Graduate Caucus

Gerontology Graduate Caucus (GGC)

The Gerontology Graduate Caucus (GGC) is the graduate student organization of the Department of Gerontology at Simon Fraser University. The GGC represents Gerontology graduate students in discussion of academic and intellectual issues at both the departmental and university level. The GGC also promotes career opportunities in Gerontology and organizes social and recreational activities for Gerontology graduate students. The GGC is a member of the Simon Fraser Student Society and maintains an active relationship with the Canadian Association on Gerontology Student Connection – Connection Étudiante. Some of the current projects of the GGC include coordination of social and networking events including the annual GGC Career Night. Look for upcoming articles and announcements from the GGC in future newsletters.

If you would like to learn more about us, please contact the GGC Chair, Shawna Hopper at

GGC Team

Shawna Hopper | Chair

Esther Yuwono | Vice Chair

Andrea Wadman | Treasurer

Margaret Ovenell | Secretary & TSSU Representative

Ziying Zhang | Social Events Coordinator

Boah Kim | Member at-large