Arts-based educational research
- Supporting disadvantaged and marginalized children and youth through online art pedagogies during COVID-19
- Facilitating refugee students’ access to education through art that supports language learning, improved mental health, trust and development of a sense of belonging in trauma-informed classrooms
Refugee education
- SSHRC Partnership Development grant, “Pathways to education: An international study to understand the educational experiences of refugee children with dis/abilities” in Canada, Jordan & Kazakhstan.
Creative writing
- Promoting wellbeing in student university experiences
- Supporting new teachers’ identity formation through narrative writing & video instruction
- Ethics, aesthetics and the ineffable in learning through literature and creative writing
- Distance education course design implementing story experiences for undergraduate students
- Storytelling across the curriculum
Literacy and academic writing
- Series of videos on academic writing for first year university students
- Teaching “pre-literate” refugee students through emotional regulation, narrative and art