Simon Fraser University
SFU Cosmology Seminars

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Thursday, 14 August 2008, 11:00 in SSB7109

Dr. Prashanth Jaikumar (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT, India)

Astrophysics of dense quark matter

I will discuss the nature and possible consequences of phases of dense quark matter in neutron stars. After a brief summary of recent theoretical advances in this field, I will emphasize connections to observations of neutrino cooling, r-mode instabilities (gravitational waves) and heavy-element nucleosynthesis.

Seminars in 2007:

2007-10-05 14:30 in K9500 - Douglas Scott (UBC): The Standard Cosmological Model (physics colloquium)
2007-10-23 14:30 in SSB7172 - Wan-Il Park (KAIST): A scenario of baryogenesis compatible with thermal inflation, and preheating
2007-10-30 14:30 in SSB7172 - Alessandra Silvestri (Syracuse University): Scale-dependent growth of structure in viable f(R) theories
2007-11-13 14:30 in SSB7172 - Gong-Bo Zhao (SFU): Dark energy perturbation and its application on cosmology
2007-11-29 14:30 in IRMACS - Henk Hoekstra (University of Victoria): Weak lensing by large scale structure
2008-01-15 12:30 in IRMACS - Mustafa Amin (Stanford/KIPAC): A framework for probing gravity and dark energy on cosmological scales
2008-01-22 12:30 in IRMACS - Richard Battye (University of Manchester): Constraints on inflation models which predict cosmic strings
2008-01-24 13:30 in SSB7172 - John Moffat (University of Toronto/Perimeter): Modified gravity and its consequences for astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology
2008-01-31 13:00 in AQ4150 - Saurya Das (University of Lethbridge): Black holes and the problem of information loss (CAP Lecture)
2008-02-05 12:30 in IRMACS - Aaron Berndsen (SFU): Long-lived relics in warped reheating
2008-02-07 10:30 in IRMACS - Scott Dodelson (Fermilab): Dark matter vs. modified gravity
2008-02-07 13:30 in SSB7172 - Scott Dodelson (Fermilab): Fundamental physics from space (special colloquium)
2008-02-22 14:30 in AQ3181 - Andrei Frolov (SFU): Simulating the Big Bang (physics colloquium)
2008-03-28 14:30 in AQ3181 - Alexander Vilenkin (Tufts University): Many worlds in one (physics colloquium)
2008-04-01 12:30 in IRMACS - James Zibin (UBC): Restraining void models for cosmological acceleration
2008-05-13 11:00 in P8445B - Mark Wyman (Perimeter Institute): N-body Degravitation
2008-08-14 11:00 in SSB7109 - Prashanth Jaikumar (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT, India): Astrophysics of dense quark matter

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Modified by Andrei Frolov <> on 2023-11-01