructor, you may receive the letter grade DE (deferred). A deferred grade is a temporary grade assigned at the end of the term for incomplete course work.  Please refer to the SFU undergraduate dates and deadlines for summer term for more information on deadlines.


Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
•     Understand the basic biological principles that underlie human life history
•     Analyze basic interactions between genotype, environment and the phenotype
•     Understand how and ecological (i.e.: social and physical) challenges can affect life history patterns and impact health and well-being
•     Evaluate the roles that ecology and evolutionary knowledge can play in medicine and public health  

Core Competencies for the BA and BSc Programs addressed in this course include:

  • Core Concepts in Population and Public Health (primary) 
  • Strategies for Preventing Disease and Promoting Health (reinforcing)
  • Measuring Health and Disease (reinforcing)
  • Systems and critical thinking (reinforcing)  


  • Midterms and quizzes 33%
  • Participation in Tutorials 17%
  • Presentations in Tutorials 17%
  • Term Paper 33%


NOTE 1: There is no final exam in this course    

NOTE 2: The median course grade will likely be in the B range. The FHS Grading Guidelines state that lower division (100-200 level) courses usually have no more than 5% A+s. Professors are asked to comply with those guidelines and courses like this one, with large number of students, tend to naturally present that pattern. The instructor may make changes to this syllabus if necessary, within Faculty/University regulations. This includes the possibility of scaling final grades, if they are too high or too low, to meet FHS grading guidelines.  

Participation in tutorial: Students participation (attendance, knowledge of the materials, engagement in discussions, etc.) during tutorials will be evaluated by each TA.  

Group presentations tutorials: Students will present in groups specific papers of the course package. TAs will evaluate presentations based on the accuracy of the review, its overall clarity, succinctness, quality of delivery and effort put forth in summarizing, analyzing and critiquing the paper (students don’t have to agree with the authors but they have to demonstrate they understand the argument made by them). See Group presentation guidelines and marking scheme on Canvas for details.  
Term paper: Please see TP Guideline and Rubric on Canvas.  

The lecturer, instructors and students are all expected to be passionate about wanting to transmit and receive knowledge. Life is too short to engage in activities that bore you. All lectures and tutorials will include a 5-10 minute Q&A section. Asking well thought questions denotes interest in a subject. There is no learning without asking. In a classroom, “mistakes are not important, understanding is” (A. Shine). If we (professors or TA’s) do not know the answer to your question we (you and us…yes, you too) will research it, confer, and then share the gained knowledge with the rest of the class.  

Cheating is considered the lowest possible academic behaviour. SFU’s Guidelines for Student Conduct state that “ALL acts of intellectual dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action by the University.” The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) adheres to SFU policies regarding academic dishonesty. These include having a report submitted for every case to the Academic Integrity Advisor of FHS and SFU. Students should read SFU's general policy on academic dishonesty at: or on page 36 of the 2008-9 SFU Calendar. Students are responsible for knowing what plagiarism is, as explained in this tutorial: SFU advocates a zero tolerance policy for academic dishonesty. If you are caught cheating (e.g., looking at someone else’s paper or engaging in electronic communication during an exam; plagiarizing), my policy is to assign you zero points for that assignment. If a student cheats or plagiarizes, the instructor will recommend to the chair that he/she get a failing grade for the course, and may recommend a formal reprimand and possible referral to the University Board on Student Discipline for potential suspension from the university. If you find for whatever reason that you are tempted to plagiarize or otherwise cheat, don’t do it! Instead, get help. If you find yourself overly challenged or overwhelmed – as can happen to anyone -- SFU has resources to help. Instructors and TA’s hold office hours in which they can assist you with your work. SFU’s Academic Advice Centre has drop-in hours. Seek out SFU’s resources to help you.  

  Students who need an alternate due date for an assignment or must miss a class or exam in order to observe a holy day must send their TA and me a written request for accommodation during the first week of classes. If you know you are going to be away for an exam, contact me about it as early as possible. If you miss an exam, you can expect to receive an alternative exam or I may give you an oral exam. If you are late with an assignment or absent due to a medical reason, you will not ordinarily be penalized if you bring a signed note on letterhead paper from a physician. If there is a family problem that you must attend to, I require a written explanation of the reason for your absence, and some means of verification. Timely, professional communication and follow-through are expected. It is your responsibility to keep me posted. Please see TP Guidelines for consequences to missing a deadline without proper justification.


PREREQUISITES   HSCI 100 or BISC 101. These pre-requisites will not be waived.



REQUIRED TEXTS   There is no textbook for this course. It is based entirely on journal articles and book chapters. Articles available online or digitally are posted in Canvas. Slides of the lectures will be available after the day the lecture takes place. PLEASE, do not ask for them before hand. Slides are not ready before I deliver them.


Readings Schedule (subject to changes)

Class 1: Evolution and Health

Williams GC and Nesse R (1991) The dawn of Darwinian medicine. Quarterly Review of Biology 66:1-22.   
Nesse R. "Evolution: Medicine's Missing Basic Science”  

Armelagos, GJ; Brown, PJ and Turner, B (2005) Evolutionary, historical and political economic perspectives on health and disease. Soc Sci Med 61(4):755-65.  
Weinstock, JV, Summers, WR; Elliott, DE; Qadir, K; Urban, Jr JF; and Thompson, R (2002) The possible link between de-worming and the emergence of immunological disease. J Lab Clin Med 139(6):334-338.  
Ellison PT, Jasienska G. (2007) Constraint, pathology, and adaptation: how can we tell them apart? Am J Hum Biol. 19(5):622-30.

Class 2: Genetics a review   

 A. Genetics and Evolutionary Theory:   Gluckman P., Beedle A, Hanson M 2009. Evolutionary Theory Principles of Evolutionary Medicine Oxford University Press, pp 21-49   
B. Genetic structure of human populations:   Gluckman P., Beedle A, Hanson M 2009. The Molecular Basis of Variance and Inheritance Principles of Evolutionary Medicine. Oxford University Press, pp 49-77   

Class 3: Term Paper Workshop I

Class 4: Human Life History
Required Marlowe, F (2000) The Patriarch Hypothesis. Human Nature 11(1):27-42.   Kaplan H, Lancaster J, and Robson A (2003) 
Embodied Capital and the Evolutionary Economics Of the Human Lifespan. In JR Carey and S Tuljapakur (eds.): Lifespan: Evolutionary, Ecological and Demographic Perspectives, pp. 152-182.  
Hawkes, K.; Blurton Jones, N (2005) Human Age Structures, Paleodemography, and the Grandmother Hypothesis. In E Voland, A Chasiotis, and W Schiefnhovel (eds.) Grandmotherhood: The Evolutionary Significance of the Second Half of Female Life, Rutgers University Press, pp. 118-120. (*Note: only the first 2 pages are required)   

 Kaplan, H., Gurven, M., Winking, J., Hooper, P. & Stieglitz, J. (2010). Learning, menopause, and the human adaptive complex. Annuals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1204, 30-42  

Class 5: Ecology and Demography   
Required   Ehrlich & H. Ehrlich (2008) The ups and downs of populations (Chapter 7) The Dominant Animal: Human Evolution and the Environment. Island Press.   
Low (2001) Wealth, Fertility and the Environment in Future tense (Chapter 15) Why Sex Matters: A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior. Princeton. 

Class 6: Evolution and Epidemiology

 Galvani AP. Epidemiology meets evolutionary ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 18 (3)132-139   
Optional Morse, S. (1995). Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 1, 7-15

Class 7: Ecology of Reproduction I

  Jasienska G, Ellison PT. (2004) Energetic factors and seasonal changes in ovarian function in women from rural Poland. Am J Hum Biol.(5):563-80. 
Valeggia C, Ellison PT. (2009) Interactions between metabolic and reproductive functions in the resumption of postpartum fecundity. Am J Hum Biol. 21(4):559-66.  

Class 8: Ecology of Reproduction II

  Nepomnaschy PA et al (2004) Nepomnaschy PA, McConnell D, Welch K, Strassmann BI and England BG. (2004) Stress and Female Reproductive Function: A study of daily variations in cortisol, gonadotrophins, and gonadal steroids in a Rural Mayan Population. Amer J of Hum Biol 16:533-543   
Nepomnaschy PA, et al. (2006) Cortisol levels and very early pregnancy loss in humans. PNAS 103(10): 3938-3942.   

Optional   Nepomnaschy PA, et al (2007) Stress, immune function and women's reproduction in Stress Responses in Biology and Medicine; Ann. NY. Acad. Sci. 1113: 350-354   
Joffe M. (2009) What has happened to human fertility? Hum Reprod   

Class 10: Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)
Required   Barker DJB, ed. (1992) Fetal and infant origins of adult disease. London: BMJ Publishing Group,.  
Ellison PT. 2005 Evolutionary perspectives on the fetal origins hypothesis.Am J Hum Biol. 17(1):113-8.   
Optional   Jasienska G, et al. (2006) Fatness at birth predicts adult susceptibility to ovarian suppression: an empirical test of the Predictive Adaptive Response hypothesis. PNAS 103(34):12759-62  
Ben-Shlomo Y, Davey Smith G. (1991) Deprivation in infancy or in adult life: which is more important for mortality risk? Lancet 337:530-4.   
Huxley, R., et al. (2007). Is birth weight a risk factor for ischemic heart disease in later life? Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 85: 1244-1250.  

Class 11 and 12: Growth and development  I and II 
Required   A. Growth in infancy and childhood:   McDade, TW; Rutherford J, Adair L, et al. (2010) Early origins of inflammation: microbial exposures in infancy predict lower levels of C-reactive protein in adulthood. Proc. R. Soc. B 2277(1684):1129-1137  
B. Growth in Adolescence. Puberty. Endocrinology of Growth:   Ellison, P.T. (1982) Skeletal growth, fatness, and menarcheal age: A comparison of two hypotheses. Hum. Biol. 54:269-28. 
Campbell, B.C., Leslie, P.W., Little, M.A., and Campbell, K.L. (2005) Pubertal timing, hormones, and body composition among adolescent Turkana males. Am J Phys Anthropol. 28(4):896-905.  

Optional   Essex MJ, Boyce WT, Hertzman C, Lam LL, Armstrong JM, et al. (2011) Epigenetic vestiges of early developmental adversity: Childhood stress exposure and DNA methylation in adolescence. Child Development.   Oxford University Press, New York. 
Bailey, RC (1991) The comparative growth of Efe pygmies and African farmers from birth to age 5 years. Ann. Hum. Biol. 18:113-120. 

Class 13: Transdisciplinary approaches to Research   

Cole A (2017) Towards an Indigenous Transdisciplinarity .Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 8, pp. 127-150, 2017 ISSN: 1949-0569
Ponzi D, Flinn MV, Muehlenbein MP, Nepomnaschy PA. (2020). Phenotypic plasticity, hormones and human evolution: the ontogeny of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axes and the adaptive value of an extended period of plasticity (Invited Review) Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 505:110721. 
Barha CK, Salvante KG, Jones M, Farré P, Blais JC, Zeng L, Emberly E, Kobor M, Nepomnaschy PA. (2019) Early post-conception maternal cortisol, children’s HPAA activity and DNA methylation profiles. JDOHAD 10: 73–87. 

Barha CK, Salvante KG, Hanna CW, Wilson SL, Robinson WP, Altman RM, Nepomnaschy PA. (2017) Child mortality, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity and cellular aging in mothers. PLoS ONE 12(5):e0177869. 
Rapaport T, Villasenor F, Altman RM, Nepomnaschy PA. (2019) Birth sex ratio and maternal age in a natural fertility, agriculturalist, Mayan population: Daughters, sons, daughters. Am J Human Biology 169(2):368-376. 
Barha CK, Hanna CW, Salvante KG, Wilson SL, Robinson WP, Altman RM, Nepomnaschy PA. (2016) Number of Children and Telomere Length in Women: A Prospective, Longitudinal Evaluation. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0146424. 
Hertzman C Biological (2012) Embedding of Early Social Adversity: From Fruit Flies to Kindergartners Putting the concept of biological embedding in historical perspective. PNAS 109 (Supplement 2) 17160-17167. 
Boyce WT, Sokolowski MB and Robinson Gene E. (2012) Toward a new biology of social adversity. PNAS 109 (Supplement 2) 17143-17148 
Gregory E. Miller GE; Chen E, Fok AK, Walker H, Lim A; Nicholls EF; Cole S and Kobor MS (2009) Low early-life social class leaves a biological residue manifested by decreased glucocorticoid and increased proinflammatory signaling PNAS 106 (34) 14716-14721. 
Nepomnaschy PA , K G Salvante, L Zeng , C Pyles, H Ma , J C Blais, L Wen, C K Barha  (2015) Variation in Maternal Urinary Cortisol Profiles Across the Peri-Conceptional Period: A Longitudinal Description and Evaluation of Potential Functions. Hum Reprod (6):1460-72
Salvante KG, Milano K, Kliman HJ, Nepomnaschy PA. (2017) Placental 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) expression very early during human pregnancy. JDOHAD 8(2):149-154. 



Your personalized Course Material list, including digital and physical textbooks, are available through the SFU Bookstore website by simply entering your Computing ID at:

Registrar Notes:


SFU’s Academic Integrity website is filled with information on what is meant by academic dishonesty, where you can find resources to help with your studies and the consequences of cheating. Check out the site for more information and videos that help explain the issues in plain English.

Each student is responsible for his or her conduct as it affects the university community. Academic dishonesty, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive of the values of the university. Furthermore, it is unfair and discouraging to the majority of students who pursue their studies honestly. Scholarly integrity is required of all members of the university.


Students with a faith background who may need accommodations during the term are encouraged to assess their needs as soon as possible and review the Multifaith religious accommodations website. The page outlines ways they begin working toward an accommodation and ensure solutions can be reached in a timely fashion.