
Welcome to our brand-new website!

September 01, 2016

We are very excited to announce and finally launch our brand-new website! In keeping with SFU's 'new look and feel', we have thoroughly re-designed our site and hope you find it dynamic, visually pleasing, and easy to navigate, as well as helpful in providing you with information you need about the Centre for Scottish Studies and our plans for the future. Our user-friendly navigation menu and design features provide easy access to our News & Events pages, our research blog and on-going projects, Scottish Studies courses, and a variety of other useful information for our visitors and supporters.

We have also integrated links to our social media pages on Facebook and Twitter to foster further communication and on-going dialogue. You can Like us on Facebook here and follow us on Twitter here.

As the Centre for Scottish Studies has evolved and grown, so too will our website. We will continue to update our content and add features and helpful information.

If you have any specific questions that you cannot find answers to on our website, or if you have comments, concerns, suggestions, feedback, please get in touch with us. Thank you for your support!