Research labs
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The list of research labs in the School of Computing Science
Please note: the blue-colored group name indicates it is now an SFU Groups group (aka Grouper group).
CMPT's Research Labs - Burnaby Campus | ||||||
Acronym | AKA | Official Name | Rooms | Directors | Storage | Remarks |
CMPT-3DLG | cs-3dlg | 3D Language Lab | TASC1 8000 & Co., TASC1 9404 | Dr. A. Chang | shares room with GrUVi, HCVC, VML & NLL w/Grouper Groups |
CMPT-AIRob | cs-airob; airob-lab | Autonomous Intelligence and Robotics Lab | TASC1 8005 | Dr. Ma | shares room with CVL, MARS & ROSIE w/Grouper Groups |
CMPT-APEX | cs-apex | Algorithmically Principled EXploration | TASC1 8000 | Dr. K. Li | shares room with 3DLG, VML w/Grouper Groups |
CMPT-ARCH | cs-arch | Computer Architecture Group | TASC1 8210, TASC1 9400 | Dr. Shriraman | shares rooms with other Systems research groups | |
CMPT-Auto | cs-autolab | Autonomy Lab | TASC1 7000, TASC1 8001 | Dr. Chen, Dr. Lim, Dr. Vaughan | aka Robotics lab; shares room with MARS | |
CMPT-CBL | cs-compbio | Computational Biology Lab | TASC1 9006 | Dr. Chindelevitch, Dr. Libbrecht, Dr. Sahinalp, Dr. Wiese | shares room with DBL w/Grouper Groups |
CMPT-CLL | cs-cl | Computational Logic Lab | TASC1 9001, TASC1 9404 | Dr. Mitchell, Dr. Ternovska | Backbone | shares room with DBL, NLL |
(NA) | Cloud Computing Lab | |||||
CMPT-CVL | cs-colour | Computational Vision Lab | TASC1 8005 | Dr. Funt | shares room with AiRob, MARS & ROSIE | |
CMPT-DBL | cs-dblab | Database and Datamining Lab | TASC1 9006 | Dr. Ester, Dr. X. Hu, Dr. K. Wang | shares room with CBL | |
CMPT-DBWK | cs-dbwk | Ke Wang's Database Group | TASC1 9006 | Dr. K. Wang | a group within DBL | |
CMPT-DEAL | cs-deal | Data Engineering and Analytics Lab | TASC1 9406 | Dr. Pei | aka Pacific Blue Cross Health Informatics Lab | |
CMPT-DELTA | cs-delta | Deep Learning Theory and Applications | TASC1 9404 | Dr. W.Y. Chen | temporarily shares room with DBL w/Grouper Groups |
CMPT-DIS | cs-dis | Data-Intensive Systems | TASC1 8210, TASC1 9400 | Dr. T.Z. Wang | shares rooms with other Systems research groups | |
CMPT-DSL | cs-dsl | Database Systems Lab | TASC1 9217 | Dr. J.N. Wang, Dr. Miao | ||
CMPT-GrUVi | cs-gruvi | Graphics, Usability, and Visualization Lab | TASC1 8004 & Co. | Dr. Aksoy, Dr. Mahdavi-Amiri, Dr. Yin, Dr. Zhang | Backbone | shares rooms with 3DLG, HCVC & VML |
CMPT-HCI | cs-hci | Human Computer Interaction | TASC1 9200 & TASC1 9201 | Dr. Chilana, Dr. N. Vincent | now merged with iXLab | |
CMPT-HCVC | cs-hcvc | Human-Centric Visual Computing Group | TASC1 8000 & Co. | Dr. A. Chang, Dr. Savva | shares room with 3DLG, GrUVi & VML | |
CMPT-iXLab | cs-ixlab | Interactive eXperience Lab | TASC1 9200 & TASC1 9201 | Dr. Carpendale, Dr. Chilana, Dr. N. Vincent, Dr. X.D. Yang | includes HCI w/Grouper Groups |
CMPT-MRS | Memory Systems Research | TASC1 8210, TASC1 9400 | Dr. Alameldeen | computers named ARCH, (aka Memory Architecture Lab) shares rooms with other Systems research groups | ||
CMPT-MARS | cs-mars | Multi-Agent Robotics Systems | TASC1 8001, TASC1 8005 | Dr. Chen | shares room with AiRob, Auto lab, CVL & ROSIE w/Grouper Groups |
CMPT-MIAL | cs-mial | Medical Image Analysis Lab | TASC1 9003 | Dr. Hamarneh | Backbone | |
cs-natlang cs-schulte |
Natural Language Lab | TASC1 9404 | Dr. Popowich, Dr. Sarkar, Dr. Schulte | Backbone | including Dr. Schulte's group; shares room with 3DLG |
CMPT-NML | cs-nml | Network Modeling Lab | TASC1 9002 | Dr. Gu, Dr. Liu | aka. Network Modeling Group | |
CMPT-NMSL | cs-nmsl | Network and Multimedia Systems Lab | TASC1 8208 | Dr. Hefeeda, Dr. Peters | ||
CMPT-PARG | cs-parg | Program Analysis Research Group | TASC1 8210, TASC1 9400 | Dr. Sumner | shares rooms with other Systems research groups | |
CMPT-PDCL | cs-pdcl | Parallel Distributed Computing Lab | TASC1 8210, TASC1 9400 | Dr. Vora | shares rooms with other Systems research groups | |
CMPT-ROSIE | cs-rosie | Robots with Social Intelligence and Empathy Lab | TASC1 8201 | Dr. Lim | also use rooms TASC1 7000, 8001 & 8005 w/Grouper Groups |
CMPT-RSL | cs-rsl | Reliable Systems Lab | TASC1 9000 | Dr. Ko | shares room with CBL w/Grouper Groups |
CMPT-SimPL | cs-simpl | Simon Fraser Programming Languages | TASC1 8210, TASC1 9400 | Dr. Miltner, Dr. Y.P. Wang | shares rooms with other Systems research groups | |
CMPT-STL | cs-stl | Software Technology Lab | TASC1 9406 & TASC1 9431 | Dr. Glässer, Dr. T. Wang | aka Software Engineering Lab | |
cs-systems | SYNAR Lab | TASC1 8210, TASC1 9400 | Dr.Alimadadi, Dr. Miltner, Dr. Y.P. Wang and many more | shares rooms with other Systems research groups | ||
CMPT-TAI | cs-tai | Trustworthy AI Lab | Dr. Y.L. Li | w/Grouper Groups |
CMPT-TANGENT | cs-tangent | Dr. L. Kim | w/Grouper Groups |
CMPT-Theia | cs-theia | Light and Sight Research Group | TASC1 8002.1 & Co. | Dr. Tagliasacchi | shares rooms with 3DLG, GrUVi, HCVC & VML w/Grouper Groups |
CMPT-TL | cs-theory | Theory Lab | TASC1 9001 | Dr. Amy, Dr. Bulatov, Dr. Kabanets, Dr. Shinkar | includes ACO (Algorithms, Complexity, and Optimization Group), shares room with CLL | |
CMPT-VML | cs-vml | Vision & Media Lab | TASC1 8000 & Co. | Dr. Furukawa, Dr. X.B. Peng, Dr. Savva, Dr. Tagliasacchi | Backbone | shares rooms with 3DLG, GrUVi & HCVC |
CMPT-MICA | Medical Image Computing and Analysis | |||||
CMPT-MCL | Medical Computing Lab | Dr. Atkins | ||||
CMPT-LFPL | Logic and Functional Programming Lab | |||||
CMPT-RandAlg | cs-randalg | Randomized Algorithms Lab | Dr. Berenbrink, Dr. Ergun | |||
CMPT-SCIRF | ||||||
CMPT-SYNAR | cs-systems | Systems Networking and Architecture Research | aka Systems Lab. | |||
CMPT-Vivarium | a group of CMPT-ENSC joint labs | includes GrUVi, MIAL, SCIRF, VML | ||||
Research Labs - Surrey Campus | ||||||
Acronyms | AKA | Official Name | Room #s | Directors | Remarks | |
CMPT-GOL | Grad Open Lab | SUR 4112 | ||||
CMPT-BIO | Bioinformatics Lab | SUR 4190 | Dr. Wiese | |||
CMPT-Health-Hub | cs-dhh-user | Digital Health Hub | SUR 4190 | Dr. Wiese, Dr. D'Arcy | CMPT-Health-Tech | |
CMPT-OSL | Open Source Lab | SUR 4120 | Dr. Cameron | |||
NeuroTech Lab | Surrey NeuroTech Lab | Surrey Memorial Hospital | Dr. D'Arcy | |||
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Last updated @ 2025.02.06