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Engineering Science Undergraduates
Program Requirements
The Bachelor of Applied Science program begins with two years of common core courses. From the third year on, students must declare their option and specialize in a field of concentrated study. Options may be followed as a major or honours program (where applicable).
Program Options:
- Biomedical
- Computer
- Electronics
- Physics
- Systems
Common Core
All students follow the same Year 1 and Year 2 core curriculum. This is aimed at providing a deep foundation of technical know-how and exposing undergraduates to all the various fields they might later specialize in.
Deviation from the suggested courses may delay your graduation and should be discussed with an Engineering Science Advisor. Students have the option of following the standard schedule (courses split across 3 terms) or the advanced schedule (2 terms with the summer off).
Common Core (Standard Schedule)
Year 1
Fall, Term 1
- ENSC 100W
- ENSC 105W
- ENSC 151
- ENSC 120
- MATH 151
Spring, Term 2
- ENSC 180
- MATH 152
- MATH 232
- PHYS 120
Summer, Term 3
- CHEM 121
- MATH 260
- PHYS 121
- Complementary Elective
Year 2
Fall, Term 4
- ENSC 204
- ENSC 220
- ENSC 251
- ENSC 252
- MATH 251
- MATH 260*
Spring, Term 5
- Co-op Term
Summer, Term 6
- ENSC 225
- ENSC 254
- ENSC 280
- ENSC 320
- MATH 254† (or CMPT 225‡)
*If not completed in summer term previously
†If taking biomedical, electronics, or physics option
‡If taking computer or systems option
Common Core (Advanced Schedule)
Year 1
Fall, Term 1
- ENSC 100W
- ENSC 105W
- ENSC 151
- ENSC 120
- MATH 151
- PHYS 120
Spring, Term 2
- ENSC 180
- MATH 152
- MATH 232
- PHYS 121
- CHEM 121
- Complementary Elective
Summer, Term 3
- Term break
Year 2
Fall, Term 4
- ENSC 204
- ENSC 220
- ENSC 251
- ENSC 252
- MATH 251
- MATH 260*
Spring, Term 5
- Co-op Term
Summer, Term 6
- ENSC 225
- ENSC 254
- ENSC 280
- ENSC 320
- MATH 254† (or CMPT 225‡)
*If not completed in summer term previously
†If taking biomedical, electronics, or physics option
‡If taking computer or systems option
From the third year on, students will specialize in a program option which can be followed as a major or honours program (where applicable). The honours degree requires a thesis. Students must declare their option, using the declare option form.
Biomedical Engineering Option
Biomedical engineers analyse health problems, look at the technology available to address that problem and innovate ways to improve health care technologies. Our biomedical engineers have the same foundation in programming, electronics and systems engineering but use those tools for improving health outcomes.
Schedule (Biomedical)
Year 3
Fall, Term 7
- BPK 201
- CHEM 180
- ENSC 316
- ENSC 351
- ENSC 380
Spring, Term 8
- BPK 208
- ENSC 327
- ENSC 383
- ENSC 474
- ESD Elective I
Summer, Term 9
- Co-op term
Year 4
Fall, Term 10
- Co-op term
Spring, Term 11
- ENSC 405W
- ENSC 410
- ENSC 475
- ESD elective II
Summer, Term 12
- ECON 103
- ENSC 406
- ENSC 440
- ESD Elective III
- ENSC 498 (honours only)
Year 5
Fall, Term 13
- BPK 308
- ENSC 370
- ENSC 477
- ENSC 499 (honours only)
ESD Electives (Biomedical)
Students in the Biomedical Engineering Option must complete the following course:
- ENSC 476-4 Biophotonics and Microscopy Techniques
In addition, students in the Biomedical Engineering Option must complete a minimum of 8 units from the engineering science & design elective course list below:
- ENSC 413-4 Deep Learning Systems in Engineering
- ENSC 426-4 High Frequency Electronics
- ENSC 427-4 Communication Networks
- ENSC 428-4 Digital Communications
- ENSC 429-4 Digital Signal Processing
- ENSC 470-4 Optical and Laser Engineering Applications
- ENSC 483-4 Modern Control Systems
Computer Engineering Option
SFU's Computer Engineering option trains students to think logically about complex and abstract problems – and to develop innovative solutions for those problems. Our program provides an extremely flexible elective list that allows students to combine software and hardware expertise with applications that interest and excite them.
Students start by learning the fundamentals of digital electronics, computer architecture and networks and communications. Project oriented courses are offered during the early part of this program to provide students with theory and practice. At more advanced levels, subjects include structured programming, software engineering, compilers, operating systems, intelligent systems, embedded systems, real-time systems and VLSI systems.
Schedule (Computer Engineering)
Year 3
Fall, Term 7
- CMPT 276
- ENSC 324
- ENSC 351
- ENSC 380
- MACM 201
Spring, Term 8
- CMPT 300
- ENSC 327
- ENSC 350
- MACM 316
- ESD Elective I
Summer, Term 9
- Co-op term
Year 4
Fall, Term 10
- Co-op term
Spring, Term 11
- ENSC 405W
- ENSC 410
- ENSC 450 (or 452 or 453)
- ESD elective II
- ESD elective III
- ENSC 498 (honours only)
Summer, Term 12
- ECON 103
- ENSC 406
- ENSC 429
- ENSC 440
- Science Elective
ESD Electives (Computer Engineering)
Note: A maximum of two 300-level courses may be used towards your ESD electives.
Proposed Engineering Science and Design Electives
As part of the required 12 units of Engineering Science & Design Electives, students in the Computer Engineering Option must complete at least one of the following eight requirements:
- ENSC 450 or 452 or 453 (whichever has not been taken).
- CMPT 310
- Both CMPT 354 and CMPT 454
- CMPT 431
- CMPT 361
- CMPT 475 or CMPT 373, but not both
- Both ENSC 427 and ENSC 428
- All of ENSC 386, ENSC 383 and ENSC 488
The remaining engineering science and design units can by fulfilled using courses as below:
- any ESD course from the above course sets not already taken
- any ENSC 300 or 400 level course*
- any of the following approved computing science 3rd and 4th year electives
- CMPT 305 Computer Simulation and Modelling
- CMPT 307 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CMPT 308 Computability and Complexity
- CMPT 363 User Interface Design
- CMPT 370 Information System Design
- CMPT 375 Mathematical Foundations of Software Technology
- CMPT 379 Principles of Compiler Design
- CMPT 383 Comparative Programming Languages
- CMPT 384 Symbolic Computing
- CMPT 404 Cryptography and Cryptographic Protocols
- CMPT 405 Design and Analysis of Computing Algorithms
- CMPT 407 Computational Complexity
- CMPT 408 Theory of Computing Networks/Communications
- CMPT 409 Special Topics in Theoretical Computing Science
- CMPT 411 Knowledge Representation
- CMPT 412 Computational Vision
- CMPT 414 Model-Based Computer Vision
- CMPT 417 Intelligent Systems
- CMPT 418 Computational Cognitive Architecture
- CMPT 419 Special Topics in Artificial Intelligence
- CMPT 441 Computational Biology
- CMPT 456 Information Retrieval and Web Search
- CMPT 459 Special Topics in Database Systems
- CMPT 461 Image Synthesis
- CMPT 464 Geometric Modelling in Computer Graphics
- CMPT 466 Animation
- CMPT 467 Visualization
- CMPT 469 Special Topics in Computer Graphics
- CMPT 470 Web-based Information Systems
- CMPT 473 Software Quality Assurance
- CMPT 474 Web Systems Architecture
- CMPT 477 Introduction to Formal Verification
* ENSC 412 is intended as a breadth course for Faculty of Environment students. Engineering students may take ENV 412 as a breadth course but cannot take ENSC 412 as an ESD elective.
Electronics Engineering Option
This program option equips and inspires students to design next-level advancements in a potentially limitless range of high-tech fields. Students start with the basics of circuit design, computer programming, the key elements of physics and the language of mathematics. From a foundation of fundamental electric and electronic concepts, you’ll move on to system analysis, communications and digital signal processing, combining course-work with practical training. Courses from other departments such as Computing Science and Physics broaden the students' knowledge and enable them to apply electronic solutions in fast-moving high tech world.
Schedule (Electronics)
Year 3
Fall, Term 7
- ECON 103
- ENSC 316
- ENSC 324
- ENSC 351
- ENSC 380
Spring, Term 8
- ENSC 325
- ENSC 327
- ENSC 350
- ENSC 383
Summer, Term 9
- Co-op term
Year 4
Fall, Term 10
- Co-op term
Spring, Term 11
- ENSC 405W
- ENSC 410
- ENSC 416
- ENSC 427 (or 428)
- ESD elective I
- ENSC 498 (honours only)
Summer, Term 12
- ENSC 406
- ENSC 425
- ENSC 426
- ENSC 440
- ESD elective II
- ESD elective III
- ENSC 499 (honours only)
ESD Electives (Electronics)
Engineering Science and Design Electives
Students in the Electronics Option must complete a minimum of 12 units from the engineering science & design elective course list, only one of which can be at the 300 level. For the Electronics Option, MACM 316 is the only approved 300 level ESD elective; however, be reminded that the elective requirement is based on number of credits (12) not number of courses, and MACM 316 is a 3 credit course.
- ENSC 413-4 Deep Learning Systems in Engineering
- ENSC 424-4 Multimedia Communications Engineering
- ENSC 427-4 Communication Networks
- ENSC 428-4 Digital Communications
- ENSC 429-4 Digital Signal Processing
- ENSC 450-4 VLSI Systems Design
- ENSC 452-4 Advanced Digital System Design
- ENSC 470-4 Optical and Laser Engineering Applications
- ENSC 474-4 Digital/Medical Image Processing
- ENSC 475-4 Biomedical Instrumentation
- ENSC 476-4 Biophotonics and Microscopy Techniques
- ENSC 477-4 Biomedical Image Acquisition
- ENSC 483-4 Modern Control Systems
- ENSC 489-4 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (discontinued)
- ENSC 495-4 Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication
- MACM 316-3 Numerical Analysis I
Physics Engineering Option
SFU’s Engineering Physics option introduces students to a unique blend of science, mathematics, engineering design and practice as well as computer skills – all combined with a strong focus on theoretical and applied physics. This challenging option focuses on optics, opto-electronics, advanced semiconductor devices and microelectronics. Students who select this option are introduced to the fundamentals as well as the wider applications of engineering and physics.
Schedule (Physics)
Year 3
Fall, Term 7
- ENSC 324
- PHYS 344
- ENSC 351
- ENSC 380
- PHYS 211
- PHYS 384
Spring, Term 8
- PHYS 321
- ENSC 325
- ENSC 383
- ESD elective I
Summer, Term 9
- Co-op term
Year 4
Fall, Term 10
- Co-op Term
- PHYS 233
Spring, Term 11
- ECON 103
- ENSC 405W
- ENSC 410
- ENSC 495
- PHYS elective 1
- PHYS elective II
Summer, Term 12
- ENSC 406
- ENSC 440
- ENSC 470
- ENSC 498
- ESD elective II
Year 5
Fall, Term 13
- PHYS 385
- ENSC 499
- ENSC 421
- PHYS elective III
ESD Electives & Physics Electives
Engineering Science and Design Electives
Students in the Engineering Physics Option must complete a minimum of 8 units from the approved engineering science & design elective list below, in addition to their required physics electives. Students may take no more than one 300 level course to fulfill the ESD elective requirement for Engineering Physics. Students must have the required pre-requisites in order to take these courses.
- ENSC 327-4 Communication Systems
- ENSC 350-4 Digital Systems Design
- ENSC 413-4 Deep Learning Systems in Engineering
- ENSC 424-4 Multimedia Communications Engineering
- ENSC 425-4 Electronic System Design
- ENSC 426-4 High Frequency Electronics
- ENSC 427-4 Communication Networks
- ENSC 428-4 Digital Communications
- ENSC 450-4 VLSI Systems Design
- ENSC 452-4 Advanced Digital System Design
- ENSC 474-4 Digital/Medical Image Processing
- ENSC 476-4 Biophotonics and Microscopy Techniques
- ENSC 481-4 Design for Reliability (discontinued)
Unacceptable ESD electives for engineering physics students:
- ENSC 477-4 Biomedical Image Acquisition
Physics Electives
In addition to the required physics courses and engineering science and design electives, students must also complete 3 physics electives from the list below, at least one of which must be a 400-level physics course.
- PHYS 347-3 Introduction to Biological Physics
- PHYS 390-3 Introduction to Astrophysics
- PHYS 395-3 Computational Physics
- PHYS 413-3 Advanced Mechanics
- PHYS 415-3 Quantum III
- PHYS 445-3 Statistical Physics
- PHYS 465-3 Solid State Physics
- PHYS 485-3 Particle Physics
- PHYS 490-3 General Relativity and Gravitation
Systems Engineering Option
A wide array of electives allows students in this option to tailor their expertise to their interests. Systems graduates will be able to recognize problems requiring knowledge from diverse disciplines and focus the efforts of multi-talented teams on their solution. This program option begins with a thorough background in the fundamentals of analog and digital electronics, the basics of mechanical analysis and the fundamentals of programming and software design. More advanced subjects include robotics, control, computer-aided design and manufacture, embedded and real-time systems and image processing.
Schedule (Systems)
Year 3
Fall, Term 7
- ENSC 316
- ENSC 351
- ENSC 380
- ENSC 385
- MACM 316
Spring, Term 8
- ENSC 350
- ENSC 383
- ENSC 386
- ENSC 387
- ESD Elective I
Summer, Term 9
- Co-op term
Year 4
Fall, Term 10
- Co-op term
Spring, Term 11
- ENSC 405W
- ENSC 410
- ENSC 488
- ECON 103
- ESD elective II
- ESD elective III
- ENSC 498 (honours only)
Summer, Term 12
- ENSC 406
- ENSC 440
- ENSC 482
- ESD elective IV
- ENSC 499 (honours only)
ESD Electives (Systems)
Engineering Science and Design Electives
As part of the required 15 units of Engineering Science & Design Electives, students in the Systems Option must complete at least one of the following constrained elective courses:
- ENSC 325-4 Microelectronics II
- ENSC 327-4 Communication Systems
- CMPT 361-3 Introduction to Computer Graphics
- CMPT 310-3 Artificial Intelligence Survey
The remaining engineering science and design units can be fulfilled using courses as below:
- ENSC 413-4 Deep Learning Systems in Engineering
- ENSC 424-4 Multimedia Communications Engineering
- ENSC 425-4 Electronic System Design
- ENSC 427-4 Communication Networks
- ENSC 428-4 Digital Communications
- ENSC 429-4 Digital Signal Processing
- ENSC 450-4 VLSI Systems Design
- ENSC 452-4 Advanced Digital System Design
- ENSC 470-4 Optical and Laser Engineering Applications
- ENSC 472-4 Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Engineering (discontinued)
- ENSC 474-4 Digital/Medical Image Processing
- ENSC 476-4 Biophotonics and Microscopy Techniques
- ENSC 477-4 Biomedical Image Acquisition
- ENSC 483-4 Modern Control Systems
- ENSC 489-4 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (discontinued)
- ENSC 495-4 Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication
- CMPT 417-3 Intelligent Systems
- MSE 480-3 Manufacturing Systems
- MSE 481-3 Industrial Control Systems
- MSE 483-3 Modern Control Systems
Complementary Elective
These courses are commonly referred to as the 'WQB' requirement at SFU.
As an engineering science student - depending on your program option - you will need to complete specific pre-approved electives and/or additional B-Sci elective courses.
Technical Elective
Students in the Electronics option honors program must take one technical elective E-TECH I-3, normally in Semester 8.
All Technical Elective choices are subject to approval by the Chair of the School's Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC); to simplify this process and to clarify by example, the list below has been pre-approved. Note that these courses may require prerequisites. In some cases, permission of the department must be obtained prior to registration.
Technical Electives
The School encourages students to choose their electives so that they complement each other. Taking the appropriate prerequisites, especially in conjunction with science electives, can open up many interesting courses.
Any such courses must have at least 3 credit hours.
Approved Courses
- Any 300 or 400 level course in Physics or Chemistry from the list of pre-approved science electives
- CMPT 225
- Any 300 or 400 level course in Computing Science except CMPT 320
- Any 300 or 400 level course in Math except MATH 380
- Any 300 or 400 level ENSC course
Looking for a way to add a technical facet to your education? The Minor in Computer and Electronics Design may be for you. This minor is a perfect choice for hands-on, detail oriented, creative and innovative individuals interested in technology and global change.
Admission Requirements
Entrance is open to all non-engineering science majors. Students apply after successfully completing the following five courses with a minimum grade of C-. Enrolment is limited.
- ENSC 100W-3 Engineering, Science, and Society
- ENSC 105W-3 Process, Form, and Convention in Professional Genres
- ENSC151 or CMPT128 or CMPT125/127 or CMPT135
- MATH 232-3
- PHYS 120-3
Students in B.A.Sc. program at SFU are qualified to be admitted into the accelerated Master's program in Engineering Science provided that they have met all of the following criteria:
- Successful completion of at least 90 credits of undergraduate work
- A minimum CGPA of 3.33/4.33; or a grade point average of at least 3.5/4.33 based on the most recent 60 units of undergraduate and graduate courses
- Successful completion of at least one co-op term
- Successful completion of at least 24 credits of upper-level ESD courses while resident at SFU
- Secured a M.A.Sc. Supervisor
Second degree candidates are not eligibile for accelerated master's program. They are encouraged to apply for our regular M.A.Sc program upon their 2nd degree's completion.
How to Apply
Applications to the concurrent program follows the same procedure as regular graduate admission. Please see the admissions page for details.
If you are interested in applying, please send an email to the Graduate Program Assistant at enscgsec@sfu.ca for the most up-to-date information.
Students will pay the undergraduate per credit rate for all undergraduate courses (or premium if applicable) and the graduate per credit rate (or premium if applicable) for all graduate courses while they are registered in their bachelor’s program. Once the students complete their bachelor's degree, they will pay the appropriate graduate tuition fees for that program. Students are ineligible for graduate scholarships or awards administered from SFU sources until they complete their bachelor's degrees.
Degree Completion
Students in the Accelerated Master’s programs must fulfill the degree requirements of both the bachelor’s program and the master’s program in Engineering Science and may apply a maximum of 10 graduate course units/credits, taken while completing the bachelor’s degree, towards the upper division undergraduate Engineering Science and Design (ESD) electives of the bachelor’s program and the requirements of the master’s degree. The student will need to submit the advanced credit form to apply those graduate course units/credits towards the MASc degree, once they officially started.
If a graduate course is cross-listed with an undergraduate course (combined session), students must enroll in that graduate course to have that credits counted towards to their graduate degree. Otherwise, the credits for the undergraduate course will only be used towards to their bachelor's degree. For instance, if ENSC 894 is cross-listed with ENSC 452 as a combined session class, students must enroll in ENSC 894 instead of ENSC 452.
Concurrent Courses
Each undergraduate option in the School of Engineering Science (Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Engineering Physics, and Systems Engineering) has its own list of pre-approved ESD electives. Students should consult the list of pre-approved ESD electives posted on this page. The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC) will consider graduate courses as potential electives, in the same way they consider other electives and a given graduate course may meet the criteria for one option, but not others. If a graduate course does not appear on the lists, students may appeal for a given graduate course to count as an ESD elective, using the ENSC Appeal form found here.
Transferring from the concurrent program to the regular program is possible: a student may withdraw at any time from an approved Concurrent Bachelor’s-Master’s program by informing the Chairs of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs and the Dean of Graduate Studies in writing.