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Room Booking
Please follow the steps outlined below to book your room.
Read Terms & Conditions
Future booking requests can be denied to any individual/group that fails to observe these conditions of use.
Room Check-in and Check-out
Check in to your room no more than 10 mins before your scheduled time and leave the room by the end of your session as the room might be booked before and after.
Rooms cannot be used longer than booked, unless the booking time is extended by the receptionist (subject to availability).
Number of Attendees
Please inform fasgen@sfu.ca if the number of attendees you originally booked for has increased by more than two (2) attendees. Note that access to the room will be denied if the number of attendees exceeds the maximum capacity.
The fob/key for a Burnaby room can be picked up from the reception in ASB 10700, for a Surrey room in SRYE 5118. At the end of use, the key/fob has to be returned and confirmed that the room has been returned to its original state.
No staff will be on-site outside of regular business hours (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., M-F).
For events outside of regular business hours, the key/fob has to be picked up ahead of time and returned to the key drop box outside of ASB 9973 in Burnaby or outside the entrance to the Dean’s Office in Surrey.
Equipment and AV
Please look at the description of each room to find out what equipment is available. Some additional equipment (mouse, keyboard etc.) can be borrowed from the reception but are subject to availability so it is recommended to check beforehand.
Any equipment borrowed from the Dean’s Office must be returned at the end of your booking.
Using the in-room PC?
- Sign out a mouse and keyboard from the reception.
- If you do not have SFU computing ID, we can provide you with the guest access, please reach out to us beforehand.
Bringing your own laptop?
- Bring a cable to connect your laptop to our equipment (HDMI or VGA).
- Don’t have cables? Sign one out from the reception.
No matter which device you will use, we recommend coming 10 minutes early to set up the computer and A/V equipment. This will allow time to do any troubleshooting (if needed) before your meeting/presentation begins.
If you have any A/V problems (screens not turning on, no sound, etc) ask for help at the reception and report any malfunction.
Catering and Special Furniture Requests
Catering or special furniture costs are the responsibility of the requesting party/department.
Contact SFU Meeting, Event, and Conference Services (MECS) at
- meetbby@sfu.ca for Burnaby events
- meetsry@sfu.ca for Surrey events
- or by phone: 778-782-5800
- or through the online booking form https://www.sfu.ca/mecs/contact-us/book-now.html
If you have any questions about health and safety in the FAS meeting rooms, email fas_safety@sfu.ca.
Clean Up
Your group is responsible for all setup and clean-up arrangements and charges.
"Clean up" includes returning chairs and tables to their proper locations, turning off the projector equipment and lights, wiping down the whiteboards, and removing all waste including signage. Note the table wheels must be unlocked to move them and relocked when in place to avoid damaging the floor or shifting while in use.
Changes / Cancellations / Contact
If you need to change or cancel the date of your booking, please visit, call, or email us as soon as possible so that the room can be made available for other groups. Phone: 778-782-4724 / Email: fas_gen@sfu.ca.
FAS reserves the right to cancel the reservation if the room is needed urgently but will make efforts to find an alternative room.
After the event: Return your key/fob/equipment
Please sign out at the reception desk (ASB-10700). Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For after-hours drop-off: Please place the key/fob in the drop box as described in the map below.
Key Drop Box (ASB 10K Level)
ASB 9973 Key Drop Box (ASB 9K Level)