When Things Go Wrong

“When Things Go Wrong: Accidents and the Legacy of the Mao Era in Today’s China,” in Perry Link, Richard Madsen, and Paul G. Pickowicz, eds., Restless China (Rowman & Littlefield, 2013), 11–36.

Page Number: 14
Footnote Number: 13
Content: 天津市人民政府劳动局 函, January 26, 1951. The reporting regulations, including the requirement to inform superiors about a major accident within thirty minutes, were circulated nationwide in RMRB, May 4, 1950, 1.

Page Number: 14
Footnote Number: 14
Content: 湖北省襄樊市革命委员会生产指挥组文件,关于进一步做好职工伤亡事故统计工作的通知 [Circular on improving the compilation of statistics about worker accident injuries and deaths], December 18, 1970, circulated by Hubei sheng Xiangfan shi geming weiyuanhui shengchan zhihuizu on April 18, 1971, AC.

Page Number: 16
Footnote Number: 19
Content: 江西省革命委员会文件,批转省交通局、省公安局《关于“赣忠”号客轮发生沉没重大事故的初步调查报告》 [Transmitting the provincial Transport Bureau and Public Safety Bureau's "Preliminary investigation report on the 'Ganzhong' passenger boat sinking major accident"], Gangefa [1974] 54 hao, August 17, 1974.

Page Number: 22
Footnote Number: 50
Content: 广西区党委文件,批转柳州地区四清总团党委 关于鹿寨县丹竹公社发生沉船淹死十三人的严重事故的报告 [Transmitting the Liuzhou district Four Cleanups headquarters party committee's report about a serious accident in Danzhu commune, Luzhai county, in which a boat sank and thirteen people drowned], Guifa [66] 37 hao, March 12, 1966.