Graduate Students

PhD Students 

Sandeep Dhillon
Supervisor: Mitchell

Research Areas: Immigrant women and their perceived mental health; unmasking social stigmas and taboos related to immigrant elderly Punjabi women in Canada; social determinants of health.

Shreemouna Gurung
Supervisor: Chaudhury 

Research Areas: Exploring the delivery of person-centred care to ethnocultural minority seniors in long-term care settings.

Shawna Hopper
Supervisor: Cosco

Research Areas: Social isolation; mental health; cognition; longitudinal analyses.

Lucy Kervin
Supervisor: Cosco

Research Areas: Barriers and facilitators of care access and system navigation for older adults living without familial or informal support; overcoming social isolation and loneliness in later life; overcoming health inequity through community and systems-level approaches.

Boah Kim
Supervisor: Wister

Research Areas: Community-based integrated care; informal and formal caregiving; continuity of care; healthy aging; older adults with complex needs; multimorbidity; healthcare service research.

Eireann O'Dea
Supervisor: Wister

Research Areas: Generativity (desire among individuals to help and teach the next generation) and formal and informal activities; cultural generativity; impact of COVID-19 and volunteering.

Kishore Seetharaman
Supervisor: Chaudhury

Research Areas: Architectural design; environmental gerontology; therapeutic environments for mental health; design for dementia; age-friendly and dementia-friendly neighbourhood planning and design; qualitative methods; mixed methods; visual methods; particapatory action research.

Samantha Teichman
Supervisor: Mitchell

Research Areas: Grief, death and dying; families and carework; communication technologies as care.

Becky White
Supervisor: Sixsmith

Research Areas: Healthy lifestyles and wellness.

Ziying Zhang
Supervisor: ChaudHury

Research Areas: Dementia care; long term care; person-centred approach; meaningful engagement.

MA Students

Isaac Adedeji
Supervisor: Sixsmith

Research Areas: Promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in technology adoption among older adults.

Gracen Bookmyer
Supervisor: Mahmood

Research Areas: Aging in the right place within the rural context; LGBTQIA2+ older adults; narrative gerontology; the arts and aging.

Hailey Ford Jenkins
Supervisor: Mahmood

Research Areas: Longterm disability; social participation; environmental gerontology; accessibility; health and aging.

Sogol Haji Hosseini
Supervisor: Mahmood

Research Areas: Environmental Gerontology, Active Mobility, Mobility of Older Adults, Accessibility, Age-Friendly Cities, Age-Friendly Neighborhood Planning, and Promoting Public Health.

Niloofar Hedayati
Supervisor: Chaudhury

Research Areas: Environmental Gerontology with a focus on health-promotive neighbourhoods for older adults.

Esme Maki
Supervisor: Chaudhury

Research Areas: The lack of cultural humility in long term care that has detrimental impact on racialized and immigrant older adults.

Rojan Nasiri
Supervisor: Mahmood

Research Areas: Environmental gerontology, age-friendly cities, mobility among older adults and people with disabilities.

Margaret Ovenell
Supervisor: Mahmood

Research Areas: Climate change and aging; aging in the right place, LGBTQ2S+ older adults.

Marissa Stalman
Supervisor: Chaudhury

Research Areas: The lived experiences and teachings of persons living with dementia and their care partners, caregivers, families, and chosen families; person-centred care; end-of-life, hospice, and palliative care; systemic issues in long-term care; substance use and mental illness in the older adult population.

Andrea Wadman
Supervisor: Chaudhury

Research Areas: Social prescribing for underserved groups.

Sevde Yildirim
Supervisor: Sixsmith

Research Areas: Aging and technology; using technology to promote aging in place; the use of technology for healthy aging.

Esther Yuwono
Supervisor: Sixsmith

Research Areas: Technology adoption and digital inclusion for older adults; cultivation of intergenerational relationships; active aging.