nora and ted sterling prize

Nomination Process

The Nora and Ted Sterling Prize in Support of Controversy looks for candidates who are doing work that challenges complacency.  Whether you’re a student, a staff member, an academic at SFU, or a member of the community at large, the recipient is selected for decidedly unconventional and distinctly untraditional work that provokes a wide audience. 

In addition to a $5,000 cash award, the winner has the opportunity to present a public lecture, performance, or exhibition of their work, followed by an award ceremony. This event takes place in the fall and is typically well attended by members of the public, colleagues, academics, staff, and students. Media coverage for the recipient provides further exposure for their work.

2025 Competition: Key Dates
Nomination Deadline February 15th, 2025 11:59 PM 
Results Announced End of May 2025
Submit Nomination Please submit your nomination through our intake form,including the nominee's work in an uploadable document, links to their website and publications, as well as any additional materials or media that demonstrate the impactful and provocative nature of their work. 

*In a year in which the committee fails to find a suitable candidate, it may decline to award the prize. However, no more than one prize should be awarded in any one year.


The Sterling Prize may be given for work in any field, including—but not limited to—the fine arts, the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and education. The primary aim of the Sterling Prize is to recognize and encourage daring, creative, controversial, unconventional and non-traditional work that also meets high standards and is morally and ethically sound.

The Prize may be awarded to a person unconnected to Simon Fraser University if the candidate’s contribution has been of exceptional merit and the award to her or him reflects favourably on Simon Fraser University.

In a year in which the Committee fails to find a suitable candidate, it may decline to award the Prize. However, no more than one prize should be awarded in any one year.


If you have questions, please email the Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic at

How to Submit Nominations


Nomination Intake Form