Book Chapters

Toohey, K. (accepted). Tangled up with everything else: Toward new conceptions of language, teachers and identities. In Barkhuizen, G (Ed.), Reflections on language teacher identity research. London: Routledge

Toohey, K. & D. Dagenais. (2013) Child second language learners and videomaking in three sites: Opportunities for developing multilingual, multimodal literacies. In Li, J., Gromik, N. and Edwards, N. (Eds.), ESL and digital video integration: Case studies. Alexandria, VA: TESOL.

Toohey, K. & Waterstone, B. (2011) Working for social justice in a collaborative action research group. In Hawkins, M. (Ed). Social justice and language teacher education (pp. 162–178). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Toohey, K. & Norton, B. (2010). Language learner identities and sociocultural worlds In Kaplan, R. (Ed.) Handbook of applied linguistics 2nd ed (pp. 178–188). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kendrick, M., Rogers, T., Toohey, K., Marshall, E., Siegel, M., Rowsell, J., Mutonyi, H., and Hauge, C. (2010). Experiments in visual analysis: Repositionings of children and youth in relation to larger social issues, In  Jimenez ,R.T., Hundley, M. K., Risko, V. J., Wells Rowe, D. (eds). 59th Yearbook of the Literacy Research Association (pp. 395–408). Oak Creek, Wisconsin: Literacy Research Association.

Smythe, S. & Toohey, K. (2009). Bringing home and community to school: What can schools do with them? In Kostogriz, A., Miller, J. & Gearon, M. (eds), Linguistically and culturally diverse classrooms: New dilemmas for teachers. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Beynon, J., Dagenais, D., Norton, B. & Toohey, K. (2008). Langue et identité. Les discours des enfants, des parents, des enseignants dans les espaces professionnels. In C. Kramsch, D. Lévy & G. Zarate (eds.). Précis critique du plurilinguisme et du pluriculturalisme/Critical Handbook of Plurilingualism and Pluriculturalism. Presses du Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, Paris.

Toohey, K. (2007). Conclusion: Autonomy/agency through sociocultural lenses. In A. Barfield and S. Brown (eds.) Re-interpreting autonomy in language education (pp. 231–242). London: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Toohey, K. (2007) Ethnography and language education. In N. Hornberger & K. King (Eds.) Encyclopedia of language and education, 2nd edition. Volume 10. Research methods in language and education. Springer.

Toohey, K., Manyak, P. & Day, E. (2006). ESL learners in the early school years: Identity and mediated classroom practices. In Cummins, J. & Davison, C. (Eds.). Kluwer handbook of applied linguistics (pp. 545–558). Amsterdam: Kluwer Press.

Toohey, K. (2003). Kelleen Toohey Responds. In Sharkey, J. & Johnson, K. (eds.), The TESOL Quarterly Dialogues (pp. 92–97).

Toohey, K. (2003). “Breaking them up; taking them away”: ESL students in Grade 1. Reprinted in Sharkey, J. & Johnson, K. (eds.), The TESOL Quarterly Dialogues:  Rethinking issues of language, culture and power. Alexandria, Virginia: TESOL.

Toohey, K. & Norton, B. (2003). Autonomy as learner agency in sociocultural settings. In D. Palfreyman & R. Smith (Eds.) Learner autonomy across cultures (pp. 58–72). London: Palgrave, Macmillan

Dagenais, D. & Toohey, K. (2002). Introduction to Special Issue on Ethnographic approaches to language research. Canadian Modern Language Review, 59, 1–13.

Toohey, K. (2002). Guided participation and second language learning. Special Research Symposium 28(2), Association of Teachers of English as a Second Language of Ontario, pp. 77–83.

Norton, B. & Toohey, K. (2002). Identity and language learning. In R. Kaplan (ed.) Handbook of Applied Linguistics (pp. 115–123). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Toohey, K. (1998). The education domain of the Metropolis research. In B. Abu-Laban & T. Derwing, (Eds.), Responding to diversity in the Metropolis: Building an inclusive research agenda. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press.

