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Maryam Sadeghi, Tim Lee, Harvey Lui, David McLean, M. Stella Atkins , “Automatic detection and analysis of dermoscopic structures on dermoscopy images” , 22nd World Congress of Dermatology 2011, Seoul, South Korea, (GOLD Award winner among more than 2400 submissions in wcd2011 held every 4 years.)
P. Wighton, H. Lui, D. McLean, M.S. Atkins and T.K. Lee. Learning from Dermoscopy Experts. 22nd World Congress of Dermatology, Seoul, Korea, May 2011.
S. KhakAbiMamaghani, T.K. Lee, D. McLean, H. Lui, and M.S. Atkins. Is border irregularity useful for melanoma diagnosis?, 22nd World Congress of Dermatology, Seoul, Korea, May 2011.
P. Wighton, T.K. Lee, H. Lui, D.L. McLean and M.S. Atkins. Generalizing common tasks in automated skin lesion diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine, 11 pages in press, 2011. (pdf)
P Wighton, T.K. Lee, D. McLean, H. Lui and M.S. Atkins. Chromatic Aberration Correction – An Enhancement to the Calibration of Low Cost Digital Dermoscopes. Skin Research and Technology, 17(2): 1-9, May 2011. (pdf)
Maryam Sadeghi, Tim Lee, Harvey Lui, David McLean, M. Stella Atkins, “Automated Detection and Analysis of Dermoscopic Structures on Dermoscopy Images”, Accepted for ACM Student Research Competition, Grace Hopper Celebration, November 2011, Oregon, USA.
Maryam Sadeghi, Tim Lee, Harvey Lui, David McLean, M. Stella Atkins, “Modeling the Dermoscopic Structure Pigment Network Using a Clinically Inspired Feature Set”, Grace Hopper Celebration, November 2011, Oregon, USA.
Maryam Sadeghi, Tim K. Lee, Harvey Lui, David McLean, and M. Stella Atkins, “Automated Detection and Analysis of Dermoscopic Structures on Dermoscopy Images”, Annual UBC and CIHR Skin Research Day, Canada, March 2011
Maryam Sadeghi, Tim Lee, Stella Atkins, “Modeling the dermoscopic structure pigment network using a clinically inspired feature set for skin cancer diagnosis”, The Annual Cancer Care Conference 2010, BC Cancer Agency, November 2010.
Maryam Sadeghi, Tim Lee, M. Stella Atkins, ”A novel method for detection and classification of pigment network in dermoscopic images”, Pan American Society for Pigment Cell Research 2010 Annual Conference PASPCR2010, Vancouver, Canada, September 30 – October 2, 2010.
Maryam Sadeghi, Majid Razmara, Tim K. Lee and M. Stella Atkins, “A novel method for detection of pigment network in dermoscopic images using graphs”, Special Issue: Skin Cancer Imaging Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics Journal, in press, 2010. (pdf)
Maryam Sadeghi, Majid Razmara, Paul Wighton, Tim K. Lee and M. Stella Atkins, “Modeling the Dermoscopic Structure Pigment Network Using a Clinically Inspired Feature Set”, to appear in The 5th International Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality, MIAR 2010, September 19-20, Beijing, China 2010. (pdf)
Maryam Sadeghi, Majid Razmara, Paul Wighton, Tim K. Lee and M. Stella Atkins, “A Novel Method for Detection and Classification of Pigment Networks in Dermoscopic Images”, presented in Annual UBC and CIHR Skin Research Day, Canada, 20 March 2010.
M. Sadeghi, M. Razmara, M. Ester, T.K. Lee and M.S. Atkins. Graph-based Pigment Network Detection in Skin Images. Proceedings of the SPIE-Medical Imaging 2010 Vol 7623, Feb. 2010. (pdf) (ppt)
N. Nguyen, T.K. Lee and M.S. Atkins. Segmentation of light and dark hair in dermoscopic images: a hybrid approach using a universal kernel. Proceedings of the SPIE-Medical Imaging 2010 Vol 7623, Feb. 2010. (pdf)
M. Sadeghi, G. Tien, G. Hamarneh and M.S. Atkins. Hands-free Interactive Image Segmentation Using Eyegaze. Proceedings of the SPIE-Medical Imaging 2009 Vol. 7260, Feb. 2009. (pdf)
P. Wighton, M. Sadeghi, T.K. Lee and M.S. Atkins. A Fully Automatic Random Walker Segmentation for Skin Lesions in a Supervised Setting. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions – MICCAI 2009, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Sept. 2009. (pdf)
Maryam Sadeghi, Tim K. Lee and M. Stella Atkins, “Skin lesion segmentation using the Gray-conversion by a customized colormap”, presented in Annual UBC and CIHR Skin Research Day, Canada, 2009.
P. Wighton, T.K. Lee and M.S. Atkins. Dermascopic hair disocclusion using inpainting. Proceedings of the SPIE-Medical Imaging 2008 Vol. 6914:691427, Feb. 2008. (pdf)
P. Wighton, T.K. Lee, D. McLean, H. Lui and M.S. Atkins. Existence and perception of textural information predictive of atypical nevi--preliminary insights. Proceedings of the SPIE-Medical Imaging 2008 Vol. 6917:69170H, Feb. 2008 (nominated for the best paper award). (pdf)
P. Wighton, M.S. Atkins and T.K. Lee. The perception of texture in skin lesions. Presented at the XII conference on Medical Image Perception Society, Iowa City, Oct. 2007.
T.K. Lee, M.S. Atkins, M. A King, S. Lau, and D.I. McLean. Counting Moles Automatically From Back Images. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,, 52(11):1966-1969, Nov. 2005. (pdf)
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Last updated: May 4, 2010