Ronen Sabag

About Ronen:

Based under the gorgeous mountains, wild forests, and rivers of West and North Van I live with my family.

I come from a region of the world where communities have fought each other for more than 100 years, which some would view as an insurmountable barrier to reconciliation and economic development.  However, I am a firm believer that the insurmountable can become possible when the right innovative focus and energy are applied. With a background in Law, Political Science, Archeology, and Not-for-Profit Organizational Management, and experience in community socio-economic development I developed an innovative model and associated frameworks. Based on the concept of New Regionalism, we used the model to analyze, design, and implement regional economic programs that successfully brought together over 35 Jewish and Arab municipalities in cross-sector collaborations. I strongly believe that the CED Program is the first and essential step in my journey here in BC. Moreover, I have full confidence that the program will allow me to design the road map that will guide me as a professional for years to come.