From the Sensorimotor Neuroscience Lab:
- Nikmanesh M, Cinelli ME, Marigold DS. Space matters: virtual pedestrians with mobility constraints affect individuals' avoidance behaviours.
- Nikmanesh M, Cinelli ME, Marigold DS. Identifying factors that contribute to collision avoidance behaviours while walking in a natural environment. Sci Rep 15:3530, 2025.
- da Eira Silva V, Marigold DS. The interplay between motor cost and self-efficacy related to walking across terrain in gaze and walkind decisions. Sci Rep 14:31040, 2024.
- da Eira Silva V, Marigold DS. Fork in the road: how self-efficacy related to walking across terrain influences gaze behavior and path choice. J Vis 24:7, 1-17, 2024.
- Lang-Hodge AM, Cooke DF, Marigold DS. The effects of prior exposure to prism lenses on de novo motor skill learning. PLoS ONE 18(10):e0292518, 2023.
- Bakkum A, Marigold DS. Learning from the physical consequences of our actions improves motor memory. eNeuro 9: ENEURO.0459-21.2022, 2022.
- Bakkum A, Donelan JM, Marigold DS. Savings in sensorimotor learning during balance-challenged walking but not reaching. J Neurophysiol 125: 2384-2396, 2021.
- Domínguez-Zamora FJ, Marigold DS. Motives driving gaze and walking decisions. Curr Biol 31: 1632-1642, 2021.
- Bakkum A, Gunn SM, Marigold DS. How aging affects visuomotor adaptation and retention in a precision walking paradigm. Sci Rep 11: 789, 2021.
- Piccolo C, Bakkum A, Marigold DS. Subthreshold stochastic vestibular stimulation affects balance-challenged standing and walking. PLoS ONE 15(4):e0231334, 2020.
- Bakkum A, Donelan JM, Marigold DS. Challenging balance during sensorimotor adaptation increases generalization. J Neurophysiol 123: 1342-1354, 2020.
- Domínguez-Zamora FJ, Lajoie K, Miller AB, Marigold DS. Age-related changes in gaze sampling strategies during obstacle navigation. Gait Posture 76: 252-258, 2020.
- Gunn SM, Lajoie K, Zebehazy KT, Strath RA, Neima DR, Marigold DS. Mobility-related gaze training in individuals with glaucoma: a proof-of-concept study. Transl Vis Sci Technol 8(5):23, 2019.
- Domínguez-Zamora FJ, Marigold DS. Motor cost affects the decision of when to shift gaze for guiding movement. J Neurophysiol 122: 378-388, 2019.
- Domínguez-Zamora FJ, Gunn SM, Marigold DS. Adaptive gaze strategies to reduce environmental uncertainty during a sequential visuomotor behaviour. Sci Rep 8: 14112, 2018.
- Maeda RS, McGee SE, Marigold DS. Long-term retention and reconsolidation of a visuomotor memory. Neurobiol Learn Mem 155: 313-321, 2018.
- Lajoie K, Miller AB, Strath RA, Neima DR, Marigold DS. Glaucoma-related differences in gaze behavior when negotiating obstacles. Transl Vis Sci Technol 7(4):10, 2018.
- Miller AB, Lajoie K, Strath RA, Neima DR, Marigold DS. Coordination of gaze behavior and foot placement during walking in persons with glaucoma. J Glaucoma 27: 55-63, 2018.
- McGowan K, Gunn SM, Vorobeychik G, Marigold DS. Short-term motor learning and retention during visually guided walking in persons with multiple sclerosis. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 31: 648-656, 2017.
- Marigold DS, Chang AJ, Lajoie K. Cutaneous reflex modulation during obstacle avoidance under conditions of normal and degraded visual input. Exp Brain Res 235: 2483-2493, 2017.
- Maeda RS, O'Connor SM, Donelan JM, Marigold DS. Foot placement relies on state estimation during visually guided walking. J Neurophysiol 117: 480-491, 2017.
- Maeda RS, McGee SE, Marigold DS. Consolidation of visuomotor adaptation memory with consistent and noisy environments. J Neurophysiol 117: 316-326, 2017.
- Alexander MS, Lajoie K, Neima DR, Strath RA, Robinovitch SN, Marigold DS. Effects of macular degeneration and ambient light on curb negotiation. Optom Vis Sci 91: 975-989, 2014.
- Alexander MS, Lajoie K, Neima DR, Strath RA, Robinovitch SN, Marigold DS. Effect of ambient light and macular degeneration on precision walking. Optom Vis Sci 91: 990-999, 2014.
- Ruff CR, Miller AB, Delva ML, Lajoie K, Marigold DS. Modification of cutaneous reflexes during visually guided walking. J Neurophysiol 111: 379-393, 2014.
- Alexander MS, Flodin BW, Marigold DS. Changes in task parameters during walking prism adaptation influence the subsequent generalization pattern. J Neurophysiol 109: 2495-2504, 2013.
- Lajoie K, Bloomfield LW, Nelson FJ, Suh JJ, Marigold DS. The contribution of vision, proprioception, and efference copy in storing a neural representation for guiding trail leg trajectory over an obstacle. J Neurophysiol 107: 2283-2293, 2012.
- Alexander MS, Flodin BW, Marigold DS. Prism adaptation and generalization during visually guided locomotor tasks. J Neurophysiol 106: 860-871, 2011.
Review Articles:
- Lajoie K, Marigold DS, Valdés BA, Menon C. The potential of noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation for optimizing and assisting human performance. Neuropsychologia 152: 107751, 2021.
- Marigold DS. Working memory: why you didn't trip on that rock. Curr Biol 29: R25-R27, 2019.
- Drew T, Marigold DS. Taking the next step: cortical contributions to the control of locomotion. Curr Opin Neurobiol 33: 25-33, 2015.
- Marigold DS, Andujar J-E, Lajoie K, Drew T. Motor planning of locomotor adaptations on the basis of vision: the role of the posterior parietal cortex. Prog Brain Res 188: 83-100, 2011.
- Marigold DS, Misiaszek JE. Whole-body responses: neural control and implications for rehabilitation and fall prevention. Neuroscientist 15: 36-46, 2009.
- Marigold DS. Role of peripheral visual cues in online visual guidance of locomotion. Exerc Sport Sci Rev 36: 145-151, 2008.
Other Research by Dr. Marigold:
- Shishov N, Komisar V, Marigold DS, Blouin J-S, Robinovitch SN. Interactions during falls with environmental objects: evidence from real-life falls in long-term care captured on video. BMC Geriatr 24: 726, 2024.
- Malik RN, Marigold DS, Chow M, Lam T. Probing the deployment of peripheral visual attention during obstacle-crossing planning. Front Hum Neurosci 16:1039201, 2022.
- Valdés BA, Lajoie K, Marigold DS, Menon C. Cortical effects of noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Sensors 21: 1476, 2021.
- Marigold DS, Lajoie K, Heed T. No effect of triple-pulse TMS medial to intraparietal sulcus on online correction for target perturbations during goal-directed hand and foot reaches. PLoS ONE 14(10):e0223986, 2019.
- Marigold DS, Drew T. Posterior parietal cortex estimates the relationship between object and body location during locomotion. eLife 6:e28143, 2017.
- Sarraf TA, Marigold DS, Robinovitch SN. Maintaining standing balance by handrail grasping. Gait Posture 39: 258-264, 2014.
- Marigold DS, Drew T. Contribution of cells in the posterior parietal cortex to the planning of visually guided locomotion in the cat: effects of temporary visual interruption. J Neurophysiol 105: 2457-2470, 2011.
- Marigold DS, Patla AE. Visual information from the lower visual field is important for walking across multi-surface terrain. Exp Brain Res 188: 23-31, 2008.
- Marigold DS, Patla AE. Age-related changes in gait for multi-surface terrain. Gait Posture 27: 689-696, 2008.
- van der Linden MH, Marigold DS, Gabreëls FJM, Duysens J. Muscle reflexes and synergies triggered by an unexpected support surface height during walking. J Neurophysiol 97: 3639-3650, 2007.
- Marigold DS, Patla AE. Gaze fixation patterns for negotiating complex ground terrain. Neuroscience 144: 302-313, 2007.
- Marigold DS, Weerdesteyn V, Patla AE, Duysens J. Keep looking ahead? Re-direction of visual fixation does not always occur during an unpredictable obstacle avoidance task. Exp Brain Res 176: 32-42, 2007.
- Marigold DS, Eng JJ. Altered timing of postural reflexes contributes to falling in persons with chronic stroke. Exp Brain Res 171: 459-468, 2006.
- Marigold DS, Eng JJ. The relationship of asymmetric weight-bearing with postural sway and visual reliance in stroke. Gait Posture 23: 249-255, 2006.
- Marigold DS, Patla AE. Adapting locomotion to different surface compliances: neuromuscular responses and changes in movement dynamics. J Neurophysiol 94: 1733-1750, 2005.
- Marigold DS, Eng JJ, Dawson AS, Inglis JT, Harris JE, Gylfadottir S. Exercise leads to faster postural reflexes, improved balance and mobility, and fewer falls in older persons with chronic stroke. J Am Geriatr Soc 53: 416-423, 2005.
- Harris JE, Eng JJ, Marigold DS, Tokuno CD, Louis CL. Relationship of balance and mobility to fall incidence in people with chronic stroke. Phys Ther 85: 150-158, 2005.
- Marigold DS, Eng JJ, Inglis JT. Modulation of ankle muscle postural reflexes in stroke: influence of weight-bearing load. Clin Neurophysiol 115: 2789-2797, 2004.
- Marigold DS, Eng JJ, Tokuno CD, Donnelly CA. Contribution of muscle strength and integration of afferent input to postural instability in persons with stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 18: 222-229, 2004.
- Marigold DS, Bethune AJ, Patla AE. Role of the unperturbed limb and arms in the reactive recovery responses to an unexpected slip during locomotion. J Neurophysiol 89: 1727-1737, 2003.
- Marigold DS, Patla AE. Strategies for dynamic stability during locomotion on a slippery surface: effects of prior experience and knowledge. J Neurophysiol 88: 339-353, 2002.