Attachment Theory
- UIC Attachment, Cognition, and Personality Lab: Chris Fraley
- UMASS Adult Attachment Lab: Paula Pietromonaco
- UMN Social Interaction Lab: Jeff Simpson
- UCD Adult Attachment Lab: Phil Shaver
- SUNY, Stony Brook: Joanne Davila
- International Attachment Network
Romantic Relationships
- SUNY, Stony Brook: Joanne Davila
- The Family Institute at Northwestern University: Erika Lawrence
- UCLA Marriage Lab: Thomas Bradbury & Benjamin Karney
- Binghamton Marital Research Project: Matthew Johnson
- Texas A&M: Doug Snyder
- UTK Gordon Couples Research Lab: Kristina Coop-Gordon
- UNH Family Research Lab: Murray Straus
- PREP: Howard Markman & Scott Stanley
- The Center for Marital and Family Studies: Howard Markman and Scott Stanley
Sexuality and Sexual Health
- The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS
- Society for Sex Therapy and Research (SSTAR)
- The Canadian Sex Research Forum (CSRF)
- UBC Sexual Health Laboratory
- Sex and Psychology
Professional Associations
- The Canadian Psychological Association
- The American Psychological Association
- The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
- ABCT Couples SIG
- Society for Personality and Social Psychology
- International Association for Relationship Research
- Society for Sex Therapy and Research
- Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality
- Canadian Sex Research Forum