Provost and VP Academic

Call for members of the Faculty Engagement Working Group

April 04, 2024

Faculty are central to the university’s academic mission and success by delivering and supporting leading-edge research and teaching the leaders of tomorrow.

Over the past few years, SFU has received feedback and made commitments to advance opportunities to foster an environment where people can do their best work.

Part of this includes developing a working group dedicated to engaging faculty and their unique role in order to better inform long-term actions.

As part of SFU’s People Plan, the Faculty Engagement Working Group will provide recommendations for positively impacting the SFU experience for faculty members. The focus will be on improving academic leadership development by establishing a more cohesive understanding of faculty roles at the university. 

This group will consist of 11 members, including faculty and staff from areas involved in the faculty life cycle such as research, faculty relations and people, equity and inclusion. During the inaugural term, the group will be co-chaired by an Associate Dean and Executive Director of Faculty Relations. Members will serve a two-year term from April 2024 to March 2026 and will meet once per academic term in person on Burnaby campus. Recommendations from the working group will be shared with SFU’s Executive Team.

We invite interested SFU faculty members to submit a brief Expression of Interest to join the Faculty Engagement Working Group. To apply, please complete the Expression of Interest survey by April 22.
