Uniting innovation, academic excellence and community engagement to create western Canada’s first new medical school in more than 50 years.
SFU is creating a medical school focused on community-embedded, socially accountable and culturally relevant primary health care for all British Columbians. This planning requires tremendous input and diverse partnerships, particularly those with Fraser Health and the First Nations Health Authority, to develop programs, curriculum, research priorities, workforce needs, space and technology requirements, governance models and performance measures.
select_check_box Receive financial support from provincial government to start accreditation, curriculum and location/space planning (November 2022)
select_check_box Appoint interim dean and vice-dean (November 2022)
select_check_box Establish project oversight groups, including a Planning Board for Health and Medical Education, a Ministry Project Board, a Champion’s Table, an SFU Steering Committee and Working Groups (November/December 2022)
select_check_box Achieve applicant status from Committee on Accreditation of Medical Schools (CACMS) for accreditation (February 2023)
select_check_box Submit draft business case to Ministries (May 2023)
select_check_box Develop collaboration frameworks with internal and external partners and stakeholders (started June 2023)
select_check_box Begin search for founding dean (started July 2023)
select_check_box Appoint acting dean and special advisor (August 2023)
select_check_box Await provincial budget approval and finalize proposed governance structure (March/April 2024)
select_check_box Complete SFU Senate and Board submissions to establish the School of Medicine (March/April 2024)
select_check_box Hire founding dean (April – June 2024)
check_box_outline_blank Complete SFU Senate submission to approve curriculum (Summer 2024)
check_box_outline_blank Complete initial CACMS accreditation documentation, medical doctor program (September 2024)
check_box_outline_blank Begin accreditation preparation for residency programs (January 2025)
check_box_outline_blank Achieve candidate status from CACMS for accreditation (Winter 2025)
Establishing the new medical school is a large, multi-year project. SFU is working closely with partners - particularly Fraser Health and the First Nations Health Authority - during all phases of development, from planning and implementation to steady-state operations.
Interim Oversight Structure
Developing a new medical school requires meaningful collaboration, ongoing community engagement, thoughtful due diligence and informed governance.
Diverse working groups were established to inform curriculum, space, workforce planning, admissions and student experience, and research as part of the business case development. As the school’s development progresses, its oversight structure will continue to be inclusive and collaborative.
SFUMS Leadership
(including acting dean, senior medical school leadership, Indigenous and EDI foundations and leadership, academic workstreams, operational workstreams)
SFU Leadership
(including BoG, Senate, President, Executive Team, Provost and VP Academic)
SFU Medical School Liaison Groups:
- B.C. Health Authorities
- SFUMS-Fraser Health Authority Liaison Group
- Champion’s Table
- Medical Ed Collaboration
- Assistant Deputy Ministers’ Table
- Professional Practice Associations
- Other PSEs with Health Programs
Partnering for Success
The SFU School of Medicine will use the Partnership Pentagram Plus model to bring together internal and external partners, including administrators, academia, Indigenous partners, related industry and non-profit sectors, clinicians, policymakers and the general population. Together, we will oversee the school’s adherence to its vision, mission and values, as well as education and social accountability measures.
Every medical school in Canada is accredited by the Committee on the Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS) through a peer-reviewed process. Medical schools must meet specific high-quality education and training standards and ensure appropriate resources, infrastructure and supports are in place to produce well-qualified graduates equipped to work in the Canadian health system.
The SFU School of Medicine has begun its accreditation journey for the medical doctor program, as shown below. Accreditation processes for residency programs will start in 2025.
Initiation of Review
- Applicant status: ACHIEVED
SFU has submitted a formal letter of intent and paid an application fee to CACMS to begin its accreditation process.
Preliminary Accreditation
- Medical School Self-Study (MSS) and Data Collection Instrument (DCI) submissions: PENDING
- Candidate status: PENDING
- Site visit: PENDING
- Preliminary accreditation: PENDING
The SFU School of Medicine will collect data and complete a self-study to outline how its program will comply with CACMS standards. Upon CACMS review, and if acceptable, the school will receive candidate status.
Following candidate status, CACMS will schedule a site visit which informs a final report evaluating the school. If favourable, the school will receive preliminary accreditation status - a critical step for opening Fall 2026 admissions.
Provisional Accreditation
- Data Collection Instrument and Independent Student Analysis (ISA) submissions: PENDING
- Site visit (if required): PENDING
- Provisional accreditation: PENDING
Once the charter class is admitted, the SFU School of Medicine will work towards provisional accreditiation which includes proof of regular progress, readiness of its late-stage program, additional data collection and the first Independent Student Analysis by the charter class. A follow-up site visit may also be required.
If satisfactory, the School will receive provisional accreditation.
Full Accreditation
- Medical School Self-study, Data Collection Instrument and Independent Student Analysis submissions: PENDING
- Site visit: PENDING
- Full accreditation: PENDING
Full accreditation will be reached when the charter class is in its final year. Along with a complete site visit from CACMS, the school will provide additional data collection, self-study and student analysis documents for final review.
If satisfactory, the School will receive a five-year accreditation, after which a regular 8-year review cycle begins.
Please note that the SFU School of Medicine's programs are currently undergoing the necessary accreditation with CACMS and approval processes with the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education & Future Skills, and student recruitment will not begin until after these approvals are granted. We are committed to providing updates on the status of these approvals. Please follow the School's progress on this website or join our email list.