The Cost of Climate Policy

Winner of the 2002 Canadian Policy Research Award for Outstanding Research  Contribution

Shortlisted for the Donner Prize and the Purvis Prize 2003

About the Book

The cost question looms large in the current policy debate to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. Our book, The Cost of Climate Policy (UBC Press, 2002) looks into this difficult and controversial question. We’ve created this website to complement the book’s contents. Within this site you can find updates about policy and methodology developments, discover relevant links and resources, and give us your feedback about the book.

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By Mark Jaccard, John Nyboer, Bryn Sadownik


Price and Order Information: $85.00 Hardcover, Release Date: 6/28/02, ISBN: 0774809507
$29.95 Paperback Release Date: 6/28/02 ISBN: 0774809515

Contact: Unipresses
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For Immediate Release: New from UBC Press

What will greenhouse gas reduction cost Canadians?

The Cost of Climate Policy 
by Mark Jaccard, John Nyboer, and Bryn Sadownik

Reducing greenhouse gases is a major environmental challenge, yet interest groups and even experts disagree on what it will cost, and the public and politicians don’t know whom to believe. This timely book provides key information to help sort out the different perspectives and cost estimates that have been produced, and to help understand what greenhouse gas reduction might mean on a personal, business, and community level.

Using the Kyoto commitment as a focal point, the authors estimate the costs of greenhouse gas reduction in Canada in terms of how it will affect the Canadian economy as a whole, as well as providing provincial and sectoral breakdowns. The book concludes with concrete proposals for developing effective emission reduction policy that can lower the future costs of reducing emissions.

The Cost of Climate Policy is an important book for anyone who wants to understand the critical and ongoing issues posed by the threat of climate change. A must-read book for policy analysts, it is also an important primer for a wide range of readers interested in the economic implications of climate change.

This essential book will go a long way toward enlightening the public about the cost of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the policy measures available. It is, I believe, the first comprehensive book about climate change economics in Canada.

– Philippe Crabbé, Professor Emeritus of Environmental and Natural Resources Economics, University of Ottawa