Book Chapters
Barrow, R. (2014). Swansong: The Price of Everything…. In John Gingell (Ed.), Education and the Common Good: Essays in Honor of Robin Barrow. London & New York: Routledge.
Barrow, R. (2014). Concept of Education. In D.C.Phillips (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. London & Washington: Sage.
Barrow, R. (2014). Compulsory Common Schooling and Individual Difference. In Marianna Papastephanou (Ed.), Philosophical Perspectives on Compulsory Education. London & New York: Springer.
Barrow, R. (2013). Value Theory. In James E. Crimmins (Ed.), The Bloomsbury Encylopedia of Utilitarianism. London & New York: Bloomsbury.
Barrow, R. (2013). Plato. In James E. Crimmins (Ed.), The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Utilitarianism. London & New York: Bloomsbury.
Barrow, R. (2013). Empirical Research in Education: Why Philosophy Matters. In William Hare & John Portelli (Eds.), Philosophy of Education/ Alberta: Brush, Alberta.
Barrow, R. (2012). Living with Uncertainty While Maintaining Educational Values. In Hugh Sockett and Robert Boostrom (Eds.), A Moral Critique of Contemporary Education, NSSE 112th Yearbook. New York: NSSE.
Barrow, R. and Keeney, P. (2011). Universities, New Technologies and Lifelong Learning. In Aspin, D. & Bagnall, R. (Eds.), International Handbook of Lifelong Learning, Part 2. New York: Springer.
Barrow, R. and Keeney, P. (2011). The Changing University, Lifelong Learning and Personal Fulfillment. In Aspin, D. & Bagnall. R (Eds.), International Handbook of Lifelong Learning, Part 1. New York: Springer.
Barrow, R. (2011). L’endoctrinement. In Normand Baillargeon (Trans. & Ed.), L’Education, Collection Corpus. Paris: Flammarion.
Barrow, R. (2010). Schools of Thought in Philosophy of Education. In R.Bailey, R.Barrow, D. Carr & C. McCarthy (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Philosophy of Education. London: Sage.
Barrow, R. (2008). Does the question ‘what is education?’ make sense? In Howard A Ozmon and Samuel M. Craver (Eds.), Philosphical Foundations of Education, 8th Edition. Columbus Ohio: Pearson. Reprint. Cf. 25.
Barrow, R. (2008). Or What’s a Heaven for? In L.J.Waks (Ed.), Leaders in Philosophy of Education: Intellectual Self-Portraits. Amsterdam: Sense Publications.
Barrow, R. (2007). Roman Education. In Encyclopedia of the Ancient World. New York & Oxford: Facts on File Publications.
Barrow, R. (2006). On the Teaching of Classics. In Brown, P., Harrison, T., Instone, S., (Eds.), Theoi Doron. Herefordshire: Gracewing.
Barrow, R. and Keeney, P. (2002). Lifelong Learning: A North American Perspective. In Mal Leicester and John Field (Eds.), Lifelong Learning: Education across the Lifespan. Falmer Press.
Barrow, R. and Keeney, P. (2001). Lifelong learning and personal fulfillment. In David Aspin and Judith Chapman (Eds.), International Handbook on Lifelong Learning. London: Kluwer.
Barrow, R. (1999). Being a bit pregnant: how philosophical misconceptions lead to stillborn empirical research. In Ron Rembert (Ed.), From roaring boys to dreaming spires. New York: University Press of America.
Barrow, R. (1999). Or what's a heaven for? The importance of aims in education. In Roger Marples (Ed.), Aims in Education. London and New York: Routledge.
Barrow, R. (1998). Educational psychology and timing in the curriculum. In P.H. Hirst and Patricia White (Eds.), Philosophy of Education: major themes in the analytic tradition, Vol. IV. London and New York: Routledge.
Barrow, R. (1998). Curriculum design. In P.H. Hirst and Patricia White (Eds), Philosophy of Education: major themes in the analytic tradition, Vol. IV. London and New York: Routledge.
Barrow, R. (1996). The Lost Content. In G. Milburn (Ed.), Ring Some Alarm Bells in Ontario. London, Ontario: Althouse Press.
Barrow, R. (1995). Philosophy of Education: Past, Present and Future. In D. Aspin (Ed.), Logical Empiricism in Educational Discourse. Amsterdam: Butterworth.
Barrows, R. (1992). Philosophy of Education: The analytic tradition. In Torsten Husen and Neville Postlethwaite (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Education, 2nd Edition. Pergamon Press.
Barrow, R. (1991). Creativity. In Jones and Grimshaw (Eds.), Computers in Education 5‑13. Open University Press.
Barrow, R. (1991). Censorship and Schooling. In B. Spiecker and R. Straughan (Eds.), Freedom and Indoctrination in Education. Cassell.
Barrow, R. (1991). So much for the mind. In D. Allison and J. Paquette (Eds.), Reform and Relevance in Schooling: 'Dropouts, Destreaming and the Common Curriculum. O.I.S.E..
Barrow, R. (1990). Curriculum Theory and Values. In N. J. Entwistle (Ed.), Handbook of Educational Ideas and Practices. Routledge.
Barrow, R. (1990). Culture, values and the language classroom. In B. Harrison (Ed.), Culture and the Language Classroom. Modern English Publications.
Barrow, R. (1990). R. S. Peters. In W. Hare (Ed.), Four Prominent Philosophers of Education. Dalhousie University.
Barrow, R. (1989). Some observations on the concept of imagination. In Egan and Nadaner (Eds.), Imagination and Education. Teachers College Press.
Barrow, R. (1988). Dogmatism. In W. Hare (Ed.), Papers in Philosophy of Education. Barnes and Noble.
Barrow, R. (1984). The paradigm to end paradigms: Reorientating curriculum research for the secondary school. In R. Enns and G. Milburn (Eds.), Curriculum Canada.
Barrow, R. (1983). The teacher of classics and the teaching of philosophy. In J. Mingay and J. Sharwood Smith (Eds.), The Best of Didaskalos. (Reprinting of 1975 paper)
Barrow, R. (1979). A Critique of Freeschooling and Deschooling. In M. Ayim (Ed.), Philosophy of Education. Massachussetts: Ginn.
Barrow, R. (1979). Forms of Knowledge. In M. Ayim (Ed.), Philosophy of Education. Massachussetts: Ginn.
Barrow, R. (1978). Back to Basics. In G. Bernbaum (Ed.), Schooling in Decline. MacMillan.
Barrow, R. (1976). Competence and the Head. In R. S. Peters (Ed.), The Role of the Head. Routledge and Kegan Paul