FAS Intranet
This is the new centralized hub for all internal and restricted content. Select your school below to access your intranet.
School of Computing Science
The School of Computing Science (CMPT) uses an intranet to share protected information. Access is restricted to internal stakeholders. If you have any questions please email cs_communications@sfu.ca.
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School of Engineering Science
The School of Engineering Science (ENSC) Intranet is used to share information between faculty and staff members of ENSC.
If you have any questions regarding the Intranet, please email ensccrd@sfu.ca.
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School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering
The School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering (MSE) Intranet is used to share information between faculty and staff members.
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Faculty of Applied Sciences
The Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS) Intranet is used to share information between faculty and staff members of FAS. If you have any questions regarding the Intranet, please email fas_administration@sfu.ca.
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