About the project
Arthur Erickson and Geoffrey Massey’s original vision for SFU's Burnaby campus has provided a strong foundation and enduring legacy, helping to guide the first 50 years of incremental campus growth and development. However, the campus has now physically expanded beyond the area originally contemplated by the Erickson/Massey framework. The SFU Burnaby 2065 Campus Master Plan was created to establish a comprehensive physical vision and framework that could guide the evolution of the Burnaby campus over the next 50 years.
This plan was developed over a six-phase planning process, initiated in early 2018 and completed in early 2020. The planning process involved multi-faceted engagement opportunities with a diverse range of internal and external stakeholders, including two days of campus open houses, over 45 key stakeholder interviews, and an interactive map-based survey. It explored strategic opportunities for growth, identified needs for new and improved spaces, and worked to organize and unify the campus in support of creating a sustainable, world-class academic and community experience on Burnaby Mountain.
About the team
The SFU Burnaby 2065 Campus Master Plan planning process was managed by SFU Campus Planning & Development and led by Urban Strategies Inc. Urban Strategies worked closely with PFS Studio, a Vancouver-based planning, urban design and landscape architecture firm with similar campus design experience.
For more information about the Campus Master Plan, please contact Elizabeth Starr, campus planner, at eastarr@sfu.ca.