Simon Fraser University
SFU Cosmology Seminars

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Wednesday, 22 September 2010, 14:00 in P8445A

Prof. Wolfgang Rau (Queen's University)

Dark matter search with CDMS and SuperCDMS

Even though we know about its existence since more than 3/4 of a century, we have yet to unveil the nature of the Dark Matter which dominates the matter content of the Universe. The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment (CDMS) employs cryogenic germanium detectors to identify direct interactions of Weakly Interacting Massive dark matter Particles (WIMPs) with ordinary matter. These detectors are well adapted to discriminate the abundant background radiation from the rare nuclear recoils expected from WIMP interactions. After a short introduction we will discuss the latest results from CDMS as well as plans for the next phase, SuperCDMS, which started at the CDMS location in northern Minnesota, but is expected to eventually move to SNOLAB, the new Canadian underground laboratory near Sudbury, ON.

Seminars in 2010:

2010-09-14 14:00 in P8445B - Stephane Coutu (PennState): Highest energy physics with the Pierre Auger Observatory
2010-09-22 14:00 in P8445A - Wolfgang Rau (Queen's University): Dark matter search with CDMS and SuperCDMS
2010-10-19 14:00 in P8445B - Adam Moss (UBC): Precision cosmology defeats void models for acceleration
2010-11-09 14:00 in P8445B - Cosimo Bambi (IPMU): Accretion process in Kerr space-time with arbitrary value of the spin parameter
2010-12-07 14:00 in P8445B - Kris Starosta (SFU): Shell structure of nuclei and evolution of the Universe
2011-01-14 15:30 in AQ3154 - John Mather (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center): James Webb Space Telescope: Progress and scientific promise (physics colloquium)
2011-03-01 14:00 in P8445B - Ed Copeland (University of Nottingham): Scaling solutions in cosmology
2011-03-04 15:30 in B9201 - Ed Copeland (University of Nottingham): Models of dark energy (physics colloquium)
2011-03-15 14:00 in P8445B - Lam Hui (Columbia University): Bubble collisions in the early universe
2011-03-18 15:30 in B9201 - Lam Hui (Columbia University): Equivalence principle and cosmic acceleration (physics colloquium)

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