Sean Tok (September 2022 - Present)

Sean joined the lab in September 2022 and is currently working on modulating GABAergic cells in the thalamic reticular nucleus in order to modulate sleep in mouse models of Alzheimer’s Disease. This study looks at increasing the amount of certain phases of sleep using optogenetics and chemogenetics. Sean is also currently involved in investigating the epileptiform sequelae of Traumatic Brain Injury, along with Victoria Carraquiriborde. In addition, Sean is involved in prototyping and developing scientific equipment, such as stereotactic injectors, sleep deprivation devices, etc.

Sean’s research interests include sleep physiology, epileptogenesis, immunohistology, neurogenesis, chronobiology, pathophysiology, electrophysiology, neuroinflammation, Alzheimer’s Disease, drug development, and programming (R, MATLAB). During his spare time, Sean is (usually) busy prototyping (3D printing/AutoCAD, laser cutting) new equipment or programming stuff in R (or MATLAB) and learning machine learning. Sean joined the lab in order to develop his skillsets in sleep biology and expand upon translational opportunities relating to sleep in Alzheimer’s Disease.


Building computers (trying to make a homelab), plating food (Instagram account for delicious food pics), cooking food, programming, gaming, building stuff (Arduino, etc.)

Recent Studies:

ORCID Profile

Arman Virk (January 2022 - December 2023)

Arman is an undergraduate student majoring in Behavioural Neuroscience. He joined the Translational Neuroscience Lab in January 2022 through a co-op opportunity to work on the Motor Learning Project. He has always been fascinated with the brain and how it controls so many important and complex processes. His interest areas in research include neurorehabilitation, circadian rhythms, as well as sleep. Arman is excited to be a part of the TNL team and to have the opportunity to further his neuroscience knowledge while playing a role in the research process.

Vanessa Salzano (August 2022 - December 2023)

Vanessa is an undergraduate student majoring in Behavioural Neuroscience. She joined the lab in August 2022 as a research assistant. Vanessa is fascinated by the intricacies of the brain. She is interested in learning more about the effect of neurological disorders on behaviour. Her research interests include mental health, cognition, and language control. Vanessa is excited to further her education in the TNL and be a part of something impactful!