Krystal Glowatski
PhD Student
Krystal Glowatski
PhD Student
- Saywell Hall 10216
Areas of interest
Police perceptions of justice paradigms, participatory action research, indirect victims of crime, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Krystal Glowatski is a PhD student in the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University. With a focus on restorative justice, she completed both her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology, and her Master of Arts in Justice Studies at the University of Regina, in Regina Saskatchewan. Throughout her Master’s and PhD, Krystal has worked on a number of research projects with colleagues and for the Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice. She is the project manager for Dr. Michelle Stewart at the University of Regina, focusing on justice as it relates to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. She also recently co-founded and is co-director of Adjust Consulting, Ltd. which delivers policy, research, evaluation, training and education on cognitive disabilities, mental health, trauma, child welfare, decolonization, justice (criminal, social, and restorative), stigma and shame, and community building.
Current Research: Indirect Victims of Crime and Restorative Justice
Krystal’s research interests primarily revolve around restorative justice. The passion she has for this subject matter are rooted in both personal and intellectual motivations. Her Master’s research examined police perceptions of justice paradigms and how those perceptions impact officer use of discretion with young offenders. In 2017, she published from the data she collected for the Master’s, alongside her Master’s supervisor Dr. Nicholas Jones, and Dr. Nicholas Carleton both from the University of Regina.
Krystal’s PhD research examines the experience of being related to an offender, the lack of resources and supports for this population, and possible services and interventions to assist in healing after the criminal actions of a relative. Through preliminary studies, it has been discovered that this is a drastically under-studied social issue, and one that begs attention to address the ripples of harm that crime causes. Recently teaming up with author and speaker Shannon Moroney, they will together host a pilot program retreat in Fall 2019, bringing together people with this shared life experience with the aim of developing sustainable, long-term support for relational victims.
Outside of her PhD research, Krystal also does work in the area of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and justice. She is well versed in various methodologies, including but not limited to: surveys, interviews, focus groups, photovoice, arts-based methodologies, and participant action research.
Selected Publications
Glowatski, K., Jones, N. A., & Carleton, N. R. (2017) Bridging police and communities through relationship: the importance of a theoretical foundation for restorative policing, Restorative Justice, 5(2), 267-292.
Stewart, M. & Glowatski, K. (2014). Front-Line Police Perceptions of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in a Canadian Province. The Police Journal, 87(1), 17-27.
Spring 2025
This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.