Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I participate in research? 

At the Grow to Care Lab, our objective is to provide families with scientific insights to promote social and emotional development and wellbeing. By participating in our research, you help us gather data that can lead to more effective strategies, interventions and resources for families, educators and healthcare professionals. Your involvement directly supports the development of evidence-based tools that can make a lasting impact on the wellbeing of children. Plus, by participating you may gain personalized insights about yourself and/or your child's development along the way! 

How long do research studies usually last?

At the Grow to Care Lab, we use a diverse range of formats and methods to conduct our research that vary in length and commitment. Every study is designed uniquely! Some studies may entail a one-time in-person visit that ranges from 60-120 minutes, some are an online interview through Zoom, and others may be a two-part mix of both. We try our best to accomodate the diverse needs and preferences of those interested in participating. Before you agree to participate, you will be fully informed about the time commitment needed and can decide beforehand if the study is the right fit for you. 

Can I leave the study after I've agreed to participate? 

Yes, your participation is entirely voluntary. You can withdraw from the study at any time, without any penalty or impact on your wellbeing. With every study, you will always have the option to take breaks or stop the session entirely if you feel uncomfortable at any point. 

Will my personal information be kept private?

Yes, all personal information you provide throughout your participation is kept confidential. Your privacy is protected by strict ethical guidelines, and your identity will not be disclosed unless required by law. All data collected from our participants is anonymized and de-identified. During the consent process, you will be given the option to consent to having your data shared at scientific conferences (for the purpose of demonstrating our phenomena with with the scientific community), or having your data used for future unspecified research. This is completely optional, and choosing not to provide consent for data sharing or future research will not impact your ability to participate in the study.

When are breaches to my privacy justified?

If it is suspected that you or your child are experiencing maltreatment or abuse, we are required by law to report this. Depending on the severity, we have a duty to report signs of maltreatment or abuse to our research ethics department, 911 and/or child welfare services. 

Will I be compensated for my participation?

Yes, you and your child will always be compensated for your participation as a token of appreciation for your commitment. Compensation varies by study and is determined by level of involvement, level of risk, and duration of study. 

What are the risks of participating in a research study?

Risk of participation varies by study. However, you will be fully informed of the risks and benefits of participating before you agree to participate and will be able to make your decision according to your comfort levels. While participating, if you are experiencing any discomfort, you can take breaks as needed and you retain the option to withdraw from the study at any point. 

Can my child or I participate in a study if we have a neurodivergent condition?

At the Grow to Care Lab, we strive to make our research studies inclusive and accessible to individuals with diverse needs and conditions. As each study is designed differently, some studies may be more suitable than others for individuals with specific neurological and cognitive profiles. For instance, studies that rely heavily on visual or auditory stimuli may not be the best option for individuals with visual or auditory impairments. Our eligibility criteria for each study will help you identify whether this study is appropriate for yourself and/or your child. If you are unsure whether a study is suitable for you or your child or have specific need or accomodation requests, please reach out to us. We are happy to discuss how we can make the study environment more comfortable for you.