Simon Fraser University

What is Online Learning?

Online learning is an umbrella term that describes learning done at a computer which is usually connected to a network. Also referred to as distance education or eLearning, courses that are offered online do not require participants to be in a specific place for most or all of the duration of the course. Though there are deadlines, participants can work with course materials at their own convenience and they can work collaboratively on class projects using discussion groups (also called conferencing).


Online learning is similar to any other form of education, and it is widely accepted that online learning can be as rich and as valuable as the classroom experience or even more so. Instructional design for online learning has been perfected and refined over many years using established teaching principles, with many benefits to students.


The Certificate in Web-Based Instruction (CWI) program is conducted entirely online over a 24-week period. Participants are required to participate in weekly discussions but may do so on their own time. For example, discussion postings and responses for Module 1 may be due on a given Sunday, but participants are free to make their postings at any time up until the due date.


Online learning is very convenient for those with busy work schedules or who live in remote locations. However, online learning should not be mistaken for an "easy" course: it is as rigorous and demanding as any face-to-face class. Check the Is online learning for me? page to find out if you are suited to this type of learning.