Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
SAS Companion for the Microsoft Windows Environment

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named pipes
connecting to next client "Using Named Pipes"
connecting to next client "Using Named Pipes"
in SCL
NOBLOCK option
one client, one server
one server, several clients
waiting for data
NAMEPIPE option, FILENAME statement
national characters, in external files
native data files
native library engines
network considerations
network performance
networks, error messages for
New Library dialog box
New Library dialog box, opening
NEWS system option
_NEW_ method
NOBLOCK option
FILE statement
FILENAME statement
%INCLUDE statement
INFILE statement
named pipes
NODMS system option
NOTAB option
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)
FILE statement
FILENAME statement
%INCLUDE statement
INFILE statement
Notes ODBC driver
NOTREQD attribute
NUM attribute
numeric variables, length and precision
NUMKEYS system option
NUMMOUSEKEYS system option

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