Simon Fraser University
SFU Cosmology Seminars

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Thursday, 31 January 2008, 13:00 in AQ4150

Prof. Saurya Das (University of Lethbridge)

Black holes and the problem of information loss (CAP Lecture)

Starting from two fundamental principles of physics, namely the maximum speed of propagation of signals (speed of light) and reference frame independence of this speed, we arrive at the notion of spacetime continuum and the metric. When we try to incorporate acceleration or gravity in this picture, we show that spacetime must be curved. The amount of curvature depends on the matter content of the spacetime, and is governed by the Einstein equations. These equations also predict the existence of black holes - highly dense gravitating objects, from which (classically) nothing can escape, not even light. When quantum mechanics is taken into consideration, black holes are predicted to emit small amounts of thermal radiation and have large amounts of entropy. This also gives rise to the so-called 'information loss problem', which says that information entering a black hole maybe lost forever, in apparent violation of quantum mechanics. We explore possible microscopic origins of black hole entropy and possible resolutions of the information loss problem.

This talk is a part of the CAP Lecture Tour series, and should be accessible to a wide audience of non-specialists. Undergraduate students are encouraged to attend.

Seminars in 2007:

2007-10-05 14:30 in K9500 - Douglas Scott (UBC): The Standard Cosmological Model (physics colloquium)
2007-10-23 14:30 in SSB7172 - Wan-Il Park (KAIST): A scenario of baryogenesis compatible with thermal inflation, and preheating
2007-10-30 14:30 in SSB7172 - Alessandra Silvestri (Syracuse University): Scale-dependent growth of structure in viable f(R) theories
2007-11-13 14:30 in SSB7172 - Gong-Bo Zhao (SFU): Dark energy perturbation and its application on cosmology
2007-11-29 14:30 in IRMACS - Henk Hoekstra (University of Victoria): Weak lensing by large scale structure
2008-01-15 12:30 in IRMACS - Mustafa Amin (Stanford/KIPAC): A framework for probing gravity and dark energy on cosmological scales
2008-01-22 12:30 in IRMACS - Richard Battye (University of Manchester): Constraints on inflation models which predict cosmic strings
2008-01-24 13:30 in SSB7172 - John Moffat (University of Toronto/Perimeter): Modified gravity and its consequences for astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology
2008-01-31 13:00 in AQ4150 - Saurya Das (University of Lethbridge): Black holes and the problem of information loss (CAP Lecture)
2008-02-05 12:30 in IRMACS - Aaron Berndsen (SFU): Long-lived relics in warped reheating
2008-02-07 10:30 in IRMACS - Scott Dodelson (Fermilab): Dark matter vs. modified gravity
2008-02-07 13:30 in SSB7172 - Scott Dodelson (Fermilab): Fundamental physics from space (special colloquium)
2008-02-22 14:30 in AQ3181 - Andrei Frolov (SFU): Simulating the Big Bang (physics colloquium)
2008-03-28 14:30 in AQ3181 - Alexander Vilenkin (Tufts University): Many worlds in one (physics colloquium)
2008-04-01 12:30 in IRMACS - James Zibin (UBC): Restraining void models for cosmological acceleration
2008-05-13 11:00 in P8445B - Mark Wyman (Perimeter Institute): N-body Degravitation
2008-08-14 11:00 in SSB7109 - Prashanth Jaikumar (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT, India): Astrophysics of dense quark matter

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Modified by Andrei Frolov <> on 2023-11-01