Current Research



Recently Completed Research

On the Logical Structure of ‘Ready to Eat’ 1

On the Logical Structure of ‘Ready to Eat’ 2

On One Reason for Not Deriving Kill from Cause to Die

On Agreement

Lexical Argument Structure and Agreement

On Arguments, Adjuncts and Secondary Complements

The Verbs of Exchange

A Theory of Counting and Existence

The Consonantal Verb Stems of Russian

On Existence

On Location

On Change



Evidence for the Internal Subject Hypothesis: Russian Passive


In my paper on the Russian passive, I argue that the Russian passive provides evidence for the internal subject hypothesis. This works covers a lot of issues in Russian passive voice and related syntactic constructions.

Tense and Space in Natural Language

In a short paper presented laster year in Montreal, I laid out the groundwork for argument structure using space and time as a model. This work has been modified in "The Argument Structure of Tense and Aspect in Russian." (See below).

Proposition Structure and Linking of Russian Tense and Aspect


In this paper prepared for the Bratislava Conference in 1994, I show the proposition structure of the Russian verb and sentence. The proposition structure includes tense, aspect, voice, and mood. Only the declarative mood the active voice are considered in the paper.

Proposition Structure of Russian Verbs and Linking.


The indirect object in English

In this short paper conference I claim that the so-called English indirect object as in 'John gave Mary some roses', 'Mary' is moved from an underlying PP with a null P head and adjoined to V. This construction is compared with intransitive prepositions that are moved and adjoined to V resulting in complex verbs. I show that these constructions are similar. And I provide an explanation why WH-extraction is either impossible or very unacceptable. This derivation process is similar to one in Arabic.

To view this paper open Adobe Acrobat Reader and open the file "Indirect object". Adobe Acrobat Reader is freeware and is available is most of the usual places. Be sure to open the bookmarks menu. It lists an informal table of contents and you can go directly to the section desired by clicking on the box. Indirect Object.*

Current Project


Determiners and Numerals in English.


This article contains an analysis of quantifiers and determiners and their agreement with nouns in English. In this paper features are developed. In some cases blank features are generated which must be filled, in others they are generated as inherent features. Features are checked for matching or clashing.

Determiner and Quantifier Agreement in English

Research in Progress:


Linking Theory (2002, colloquium paper)

Linking Theory Continued (2002 follow up to the above.

Linking Theory: Government and NP Agreement (2005, Power Point file)


"Is there a "Syntacticon?" (2002, colloquium paper)

"Is there a "Syntacticon? Perhaps." (2002, follow up to the above)


On Complements and Adjuncts (1998)

On Nominal Complements and Adjuncts (1999)

The Configuration of Primary and Secondary Complements (2000)


On the Argument Structure of Primary Complements (presented paper, 2002)

On the Argument Structure of Primary Complements (published paper, 2002)



Is Case an Independent Theory? (pdf. file. I argue against Case Theory as an independent theory of grammar replacing it with government.

More Issues on the Argument Structure of Primary Complements (presented paper at Halifax, 2003). Deals more with argument structure and the possibility that theta roles are not an independent notion of syntax. (See next item.)

More Issues on the Argument Structure of Primary Complements (presented paper at Simon Fraser University, 2003.) This version does not include causatives, but it does include adjuncts. Also deals with theta roles as in the above paper.
2003. Experience - A Situation Type (Abstract of SFU Colloquium Paper).
2003. Projection to the subject Position. (Presented paper at Simon Fraser University, 11 MR 03.


This page last updated 16 APR 2011
