T: 778-782-5232
Office: Harbour Centre, Room 2800

Habib Chaudhury

Professor | Department of Gerontology

Associate Director | Gerontology Research Centre

Dr. Habib Chaudhury, Chair and Professor in the Department of Gerontology, has extensive research experience in the field of environmental gerontology. He conducts research and consulting work in the following areas: physical environment for people with dementia in long-term care facilities, dementia-inclusive communities, and community planning and urban design for age-friendly communities. Projects have been funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), CapitalCare Foundation and the Centre for Health Design. Published books include: Environments in an Aging Society: Autobiographical Perspectives in Environmental Gerontology (Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Vol 38, 2018; co-edited with F. Oswald), Remembering Home: Rediscovering the Self in Dementia (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008) and Home and Identity in Later Life: International Perspectives (Springer Publications, 2005; co-edited with G. Rowles). Dr. Chaudhury conducts research consulting with various national and international organizations in the areas of planning and design of seniors housing and long-term care facilities. He is also affiliated with the Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Aging and Environment. He currently serves as member on the Ministerial Advisory Board on Dementia for the Government of Canada, and as Chair on the Institute of Aging Advisory Board at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Dr. Chaudhury received the Environmental Design Research Association’s (EDRA) Career Award in 2022.

Dr. Chaudhury received the Excellence in Teaching Award at Simon Fraser University in 2013. He has supervised over fifty graduate students in gerontology and/or social science disciplines. His students have received external support and recognitions that include: SSHRC Graduate Scholarship, Alzheimer Society of Canada Doctoral Award, Michael Smith Foundation Graduate Trainee Award, Best Research Poster Award from the Canadian Association on Gerontology and Best Research Poster Award from the CIHR.


  • PhD (Architecture/Environmental Gerontology) University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • MA (Architecture) Texas A&M University
  • BArch (Architecture) Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology


Aging and the built environment; long-term care; seniors' housing; neighbourhoods for active aging; environments for people with dementia; age-friendly communities; dementia-friendly communities; qualitative research methods

Current/selected grants

Contract/Grant: Award  Awarded: 2022    Period: 2022 - 2026

Project Title: Built Environmental Impact on Residents' Quality of Lie and Staff Care Practices in a Long-Term Care Facility: Pre- and Post-Relocation at the Existing "Views" and Newly-Constructed Innovative "Village" Model in Comox, British Columbia
Funding: Mitacs Accelerate Award (Community Partners: Alzheimer Society of B.C.; Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Sciences)   Type: Award    Total: $106,000
Involvement: Principal Investigator

Contract/Grant: Grant   Awarded: 2021    Period: 2021 - 2026

Project Title: Dementia Research Program in Long-Term Care and Dementia-Inclusive Communities
Funding: Alzheimer Society of B.C.   Type: Grant    Total: $320,000
Involvement: Principal Investigator

Contract/Grant: Grant  Awarded: 2024    Period: 2024 - 2025

Project Title: Evaluating a Shoe-Based Mobility Tracker to Promote Out-of-Home Participation and Collaborative Care in Persons Living with Mild Cognitive Deficits
Funding: National Research Council Canada   Type: Grant   Total: $333,214
Involvement: Co-Investigator; (Principal Investigator: T. Tannou; Co-Investigators: R. Wang, A. Hwang, H. Chaudhury, S. Bayat, A. Brorsson, S. Coffey)

Contract/Grant: Award   Awarded: 2023    Period: 2023 - 2025

Project Title: Developing Knowledge Mobilization Strategies to Create Dementia-Inclusive Spaces for Community Access, Participation, and Engagement (DemSCAPE)
Funding: Mitacs Accelerate Award (Community Partner: Alzheimer Society of B.C.)   Type: Award    Total: $105,000
Involvement: Principal Investigator

Contract/Grant: Contribution Agreement   Awarded: 2021    Period: 2021 - 2024

Project Title: Developing Supportive Neighbourhood Built Environment to Foster Mobility, Engagement and Social Participation Among Community-dwelling Adults Living with Dementia (
Funding: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)   Type: Grant    Total: $786,098
Involvement: Principal Investigator; (Co-Investigators: Lillian Hung, Alison Phinney, Shannon Freeman and Mark Groulx)

Selected Publications

Books/Edited Volumes

  • Chaudhury, H & Oswald, F. (2018). Environments in an Aging Society: Autobiographical Perspectives in Environmental Gerontology. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 38, 2018.
  • Chaudhury, H. (2008). Remembering Home: Rediscovering the Self in Dementia. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Chaudhury, H. (Guest Ed.). (2007). Immigrants’ residential experience in North America. Invited theme issue of the Journal of Architectural and Planning Research.
  • Rowles, G., & Chaudhury, H. (Eds.). (2005). Home and Identity in Late Life: International Perspectives. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Chaudhury, H. (Ed.) (2005). Design for diversity. Peer-reviewed conference proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Schwarz, B., Chaudhury, H., Brent, R., Cooney, T., Dunne, K., & Bostic, J. (2002). Impact of Design Interventions in Nursing Homes on Residents with Dementia, their Families, and the Staff. Milwaukee, WI: Center for Architecture and Urban Planning Research. University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee.

Book Chapters

  • Ong, E., Robertson, M., Frost, D., Chaudhury, H., & Fleming, R. The voice of people with dementia at the core of environmental design. In K. Charras, E. Hogervorst, S. Wallcook, S. Kuliga and B. Woods (Eds.). Creating Empowering Environments for People with Dementia (pp 57-68). Routledge, London and New York.
  •  Gurung, S., Mahmood, A., & and Chaudhury, H. (in press). Conceptualizing Person-Centred Care for Ethnocultural Minority Residents in Long-Term Care Homes: Adaptation of the Person-Centred Practice Framework. In S. Guruge (Ed.), The Intersections of Aging and Immigration: The Promise and Paradox of a Better Life.  Toronto Metropolitan University.
  • Oswald, F. Wahl, H, Wanka, A., & Chaudhury, H. (2024). Theorizing place and aging: enduring and novel issues in environmental gerontology. In M. Cutchin & G. Rowles (Eds.), Handbook on Aging and Place (pp.37-60). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Chaudhury, H., Ward, R., & Seetheraman, K. (2024). The emplaced and embodied experience of living with dementia. In M. Cutchin & G. Rowles (Eds.), Handbook on Aging and Place (pp. 120-140). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Gurung, S., & Chaudhury, H. (2023). Exploring the Role of the Built Environment in Person-Centered Care During Mealtimes in an Ethno-specific Long-Term Care Home. In: Ferdous, F., Roberts, E. (eds) (Re)designing the Continuum of Care for Older Adults. Springer, Cham.
  • Seetharaman, K., Chaudhury, H., & Mahmood, A. (2021). A conceptual framework of the person–environment interaction in the neighbourhood among persons living with dementia: A focus on out-of-home mobility. In R. Ward & A. Clark (Eds.), Dementia and Place: Practices, Experiences and Connections (pp. 113–134). Policy Press.
  • Chaudhury, H., Murray, K., & Seetharaman, K. (2019). Special Care Units. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Chaudhury, H. & Oswald, F. (2018). In the Rearview Mirror: Personal Reflections in Environmental Gerontology. In H. Chaudhury & F. Oswald (Eds.). Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics (pp. 1-16), Vol. 38.
  • Chaudhury, H. & Cooke, H. (2014). Design matters in dementia care: The role of the physical environment in dementia care settings. In M. Downs and B. Bowers (Eds.). Excellence in dementia care (2nd Edition) (pp. 144-158). UK: Open University Press.
  • Chaudhury, H., Cooke, H. & Frazee, K. (2013). Developing a Physical Environmental Evaluation Component of the Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) Tool. In G. Rowles and M. Bernard (Eds.), Environmental gerontology: Making meaningful places in old age. (pp.153-174). New York: Springer Publications.
  • Chaudhury, H., Puurveen, G., & Lyle, J. (2011). Place matters: An exploration of the role of physical environment in end of life care. In M. Gott and C. Ingleton (Eds.). Living with Ageing and Dying: End of Life Care for Older People (pp. 205-214). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Baldwin, C., Bartlett, R., Chaudhury, H., Phinney, A., Purves, B., & O’Connor, D. (2007). Personhood. In C. Baldwin and A. Capstick (Eds.). Tom Kitwood: A critical reader in dementia theory and practice (pp. 173- 187). Buckingham: McGraw Hill/Open University Press.
  • Chaudhury, H., & Rowles, G. (2005). Between the Shores of Recollection and Imagination: Self, Aging and Home. In Rowles, G. and Chaudhury, H. (Eds.). Home and Identity in Late Life: International Perspectives (pp. 3-20). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Rowles, G., & Chaudhury, H. (2005). Leaving home. In Rowles, G. and Chaudhury, H. (Eds.). Home and Identity in Late Life: International Perspectives (pp.379-386). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Weisman, G. D., Chaudhury, H., & Moore, K. D. (2000). Theory and Practice of Place: Toward an Integrative Model. In R. Rubinstein, M. Moss, & M. Kleban (Eds.). The Many Dimensions of Aging: Essays in Honor of M. Powell Lawton (pp. 3-21). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Chaudhury, H. (1997). Victoria Plaza: Description of a Facility. In A. Churchman (Ed.). Victoria Plaza Revisited. (pp. 63-70). Milwaukee, WI: Center for Architectural and Planning Research, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee: Milwaukee.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • Groulx, M., Freeman, S., Gourlay, K., Hemingway, D., Rossnagel, E., Chaudhury, H., & Nouri, M. (2024). Monitoring and Evaluation of Dementia-Friendly Neighborhoods Using a Walkshed Approach: Protocol for a Scoping Review. JMIR Research Protocols, 13, e50548–e50548.
  • Battalova, A., Gurung, S., Ford, H.-T., Singh, G., Mortenson, W. B., & Chaudhury, H. (2024). Exploring the social determinants of health from the perspectives of people with spinal cord injuries: A disability studies approach. SSM. Qualitative Research in Health, 5, 100408.
  • Gan, D.R.Y Mann, J, & Chaudhury, H. Dementia care and prevention in community settings: a built environment framework for cognitive health promotion. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 37(2), (107-12). DOI: 10.1097/YCO.0000000000000917
  • Lanthier-Labonté, S., Chaudhury, H., Wong, J., Hung, L. (2024). Dementia-Friendly Transportation Services: A Scoping Review, The Gerontologist,
  • O’Connor, D., Sakamoto, M., Phinney, A., Chaudhury, H., & Mann, J. (2023; e5985). Participatory Action Research: An Exploration from a Freirean Perspective of Research Involving People with Dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
  • Yan, E., Lai, D.,…Chaudhury, H. Pillemer, K., &, Lachs, M. (2023).Staff Turnover Intention at Long-Term Care Facilities: Implications of Resident Aggression, Burnout, and Fatigue. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.
  • Pickering, J., Wister, A.V., O’Dea, E., & Chaudhury, H., (2023). Social isolation and loneliness among older adults living in rural areas during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review. BMC Geriatr 23, 511 (2023).
  • Yang, A.C.H., Chaudhury, H., Ho, J.C.F., Lau, N., (2023). Measuring the Impact of Bedroom Privacy on Social Networks in a Long-Term Care Facility for Hong Kong Older Adults: A Spatio-Social Network Analysis Approach. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 5494. https://
  • Seetharaman, K., Chaudhury, H., Hung, L., Phinney, A., Freeman, S., Groulx, M., Hemingway, D., Lanthier-Labonté, S., Randa, C., & Rossnagel, E. (2023). Protocol for A Mixed-Methods Study: Dementia-Inclusive Streets and Community Access, Participation, and Engagement (DemSCAPE). International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22.
  • Jeawon, M., Hase, B., Miller, S., Eng, J.J., Andrea, B., Chaudhury, H., Maffin, J., Clarkson, R., Wright, J., & Mortenson, W.B. (2023) Understanding the experiences, needs, and strengths of people with incomplete spinal cord injury who can ambulate, Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2023.2171495.
  • Mahmood, A., Patille, R., Lam, E., Mora, D. J., Gurung, S., Weldrick, R., Chaudhury, H, & Canham, S. (2022). Aging in the right place for older adults experiencing housing security: An environmental assessment of temporary housing program. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22), 14857. doi:
  • Yan, E., Lai, D.W.L., Cheng, S-T, Kwok, T., Leung, E. Vivian, W., Fong, D., Chaudhury, H., Pillemer, K., Lachs M. Resident-to-resident aggression in long-term care facilities: Prevalence and risk factors. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 1- 4. doi:10.1111/jgs.18175.
  • Canham, S.L., Mahmood, A., Walsh, C.A., Sussman, T., Bourgeois Guérin, V., Chaudhury, H., Colgan, S., Dunn, J.R., Henwood, B., Nixon, L., Somers, J.M., & Yan, A. (2022). Aging in the right place: Building capacity for promising practices that support older people experiencing homelessness in Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver. Social Science Protocols, 1-13.
  • O’Connor, D., Sakamoto, M., Seetharaman, K., Chaudhury, H., & Phinney, A. Conceptualizing citizenship in dementia: A scoping review of the literature. Dementia. June 2022. doi:10.1177/14713012221111014.
  • Chaudhury, H., & Xu, M. (2022). The Role of the Built Environment on the Quality of Life for Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities in Asia: A Scoping Review, Innovation in Aging, 6(5), https://
  • Ruthier, F., Mortenson, W.B., Demers, L., Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H, Martin-Ginis, K., & Miller, W. (In Press). Mobility and participation of people with disabilities using mobility assistive technologies: A protocol to identify psychosocial and physical environmental barriers and facilitators. JMIR Research Protocols.
  • Iuglio, S., Chaudhury, H., Slaughter, S. E., Lengyel, C., Morrison, J., Boscart, V., Carrier, N., & Keller, H. (In Press). Construct validation of the Mealtime Relational Care Checklist (M-RCC) for individual resident use in long term care. Journal of Nursing Measurement.
  • Au, A., Lai, D., Yip, H., Chan, S., Lai, S., Chaudhury, H., Scharlach, A, & Leeson, G.  (2020). Sense of Community Mediating Between Age-Friendly Characteristics and Life Satisfaction of Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(86). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00086.
  • Chaudhury, H., Mahal, T., Seetharaman, K., & Nygaard, H. B. (2020). Community participation in activities and places among older adults with and without dementia. Dementia.
  • Seetheraman, K., & Chaudhury, H. (2020) ‘I am making a difference’: Understanding advocacy as a citizenship practice among persons living with dementia. Journal of Aging Studies, 52.
  • Slaughter, S. E., Morrison-Koechl, J. M., Chaudhury, H., Lengyel, C. O., Carrier, N., & Keller, H.H. (2020). The association of eating challenges with energy intake is moderated by the mealtime environment in residential care homes. International Psychogeriatrics, 1-11. doi:10.1017/S1041610219001959.
  • Hung, L., Berndt, A., Wallsworth, C., Horne, N., Gregorio, M., Mann, J., Liu, C., Woldum, E., Au-Yeung, A., & Chaudhury, H. (2020). Involving patients and families in a social robot study. Patient Experience Journal, 6(2), 66- 74.
  • Chaudhury, H., & Oswald, F. (2019). Advancing Understanding of Person- Environment Interaction in Later Life: One Step Further. Journal of Aging Studies, 51, 100821.
  • Hung, L., Gregorio, M., Mann, J., Wallsworth, C., Horne, N., Berndt, A., Liu, C., Woldum, E., & Chaudhury, H. (2019). Exploring the perceptions of people with dementia about the social robot PARO in a hospital setting. Dementia. PMID 31443636
  • Lillian Hung, L., Berndt, A., Wallsworth, C., Horne, N., Gregorio, M., Mann, J., Son, C., Camps, A., Chow, B., O'Neill, R., & Chaudhury, H. (2019). Use of touch screen tablets to support social connections and reduce responsive behaviours among people with dementia in care settings: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 9(11), E031653. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031653.
  • Hung, L., Liu, C., Woldum, E., Au-Yeung, A., Berndt, A., Wallsworth, C., Horne, N., Gregorio, M., Mann, J., & Chaudhury, H. (2019). The benefits of and barriers to using a social robot PARO in care settings: a scoping review. BMC Geriatrics, 19(1), 232.
  • Norouzi, N., Jarrott, S., & Chaudhury, H. (2019). Designing intergenerational space through a human-development lens. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 36(1):35-51.
  • Chaudhury, H., Cooke, H., Cowie, H. & Razaghi, L. (2018). The Influence of the Physical Environment on Residents with Dementia in Long-Term Care Settings: A Review of the Empirical Literature. The Gerontologist, 58(5), e325–e337 doi:10.1093/geront/gnw259.
  • Hung, L., Au-Yeung, A., Helmer, C., Ip, A., Elijah, L., Wilkins-Ho, M., & Chaudhury, H. (2018). Feasibility and acceptability of an iPad intervention to support dementia care in the hospital setting. Contemporary Nurse, 54(4-5), 350-361.
  • Hung, H., Phinney, A., Chaudhury, H., & Rodney. P. (2018). Using video- reflexive ethnography to engage hospital staff to improve dementia care. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 5, 1-10. doi:10.1177/2333393618785095.
  • Bigonnesse, B., Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H., Mortenson, W.B., Miller, W.C., & Martin Ginis, K.A. (2018). The role of neighborhood physical environment on mobility and social participation among people using mobility assistive technology. Disability & Society, 33(6), 866- 893. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2018.1453783.
  • Appreciative Inquiry: Bridging Research and Practice in a Hospital Setting. Hung, L., Phinney, A., Chaudhury, H., Rodney, P., Tabamo, J., & Bohl, D. (2018). International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 17, 1–10. doi: 10.1177/1609406918769444
  • Franke, T., Sims-Gould, J., Chaudhury, H., Winters, M., & McKay, H. (2018). ‘It makes your life worthwhile. It gives you a purpose in living’: Mobility experiences among active older adults with low income. Ageing and Society, 1-28. doi:10.1017/S0144686X18000181
  • Keller, H., Lengyel, C., Carrier, N., Slaughter, S., Morrison, J., Duncan, A., Steele, C.M., Duizer, L., Brown, K. S., Chaudhury, H., Yoon, M.N., Boscart, V., Heckman, G., & Villalon, L. (2018). Prevalence of inadequate micronutrient intakes of Canadian long-term care residents. British Journal of Nutrition, 1-10. doi:10.1017/S0007114518000107
  • Iuglio, S., Keller, K., Chaudhury, H., Slaughter, S., Lengyel, C., Morrison, J., Boscart, V., & Carrier, N. (2018). Construct Validity of the Dining Environment Audit Protocol: A Secondary Data Analysis of the Making Most of Mealtimes (M3) Study. BMC Geriatrics, 18(20). doi: 10.1186/s12877-018-0708-4
  • Iuglio, S., Keller, H., Chaudhury, H., Slaughter, S.E., Lengyel, C., Morrison, J., Boscart, V., & Carrier, N. (2018). Construct Validity of the Mealtime Scan: A Secondary Data Analysis of the Making Most of Mealtimes (M3) Study, Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics, 37(2), 82-104. doi: 10.1080/21551197.2018.1461166
  • Hung, H., Phinney, A., Chaudhury, H. Rodney, P., Tabamo, J., & Doris Bohl, D. (2017). “Little things matter!” Exploring the perspectives of patients with dementia about the hospital environment. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 12(3). doi:10.1111/opn.12153
  • Chaudhury, H., Keller, H., Pfisterer, K., & Hung, L. (2017). Development of a Physical Environmental Observational Tool for Dining Environments in Long-Term Care Settings. The Gerontologist, 57(6), e95-e101.
  • Keller, H., Carrier, N., Slaughter, S., Lengyel, C., Steele, C., Duizer, L., Brown, S. K., Chaudhury, H., Yoon, M., Duncan, A.M., Boscart, V., Heckman, G., & Villalon, L. (2017). Making the Most of Mealtimes (M3): protocol of a multi-centre cross-sectional study of food intake and its determinants in older adults living in long term care homes. BMC Geriatrics, 17(1), 15. doi: 10.1186/s12877-016-0401-4
  • Keller, H., Chaudhury, H., Pfisterer, K., & Susan, S. (2017). Development and Inter-Rater Reliability of the Mealtime Scan for Long Term Care. The Gerontologist, 58(3), 160-167. doi:10.1093/geront/gnw264
  • Chaudhury, H., Hung, L., Rust. T., & Wu, S. (2016). Do physical environmental changes make a difference? Supporting Person-Centered Care at Mealtimes in Nursing Homes. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 16(7), 878-896. doi:10.1177/1471301215622839
  • Chaudhury, H., Campo, M., Michael, Y., & Mahmood, A. (2016). Neighbourhood Environment and Physical Activity in Older Adults. Social Science & Medicine, 149, 104-113.
  • Lee, S. Y., Chaudhury, H. & Hung, L. (2016). Effects of Physical Environment on Health and Behaviors of Residents With Dementia in Long-Term Care Facilities A Longitudinal Study. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 9(2), 81-91.
  • Lee, S., Chaudhury, H., & Hung, L. (2016). Exploring staff perceptions on the role of physical environment in dementia care setting. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice. 15(4), 743-755.
  • O’Rourke, N., Canham, S., Wertman, A., Chaudhury, H., Carmel, S., Bachner, Y. G., & Peres, H. (2016). Holocaust Survivors’ Memories of Past Trauma and the Functions of Reminiscence. The Gerontologist, 56(4), 743-752.
  • Hung, L., Chaudhury, H., & Rust. T. (2015). The effect of dining room renovations on person-centered care practice and residents’ dining experiences. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 35(2), 1279-1301.
  • O’Rourke, N., Bachner, Y. G., Cappeliez, P., Chaudhury, H., & Carmel, S. (2015). Reminiscence functions and the health of Israeli Holocaust survivors as compared to other older Israelis and older Canadians. Aging and Mental Health, 19(4), 335-346.
  • Lee, S., Chaudhury, H., & Lee, S. (2014). Effect of physical environment on the behaviors of residents with dementia: A comparison between a small- group unit and a traditional care unit. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8(11), 1353-1363.
  • Woolrych, R., Zecevic, A., Sixsmith, A., Sims-Gould, J., Feldman, F., Chaudhury, H., Symes, B., & Robinovitch, S. (2014). Using real life video capture to investigate the causes of falls in long-term care: Opportunities and challenges. The Gerontologist, 13(2), 132 – 133. doi:10.1093/geront/gnu053.
  • Theurer, K., Wister, A., Sixsmith, A., Chaudhury, H., & Lovegreen, L. (2014). The development and evaluation of mutual support groups in long-term care homes. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 33(4) 387–415.
  • Chaudhury, H., Hung, L., & Badger, M. (2013). The role of physical environment in supporting person-centered dining in long-term care: A review of the literature. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, 28(5), 491-500.
  • Cooke, H., & Chaudhury, H. (2013). An Examination of the Psychometric Properties and Efficacy of Dementia Care Mapping. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 12(6), 790–805.
  • Sixsmith, A., Woolrych, R., Schonopp, R., Robinovitch, S., Chaudhury, H., & Feldman, F. (2013). Understanding contextual factors in falls in long-term care facilities, Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 14(3), 4-12.
  • Hay, K., & Chaudhury, H. (2013). Exploring the quality of life of younger residents living in long-term care facilities. Journal of Applied Gerontology 34(5), 675-690. doi: 10.1177/0733464813483209
  • O’Rourke N., Carmel, S., Chaudhury, H., Polchenko, N., & Bachner, Y.G. (2012). A cross-national comparison of reminiscence functions between Canadian and Israeli older adults. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 68(2), 184-192.
  • Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H., Gaumont, A., & Rust, T. (2012). The effect of physical environment on medication errors in long-term care facilities. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 25(5), 431 - 441.
  • Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H., Hay, K., Michael, Y., Campo, M., & Sarte, A. (2012). Understanding the role of neighborhood environment on staying active in older adults: A photovoice study in Vancouver and Portland. Social Science and Medicine, 74(8), 1180-1192.
  • Chaudhury, H., Mahmood, A., Michael, Y.L., Campo, M., & Hay, K. (2012).
  • The influence of neighborhood residential density, physical and social environments on older adults' physical activity: An exploratory study in two metropolitan areas. Journal of Aging Studies, 26(1), 35–43.
  • Campo, M. & Chaudhury, H. (2012). Informal social interaction among residents with dementia in special care units: Exploring the role of the physical and social environments. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 11(3), 401–423.
  • Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H., & Valente, M. (2011). Nurses’ perception of the role of environmental design on nursing and medication errors in acute care settings. Applied Nursing Research, 24, 229–237.
  • Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H., Sarte, A., & Yon, Y. (2011). The effect of housing characteristics and living arrangements on health and wellbeing of immigrant older adults. Housing and Society, 37(1), 25-52.
  • Chaudhury, H., Sarte, A., Michael, Y. L., Mahmood, A., McGregor, E. M., & Wister, A. (2011). Use of a systematic observational measure to assess and compare walkability for older adults in Vancouver, British Columbia and Portland, Oregon neighborhoods. Journal of Urban Design, 16(4), 433– 454.
  • Hung, L., & Chaudhury, H. (2011). Exploring personhood in dining experiences of residents with dementia in long-term care facilities, Journal of Aging Studies, 25(1), 1-12.
  • Danziger, S., & Chaudhury, H. (2009). Older adults’ use of adaptable design features in housing units: An exploratory study. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 21, 134–148.
  • Chaudhury, H., Mahmood, A., & Valente, M. (2009). The effect of environmental design on reducing nursing and medication errors and increasing efficiency in acute care settings: A review and analysis of the literature. Environment and Behavior, 41(6), 755-786.
  • Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H., & Gaumont, A. (2009). Environmental issues related to medication errors in long-term care: Lessons from the literature. Health Environments Research and Design Journal, 2(2), 42-59.
  • Michael, Y. L., McGregor, E. M., Chaudhury, H., Day, K., Mahmood, A., & Sarte, A. (2009). Revising the senior walking environmental assessment tool. Preventive Medicine, 48, 247–249.
  • Chaudhury, H., & Mahmood, A. (2008). Immigrants’ residential experience: An overlooked area in environmental design research. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 25(1), 1-5.
  • Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H., Kobayashi, K., & Valente, M. (2008). Housing and community characteristics of South-Asian immigrant older adults. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 25(1), 54-75.
  • Feldman, F., & Chaudhury, H. (2008). Falls and the physical environment: A review and a new multi-factorial framework. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(2), 82-95.
  • Phinney, A., Chaudhury, H., & O’Connor, D. (2007). Doing as much as I can: Meaningful activity for people with dementia. Journal of Aging and Mental Health, 11(4), 384-293.
  • O’Connor, D., Phinney, A., Smith, A., Small, J., Purves, B., Perry, J., Drance, E., Donnelly, M., Chaudhury, H., & Beattie, L. (2007). Personhood in dementia care: Developing a research agenda for broadening the vision. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 6(1), 121-142.
  • Chaudhury, H., Mahmood, A., & Valente, M. (2006). Nurses’ preference for single versus double-occupancy patient rooms in acute care environments: An exploratory comparative assessment. Applied Nursing Research, 19(3), 118-125.
  • Chaudhury, H., Mahmood, A. & Valente, M. (2005). Advantages and disadvantages of single vs. double occupancy patient rooms in acute care environments: A review and analysis of the literature. Environment and Behavior, 37(6), 760-786.
  • Cappeliez, P., O'Rourke, N., & Chaudhury, H. (2005). Functions of reminiscence and mental health in late adulthood. Journal of Aging and Mental Health, 9(4), 295-301.
  • Schwarz, B., Chaudhury, H., & Tofle, R. B. (2004). Effect of design interventions on a dementia care setting. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias. 19(3), 34-43.
  • Chaudhury, H. (2003). Remembering Home through Art. Alzheimers’ Care Quarterly, 4(2), 119-124.
  • Chaudhury, H. (2003). Quality of life and place-therapy. The Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 17(1/2), 85-103.
  • Chaudhury, H. (2002). Journey back home: Recollecting past places by people with dementia. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 16(1-2), 85-106.
  • Chaudhury, H. (2002). Place-biosketch as a tool in caring for residents with dementia. Alzheimer's Care Quarterly, 3(1), 42-45.
  • Chaudhury, H. (1999). Self and Reminiscence of Place: A Conceptual Study.
  • The Journal of Aging & Identity, 4(4), 231-254.
  • Kovach, C., Weisman, G., Chaudhury, H., & Calkins, M. (1997). The Impact of Therapeutic Environments for Dementia Care. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 12(3), 99-110. 
  • Chaudhury, H. (1997). Self and Reminiscence of Place: Toward a Theory in (Re)Discovering Selfhood for People with Dementia in Long Term Care Settings. Environmental Design Research Association Annual Conference Proceedings (Peer-Reviewed). Montreal, Canada.