Data Collection

           Primary data was extracted from the Discover Vancouver Forum in which one topic talked about pocket bike stores and retailers within the GVRD that sell pocket bikes. Most of the retailers were warehouses that only sold their products online and so, there was no address linking to their outlets. But there were still a few retailers throughout the GVRD that have an actual store and could be easily located. From what I found, there was a retailer located in Vancouver, two were in Richmond and one was located in Surrey. As I went further on with my research, I managed to find two shops located in Langley, BC Canada in which they sold pocket bikes and also sold performance parts that could modify the pocket bikes. I also added the main shopping center known as Willowbrook Shopping Center into my analysis as there is a possible chance that some small retail shops within the shopping center, may sell pocket bikes as well. And so, by finding the addresses of these retail shops from their websites, I used to pin point the latitude and longitude of theses stores and inputed them in a "DBF" file format in Microsoft Excel and used the "ADD X Y coordinate system" function in ArcGIS in order to display the actual locations on a map of Langley, BC Canada.

Files created:


           Secondary data was extracted from the SIS Data Warehouse and 351-Data on the SIS Lab's S Drive. In order to obtain this data, a DMTI Data Use Agreement from the Simon Fraser University Library had to be signed to be able to access this folder.

Folders obtained from the S Drive were:

-Data Warehouse\GVRD for the street network
-Data Warehouse\GVRD Landuse for the landuse of the GVRD
-Data Warehouse\LwrMainlandDEMs for the slope of the GVRD
-351-Data\ASS1_from_webct\ for the disenumeration and census   data of the GVRD

Files used within these folders were:

-nts92g01w dataset
-nts92g02e dataset


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  Copyright November 2006 © Alexander Wong  Email Me