These are semi-polished versions of our discussion notes. We try to make sure that they do not contain any inaccuracies, but there may be the occasional error. Most of them are written by graduate students though there are some faculty contributions as well. If you find them useful please attribute authorship to Sociolinks Reading Group, Department of Linguistics, SFU.
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- Becker, K. 2009. /r/ and the Construction of Place Identity on New York City's Lower East Side
- Bucholtz, M. and Hall, K. 2005. Identity and Interaction: A Sociocultural Linguistic Approach
- Dodsworth, R. 2008. Sociological Consciousness as a Component of Linguistic Variation
- Cheshire, J. 2007. Discourse Variation, Grammaticalisation and Stuff Like That
- Cheshire, J and Fox, S. 2009. Was/were Variation: A Perspective from London
- D'Arcy, A. and Tagliamonte, S. 2010. Prestige, Accommodation, and the Legacy of Relative "Who‟
- Eckert, P. 2008. Variation and the Indexical Field
- Eckert, P. 2009. Three Waves of Variation Study: The Emergence of Meaning in the Study of Variation
- Fought, C. 1999. A Majority Sound Change in a Minority Community: /u/-fronting in Chicano English
- Haeri, N. 1994. A Linguistic Innovation of Women in Cairo
- Hoffman, M. and Walker, J. 2010. Ethnolects and the City: Ethnic Orientation and Linguistic Variation in Toronto English
- Kamwangamalu, N. 2010. Vernacularization, Globalization, and Language Economics in Non-English-speaking Countries in Africa
- Kiesling, S. 2007. Men, Masculinities and Language
- Macaulay, R. 2006. Pure Grammaticalization: The Development of a Teenage Intensifier
- Motschenbacher, H. 2009. Speaking of the Gendered Body: The Performative Construction of Commercial Femininities and Masculinities via Bodypart Vocabulary
- Nevins, A. and Parrott, J. K. 2010. Variable Rules Meet Impoverishment Theory: Patterns of Agreement Leveling in English Varieties
- Podesva, R. J. 2007. Phonation Type as a Stylistic Variable: The Use of Falsetto in Constructing a Persona
- Reiter, S. 2010. Linguistic Vitality in the Awetí́ Indigenous Community: A Case Study from the Upper Xingu Multilingual Area
- Szmrecsanyi, B. 2003. BE GOING TO versus WILL/SHALL: Does Syntax Matter?
- Tagliamonte, S. A. 2005. So who? Like how? Just what?: Discourse Markers in the Conversations of English Speaking Youth
- Weldon, T. L. 2007. Gullah Negation: A Variable Analysis
- Williams, A. and Garrett, P. 2002. Communication Across the Life Span
- Zhang, Q. 2008. Rhotacization and the "Beijing Smooth Operator": The Social Meaning of a Linguistic Variable
- Zilles, A. M. S. 2005. The Development of a New Pronoun: The Linguistic and Social Embedding of "gente" in Brazilian Portuguese