David J Muraki

Simon Fraser University

Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics (maps)
Simon Fraser University
Department of Mathematics
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC
V5A 1S6

K 10538

778.782.4814 (office)
778.782.4947 (fax)
778.782.3331 (math office)

Fall 2016 office hours:
monday, 3-5pm in K10538

link to online portals

e-mail for students:

math322 - complex variables - fall 2016
  course abstract
recent papers & research:

Expansion of a Holepunch Cloud by a Gravity Wave Front,
with R. Rotunno & H. Morrison, J Atmos Sci, 2016
(jas archive)

A Geometric Solution of a Cubic from Omar Khayyam
in which Coloured Diagrams are Used Instead of Letters for the Greater Ease of Learners ,
with D. A. Kent, Amer Math Monthly, 2016
(local archive)

Internal Gravity Waves in a Saturated Moist-Neutral Atmosphere,
with R. Rotunno, J Atmos Sci, 2013
(jas archive)

Models of Non-Boussinesq Lock-Exchange Flow,
with R. Rotunno, J.B. Klemp, G.H. Bryan, J Fluid Mech, 2011
(jfm archive)

Large-Amplitude Topographic Waves in 2D Stratified Flow,
J Fluid Mech, 2011
(jfm online)

On the Dynamics of Errors in Finite-Difference Approximations for Wave Equations,
J Comp Phys (submitted), 2010

Dispersive Corrections to a Modulation Theory for Stratified Gravity Waves,
with R. Fetecau, Wave Motion, 2010

A Simple Illustration of a Spectral Cascade,
SIAM J Appl Math, 2007
(pdf article)

A Resonant Instability of Steady Mountain Waves,
with Y. Lee & D. Alexander, J Fluid Mechanics, 2007
(pdf article)

Vortex Dipoles for Surface Quasigeostrophic Models,
with C. Snyder, JAS, 2007
(pdf article)

A Spectral Analysis of Function Concatenations and its Implications for Sampling in Direct Volume Visualization,
with S. Bergner, T. Moller, D. Weiskopf, IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2006
(pdf article)

Generation of Internal Waves over Sinusoidal Topography ,
with D. Aguilar & B. R. Sutherland, Deep-Sea Res. II, 2006.
(pdf article)

A Baroclinic Instability that Couples Balanced Motions and Gravity Waves,
with R. Plougonven & C. Snyder, JAS, May 2005
(pdf article)

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research & theses (link)

research activities:
portland, AMS mesoscale (2013) (talk), internal gravity waves in a saturated, moist-neutral atmosphere
san francisco, AGU annual meeting (2012) (talk), rossby wave modes for rotating shallow water on the sphere
les houches, workshop on geophysical & astrophysical internal waves (2011) (poster), unravelling the resonant instabilities of a stratified gravity wave
oberwolfach, atmosphere-ocean (2010) (link), a PV dynamics for rotating shallow water on the sphere
uvic seminar (2009) (link), a potential vorticity dynamics for rossby waves on the sphere
coast2coast seminar (2009) (link), Fourier spectral computing on the sphere

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today's tropopause:
washington collaborator Greg Hakim
upper level dynamics (isentropic PV & tropopause maps)


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SFU / Mathematics /mast/people/faculty/muraki/index.html