Beedie Abroad Network (BAN) Leads

The Beedie Abroad Network (BAN) Mentorship Program provides social and cultural programming, academic mentorship and peer-to-peer support for Inbound Exchange students in the Business Program. SFU Beedie Leads are matched with inbound students, run on and off campus activities and attend OIP events. There are also opportunities to connect with SFU Beedie students nominated for exchange. Leadership positions are available: BAN Program Managers design and run larger activities with a group of BAN Leads, plan monthly meetings and support with the overall communication and programming.

For position details and to learn how to apply:

Go to Beedie Abroad Network found on

Type: Volunteer
Campus: Burnaby

Hiring period: Ongoing

Start date: Beginning of Fall or Spring semester
Application deadline: See webpage for application deadlines.