Executive Committee Responsibilities


The Director is appointed by the Dean and ratified by the faculty according to University policy. The appointment is, generally, for either a three year or five year term. The Director receives a small stipend on top of his/her normal salary and a small grant to support his/her research.

Associate Director

The position of Associate Director was created in January 1987 to assume some of the responsibilities of the Director. The position now carries the following responsibilities: long term planning of course offerings, assignment of faculty to courses each semester, preparation of the annual instructional budget request, hiring of all temporary instructional staffing, and member of the executive committee. The Associate Director also serves on committees external to the school at various times.

This individual is appointed by the Director and ratified by the faculty. Ideally, the appointment is for a three year term, although shorter appointments are often made due to other considerations such as sabbatical leave. The Associate Director receives one course reduction per year.

Manager, Academic & Administrative Services

This position is the office manager for the entire School, supervises the day to day running of the administrative office. Also manages the annual operating budgets as well as the teaching assistant, special event, and equipment budgets. Schedules all undergraduate courses and supervises the scheduling of graduate course offerings. Hires, trains, supervises and mentors administrative support staff. Monitors undergraduate enrollment activity, participates in long range course planning and contributes as a member of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. Administers sessional instructor, teaching assistant, research assistant and work study appointments and advises faculty and staff on interpretation of the TSSU Collective Agreement and University Policies and Procedures that relate to these appointments. Provides academic and administrative advice to registered undergraduate students. Reviews, recommends and completes online editorial and Senate approved calendar changes to the Engineering Science section of the SFU Calendar. Is the webmaster for the School of Engineering Science webpage. Creates all lightweight wi-fi and sponsored email accounts for the School and manages telephone service for the School including updating the directory, configuring voicemail accounts and Rogers plan administration. Assists with the compilation of Accreditation and External Review reports and external agency/internal surveys.

Graduate Program Chair

The Graduate Program Chair oversees the running of the graduate programs within the School. Duties include approving recommendations for the establishment of and changes to graduate student supervisory committees and examining committees, approval of grades, and other routine business. In addition, the Graduate Program Chair is the Chair of the School Graduate Studies Committee and is responsible for the organization of the activities of the Committee. The Chair spends a substantial amount of time handling problems relating to individual graduate students. Finally, the Graduate Program Chair represents the School on various Faculty and University committees.

This individual is appointed by the Director and ratified by the faculty. Ideally, the appointment is for a three year term although shorter appointments are often made due to other considerations such as sabbatical leave. The Chair receives one course reduction per year.

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Chair

The duties of the Undergraduate Chair include, but are not restricted to: Chairing the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, representing the School's concerns on the Faculty of Applied Sciences Curriculum Committee, bringing new course proposals to that committee, hearing and deciding on appeals from students concerning withdrawals from courses, grades, and other concerns. In addition, the Undergraduate Chair makes frequent rulings on transfer equivalencies for courses from other institutions, and for individual students transferring to SFU from other institutions. Other duties include representing the School at provincial articulation conferences, organizing adjudication of special scholarship applications, investigating potential course overlaps with other departments, liaises with the Student Affairs Unit to ensure advisors have current information, and initiating policies which affect the undergraduate program.

This individual is appointed by the Director and ratified by the faculty. Ideally, the appointment is for a three year term although shorter appointments are often made due to other considerations such as sabbatical leave. The Chair receives one course reduction per year.