Econ 446 - Fall 2009


Course Description and Outline

"International Macroeconomics" by Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martin Uribe

Readings and Extra Notes

Data Plots
"China, New Financial Superpower" online post by Brad Setser, 8-3-09
"Birth Pains" from The Economist, 5-14-09
"Yuan Small Step" from The Economist, 7-9-09
"Not Quite so SAFE" from The Economist, 4-23-09
"America's Dark Materials" from The Economist, 1-21-06
"Sustaining the Unsustainable" from The Economist, 3-15-07
"The Domino Effect" from The Economist, 7-3-08
"The Resilient Dollar" from The Economist, 10-2-08
"The Spend is Nigh" from The Economist, 7-30-09
"Fear of Floating" from The Economist, 6-11-09
"One Size Fits None" from The Economist, 6-11-09
"A Topsy-Turvy World" from The Economist, 9-14-06
"When A Flow Becomes A Flood" from The Economist, 1-24-09
"Burger-Thy-Neighbor Policies" from The Economist, 2-7-09
-  Ventura (2002),  "Towards a Theory of Current Accounts",  Max Corden Lecture
-  Lucas (1990),  "Why Doesn't Capital Flow from Rich to Poor Countries?"  American Economic Review
-  Jeanne and Gourinchas (2009),  "Capital Flows to Developing Countries: The Allocation Puzzle",  working paper
-  Taylor and Taylor (2004),  "The Purchasing Power Parity Debate"Journal of Economic Perspectives
"Why Are Exchange Rates So Difficult to Predict?",  from Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Economic Letter, June, 2008
"Understanding Trends in  Foreign Exchange Rates" FRBSF Weekly Letter, 6-9-95
-  Obstfeld (1996),  "Models of Currency Crises with Self-Fulfilling Features"European Economic Review
-  Devereux (2008),  "Much Appreciated: The Rise of the Canadian Dollar",  Timlin Lecture
-  Obstfeld (2007),  "The Renminbi's Dollar Peg at the Crossroads"
"Why Attack a Currency Board?", FRBSF Weekly Letter, 11-26-99
"Lectures in Open Economy Macroeconomics", manuscript of a more advanced text by Martin Uribe
"The Incredible Shrinking Surplus"  from The Economist, 9-5-09
"Asian Currencies: Hot Air"  from The Economist , 10-6-09
"Asia and the Global Financial Crisis", speech by Ben Bernanke at SF Fed Conference, 10-19-09
"America' Chinese Disease (Not Quite What You Think)"New York Times , 10-19-09
-  Obstfeld and Rogoff (2009), "Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisis: Products of Common Causes"
"Why the Renminbe Has to Rise to Address Imbalances" by Martin Feldstein,  Financial Times, 10-29-09
"World Out of Balance" by Paul Krugman,  New York Times , 11-16-09
"A Yuan-Sided Argument" from The Economist,  11-25-09

Lecture Slides

Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 6
Lecture 7
Lecture 8   (Slides for Stochastic Infinite Horizon Models)
Lecture 9
Lecture 10
Lecture 13
Lecture 14
Lecture 15
Lecture 16
Lecture 17
Lecture 18
Lecture 19
Slides on Mundell's OCA Criteria
Lecture 20
Lecture 21
Lecture 22
Lecture 23

Old Exams

Midterm (Spring 2002)
Final (Spring 2002)

Problem Sets

Problem Set 1  (due September 25)
Problem Set 2  (due October 14)
Problem Set 3  (due December 4)